Company: Link Technologies
Case No: L12721. Project: 14.00: LinkSOFT Version 14.00
Logged By: Vineshwar (Edge Business Solutions) on behalf of Sanjay (Link Technologies) on 11 May 2022 09:01AM
Priority: Medium
Product: Payroll & HR
Group: New Feature
Time Taken: 43.00 (Weight: 47.00)
Version: 14.00
Assigned To: Development
Circulation: Development, Sanjay, Vineshwar
Resolve By: Sunday, 15 May 2022 11:59 PM [851 days since logged date]
Status: Closed
Subject: Payroll Territory, Branch and "Cost Centre" Upload template
Summary:    Requested Feature: "Branch" and "Cost Centre" Upload template

While doing the Project for Jacks Retail Pte Limited, we have identified that they have stores in almost all the towns and cities in Fiji. They are using the Multi-Company feature whereby they will have 8 companies. Therefore we need;
  1. Template to Upload "Branch" in all 8 companies
  2. Template to Upload "Cost Centre" in all 8 companies
Vineshwar Prasad
Audit Notes:Edited by sanjay on 12/05/22 16:03. Edited by sanjay on 12/05/22 09:18. 
11 May 202209:05AM Comment 1 by Vineshwar (Edge Business Solutions) Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 12-05-2022 09:04 AM
Transferred to Development

11 May 202201:11PM Comment 2 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Case L12721 added to project 14.00
12 May 202209:18AM Comment 3 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) ETC was changed from 15/05/2022 to 15/05/2022
12 May 202204:06PM Comment 4 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Development Followup Date: 13-05-2022 04:03 PM Time Taken: 21.00
PART A - Development work for this case is in progress

1. The change will be available in version: 14.00

2. The following changes were made(Include Database object names, Program classes, and any other relevant information):

  1. Created a CSV template for:
    1. Payroll Territory - Format: CompanyID,Code,Description,GLCode,Notes 
    2. Payroll Branch - Format:  CompanyID,Code,Description,GLCode,PhysicalAddress1,PhysicalAddress2,PhysicalAddress3,City,State,PostCode,Country,PostalAddress1,PostalAddress2,PostalAddress3,Phone,Fax,Notes 
    3. Payroll Cost Centre - Format:  CompanyID,Code,Description,GLCode,Notes 
  2. Added dropdown List for the above three imports
  3. Added to Business Intelligence ~> File Import for Validation and POST

3. Affected Areas:

  1. File Import

4. The issue was caused by:

  1. Improvement

5. Other Relevant Notes
6. Next Step
(Review and System Test (Developer) -> UAT (Quality) -> Documentation): System Test

13 May 202211:02AM Comment 5 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Development Followup Date: 17-05-2022 09:57 AM Time Taken: 18.00 Notes: Edited by sanjay on 13/05/22 11:03. 
The following tests were performed:

Table 1 - Test Results
NoTest CaseExpected ResultPass/FailComments
1Use the sample provided to upload the Territory. Make Company Code and Territory Code invalid. Correct Upload issues and VALIDATE followed by POST
Validation should flag invalid values. Verify upload Territory

2Use the sample provided to upload the Branch. Make Company Code,  Territory Code, City, State, Country invalid. Correct Upload issues and VALIDATE followed by POSTValidation should flag invalid values. Verify upload Branch

3Use the sample provided to upload the COst Centre. Make Company Code and Cost Centre Code invalid. Correct Upload issues and VALIDATE followed by POST
Validation should flag invalid values. Verify upload Cost Centre

Environment Details

  1. OS version: Win11
  2. Application version: 14.00
  3. Setup on:
    1. Server: LinkQA4
    2. Database: LinkSOFT
    3. LinkSOFT URL: HTTP://LinkQA4/LinkSOFT
  4. Login Details: Standard username and password for user "admin"

Next Step: UAT

21 Jul 202202:45PM Comment 6 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Development Followup Date: 28-07-2022 02:33 PM Time Taken: 4.00
The following tests were performed:

Table 1 - Test Results
NoTest CaseExpected ResultPass/FailComments
1Import Territory/Branch/Cost Center with New Codes


2Import Territory/Branch/Cost Center with New Existing Codes
Validation should fail

3Amend codes in 2. above and validate
Validation should pass

4Import and verify



Environment Details

  1. OS version: Win11
  2. Application version: 14.00
  3. Setup on:
    1. Server: LinkQA4
    2. Database: LinkSOFT
    3. LinkSOFT URL: HTTP://LinkQA4/LinkSOFT
  4. Login Details: Standard username and password for user "admin"

Next Step: Closure

If you have any queries regarding this support incident, please email and include the Case No: L12721 in the subject line of all emails regarding this issue.

Document size: 16.6 KB
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