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407 Requirement Criteria

Position - Requirement Criteria

[407] | Human Resource Management | Maintenance | Position Menu | Requirement Criteria Tab

Requirement Criteria list mandatory requirements for individual to hold for a position. Requirements for a position is mapped into Link Recruitment Manager for applicants to submit their details.

For example, Company XXY Limited advertises for a "Accountant". One of the requirement for the position is that the applicant should have"Degree in Accounting". Under the requirement for the position, add "Have a Degree in Accounting", put a weight of 20.

At application, applicants have a option to indicate "Yes/No" for each requirement . If an applicant selects "Yes" a score of 20/20 will be obtained.

Steps to add Requirement Criteria:-

  1. Go to the Requirement Criteria Tab for a position.
  2. Click on the "Insert" icon
  3. Enter the requirement details.
  4. Enter the weight for the requirement.
  5. Save

Figure 1: Requirement  Criteria