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ESS Automatic Profile

Link has a feature to automatically create employees when an employee profile is created in Payroll

Steps to Setup Employee Create

  1. Enable the Process - ESS Auto Create Employee Profile
  2. Configure the details for "ESS_AutoProfile_flag" and " ESS_Username_Format". Refer to ESS Configuration for details.


  1. The User Account must be approved by the administrator before the Employee can log into ESS.
  2. Users whose Profile has been created automatically need to Recover Password to log into ESS for the first time.
  3. "Force Password Change" is enabled for all employee profiles created automatically. When the employee logs in for the first time system will load the "Change Password" page. Users need to change the password and enter the security question and answer. The security question and answer will be effective for password recovery in the future.
  4. If organisations do not wish to enable "Force Password Change", this can be done in ESS. Steps:-
    1. Go to User Maintenance
    2. Select the employee
    3. Un-Tick "Force Password Change" on the User Tab.
  5. Click on Update.