Exchange Rates

[232] | Systems Manager | Common Services|Exchange Rate|

The Exchange Rate menu stores the buy and sell rates. The date range is used to set the effective dates for the exchange rates.


  1. Exchange Rate Audit

Figure 1: Exchange Rate


Table 1: Exchange Rates

Fields Description
Date From Date From is the date from which the  exchange rate is valid.

Date To

Date To is the date till which the exchange rate is valid.

Rate Type

Rate Tye can be either buy (purchasing) or sell (point of sale).Select the rate type from the dropdown list.

Currency From

Currency From is the Foreign Currency user wants to convert.

Currency To

Currency To is the currency user will convert the foreign currency into.


Rate is the exchange rate.

Records that are "Void" will not appear in any lookup on the system.

Users can click on the "Red X" under the menu icons to "Void" or "Activate" a record.

Notes Users can enter any notes in the notes button. Notes button will be "BOLD" if it has contents.
Table 1: Field Description for Exchange Rate

Steps to Setup Exchange  Rate.

  1. Select the Buy or Sell Rate record on the screen header.
  2. Select the Add New Record icon or select CTRL + N and a new line of record will be created to fill in the exchange rate details.
  3. Enter the Currency From and Currency To.
  4. Enter the Exchange Rate.
  5. After entering the record(s), click on the SAVE icon or select CRTL + S to save the record(s) successfully.
  6. Select the close icon or the Alt + F4 shortcut key to close the menu.