
[231] | Systems Manager | Common Services| Currency|

  Currency Maintenance form  records  the  list of currencies that the company may use. 

Figure 1: Currency Maintenance 

Table 1: Field Descriptions for Currency

Fields Description
Currency Code Set of alphanumeric values to uniquely identify Currency Code.


Name is the name for the Currency Code.
Default Exchange Rate Default Exchange Rate is the rate to convert currency to home currency for the organisation.

Records that are "Void" will not appear in any lookup on the system.

Users can click on the "Red X" under the menu icons to "Void" or "Activate" a record.

Notes Users can enter any notes in the notes button. Notes button will be "BOLD" if it has contents.


  1. Select the Add New Record icon or select CTR + N and a new line of record will be created to fill in the currency details.
  2. Enter the Currency Code.
  3. Enter the Name for the Currency Code.
  4. After entering the record(s), click on the SAVE icon or select CRT + S to save the record(s) successfully.
  5. Select the close icon or the Alt + 4 shortcut key to close the menu.