Fund Companies

[311-8] | Payroll | Maintenance Setup |Setup Codes

The Fund Companies menu stores superannuation company details.  

When a Fund Company is created in LinkOSFT, system automatically creates the following pay codes.

Figure 1: Fund Companies

The table below describes each field on the Fund Companies form.

Table 1: Field Descriptions for Fund Companies

Fields Description
Fund ID

Set of alphanumeric values to uniquely identify each Fund Company. Enter the legal name of the fund conmpany with the Fund ID.



Records that are "Void" will not appear in any lookup on the system.

Users can click on the "Red X" under the menu icons to "Void" or "Activate" a record.

Notes Users can enter any notes in the notes button. Notes button will be "BOLD" if it has  contents.
 Address Address records the physical address of the Fund Company. The first and second fields for the address should contain the street address. The third field should contain a suburb, town or locality. This is used in report generation.
Postal Address Enter the postal address (mailing address) of the Fund Company.
Phone Phone is the phone details for the  Fund Company.
Country Select the appropriate country from the lookup. Country is maintained in ESS under dropdown .
State Select a state from the lookup. State is maintained in ESS under dropdown .
City Select a City from the lookup.City is maintained in ESS under dropdown .
Post Code The postcode for the location of the  Fund Company.
Email Enter Email details of the Fund Company.
Phone Enter Phone details of the Fund Company.
Fax Enter Fax details of the Fund Company.

Steps to Set Fund Company.

  1. Select the Add New Record icon or select CTRL + N and a new record will be created to fill in the fund Company  details.
  2. Enter details for the respective fields.
  3. If you save a particular Fund ID, the two pay code is automatically created having the following initial F and H with the fund id code associated to it.
  4. Click on Pay Code icon to view the pay codes created having the following initial F and H with the fund id code associated to it.