Company: Link Technologies
Case No: L10476. Project: 10.10: LinkSOFT Version 10.1
Logged By: Aarti Pooja Gayaneshwar (Link Business Solutions) on 19 Sep 2019 08:55AM
Priority: High
Product: Point of Sale
Group: Software Defect
Time Taken: 3.50 (Weight: 3.50)
Version: 10.155.0117
Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies)
Circulation: Aarti Pooja Gayaneshwar, Alvis, Rashna, Sanjay
Resolve By: Saturday, 15 June 2019 12:00 AM [1816 days since logged date]
Status: Closed
Subject: System takes alot of time to process account payment

Bula Vinaka Team,

There is an issue in Laucala Bay Pharmacy, where the system takes almost 19 - 25 minutes to process account payment for customers. 

Refer steps to replicate:

  1. Logged into POS
  2. Click on Start Point of Sale
  3. Click on Account Payment and select "Payment for Credit Sale"
  4. Search customer "LBPC0163"
  5. Take $39000 Cash payment
  6. Auto Apply this payment
  7. The system takes good 19-22 minutes to complete this

The client requires the system to process the payment in 2-3 minutes. Accordingly, to them, 22 minutes is too long and a loss for the business.

I have uploaded the database in FTP as "" and also upgraded it to version V10.144.

Please diagnose and advise how can we enhance this.

Kind Regards

Audit Notes:Edited by aarti on 19/09/19 08:55. Edited by alvis on 20/06/19 09:28. Edited by aarti on 19/06/19 14:00. Edited by aarti on 19/06/19 13:33. 
20 Jun 201909:28AM Comment 1 by Alvis (Link Technologies) Case 10476 added to project 10.15
24 Jun 201904:09PM Comment 2 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Rashna (Edge Business Solutions) Followup Date: 24-06-2019 04:09 PM Time Taken: 2.00

Development work for this case has been completed.

The change will be available in version: 10.145 & 11.0.0624

1. The following changes were made(Include Database object names, Program classes and any other relevant information):|

  1. Refactored the payment allocation process to improve performance.
  2. Time taken to process 2,000 invoices were approximately 3 minutes

2. The issue was caused by:

  1. Improvement

3. Next Step:

  1. UAT

4. Notes:

25 Jun 201901:37PM Comment 3 by Rashna (Edge Business Solutions) Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 25-06-2019 01:37 PM Time Taken: 1.50
QA Results
Tests carried out according to requirements specified on the case header

Test Results Summary

Table 1 - Summarised list of issues
NoTest DescriptionPass/Fail

Perform the following

  1. Restore Database - LBS_LINKSOFT_10476
  2. Upgrade database to version 10.0145
Customer balances for "LBPC0163" are as below
  1. Paid - 163442.93
  2. Outstanding - 64661.36
Test allocation 
  1. Navigate to "POS - Account Payment - Payment for Credit Sale
  2. Process the payment of 39000.
  3. The payment should be allocated in a timely manner.
  4. Balance should be updated as below.
    1. Paid - 202442.93
    2. Outstanding - 25661.36


  • Time Taken for auto apply - 2:09:64
  • Time taken for receipt print - 0:38:75

Environment Details

  1. OS version: Windows Server 2012
  2. Application version: 10.0.145
  3. Setup: Client
  4. Server :
  5. Database: LINKSOFT_CASE10476

Next Step: Review and Closure

    27 Jun 201901:05PM Comment 4 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 27-06-2019 01:05 PM
    Thanks Rashna

    19 Sep 201908:55AM Comment 5 by Aarti Pooja Gayaneshwar (Link Business Solutions) Case 10476 removed from project 10.145
    19 Sep 201908:55AM Comment 6 by Alvis (Link Technologies) Case 10476 added to project 10.145
    09 Oct 201908:17AM Comment 7 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Quality control status: Pass. QC Not required - Cleared queue due to large number of calls
    If you have any queries regarding this support incident, please email and include the Case No: L10476 in the subject line of all emails regarding this issue.

    Document size: 7.8 KB
    For call complaints, please contact the Managing Director of the company using this form