User Defined Fields

[236] | Systems Manager | Common Services|

The User Defined Fields allows users to classify five(5) text fields and five(5) numeric fields for additional information. This information is reflected in the product master menu under the additional information tab.

Figure 1: User Defined Fields

The table below describes each field on the User Defined  form.

Fields Description
User Defined Text Field This is predefined by the system.

Display Caption

Text that will appear in the Product Master Menu in the Inventory Module.
Table 1: Field Decriptions for User Defined Fields


  1. Enter the User Defined text in the Display Caption field.
  2. After entering the record(s), click on the SAVE iconor select CRTL + S to save the record(s) successfully.
  3. Select close icon or Alt + F4 shortcut key to close the menu.