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ESS Union Allowance

Allowances can be set to be paid on hourly, daily or weekly bases for specific union or department in an organisation.


Follow the steps to set up allowances.

  1. Create a customer under Maintenance in ESS. The Customer is basically the company for which allowances are being created. Click here for instructions to create a customer.
  2. Create a project under Maintenance in ESS. A project is the task or assignment for which allowances will be paid.Click here for instructions to create a project.
  3. Create the types of allowances as activities under Maintenance in ESS. Click here  for instructions to create a activity.
  4. Assign the allowance under activities to the respective project. Click here for instructions to tag allowances to projects.
  5. Assign the projects to the respective customer. Click here  for instructions to tag projects to customers. 
  6. Create the Union and tag the corresponding allowances to the Union. In the details of the allowance set up the rate and frequency of the allowance. Click here for instructions to setup union and allowance rates. Note for Meal Allowance, set Frequency as " Custom".
  7. Assign the  employees to the respective union. The employee will be paid the allowance set under the union which has been tagged to the employee on the system. Click here for instructions to assign employees to unions.