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500-POS System Setting.htm

Point of Sale System Configuration

[237] | Systems Manager | Common Services|




POS Backoffice name (LINKSOFT/JIWA)

This is the backoffice Point of Sale is connected to.

JIWA Category Mapping(C=Classfication,C1~5=Category)

JIWA category mapping when JIWA backoffice is used.

Default Company ID for POS

Default Point of Sale company id.

Login Identifier - End

Enter login identifier - end

Login Identifier - Start

Enter login identifier - start

Number of Ping retries before automatic switching

Number of ping retries before automatic switching occurs in fail safe mode.

Barcode End Marker

Enter the Barcode End Marker

Enable Transaction date field

'Y' to enable transaction date field

Display Salesperson on Item grid (Y/N)

Y to display the salesperson for each item line in the POS processing screen.

Sales Person List (U=Users Assigned to Branch, C=All staff from Customer Maintenance)

Sales person list

Next Shift Number

The value entered here will save the Shift with this number. This number will increment each time a new Shift record is saved by the system.

Default Float Amount at Shift Open

This is the default amount when a shift is opened.

Short Surplus Buffer

Short surplus buffer for shift variance, system creates a credit sale to charge the cashier when the variance exceeds this buffer.

Next Batch Number

The value entered here will save the Batch Number with this number. This number will increment each time a new Batch Number record is saved by the system.

Next Deposit Report No

The value entered here will save the Deposit Report with this number. This number will increment each time a new Deposit Report record is saved by the system.

Allow duplicate Allocation of Map Matrix

Enter 'Y' to allow duplicate allocation of Map Matrix and 'N' to disallow duplicate allocation of map matrix

Allow users to Assign new Customer Number (Y/N)

Y to allow users to manually assign customer codes when creating new customer records. N to allow the system to automatically assign the next customer record when the record is saved.

Next Customer Number (Blank=Manual)

The value entered here will save the Customer with this number. This number will increment each time a new Customer is saved by the system. If this field is left blank

Login using Customer Secure card (Y/N)

 'Y' to enable login using customer Secure card

Loyalty Card Identifier

Enter Loyalty Card Identifier

Enable loyalty points accumulation (Y/N)

Enable loyalty points accumulation.

Automatically Update Loyalty Category

'Y' to allow the system to automatically update customer loyalty category.

Next Redemption Number

The value entered here will save the Redemption with this number. This number will increment each time a new Redemption record is saved by the system.

Loyalty Points to a Dollar

Enter the loyalty points to a dollar

Voucher Valid Days

Enter voucher valid days

Force delivery screen when customer selected

'Y' to automatically open delivery screen when a customer is selected in the POS processing screen.

Item Code for automatic delivery charge

This code should be created in the Product Master for the system to automatically add the delivery item line during POS processing.

Create Inventory Item if it does not exist

Prompt creation of inventory item when it does not exist.

Cash Sale Rounding

Enter the cash sale rounding

Next Transaction Number

The value entered here will save the Transaction with this number. This number will increment each time a new Transaction record is saved by the system.

Receipt Footer Message

Message entered here will be displayed when receipt is printed.

Next Receipt Number for POS

The value entered here will save the Receipt with this number. This number will increment each time a new Receipt record is saved by the system.

Receipt copies to print

Receipt copies to print.

Next Return Number for POS

The value entered here will save the Return with this number. This number will increment each time a new Return record is saved by the system.

Next Return Number for Wholesale

The value entered here will save the Return with this number for wholesale machine. This number will increment each time a new Return record is saved by the system.

When Returning Receipts, Load All items onto grid (Y/N)

'Y' to display all the items when making a return.

Allow Partial Returns (Y/N)

‘Y’ to allow partial returns.

Layby Deposit Percentage

The initial deposit percentage required to complete a Layby sale.

Layby Term in Days

Enter the Layby Term in Days

Credit Terms in Days

Enter the credit terms in days  

Overdue Message to display in Customer Statement

Enter message to display in customer statement for overdue.

Next Quotation Number

The value entered here will save the Quotation with this number. This number will increment each time a new Quotation record is saved by the system.

Quotation Term Days

The number of days a quote will show as being valid.

Machine names that process wholesale transactions

Enter machine names that process wholesale transactions separated by a comma.

Next Wholesale Number

The value entered here will save the Receipt with this number for wholesale machines. This number will increment each time a new Receipt record is saved by the system.

POS Next Adjustment Number

Enter the POS adjustment number

Next Account Payment Number

The value entered here will save the Account Payment with this number. This number will increment each time a new Account Payment record is saved by the system.

Next Credit Note Number Mask

Enter the credit note number mask.

Next Payment Adjustment Number

Enter the next payment adjustment number mask.

Pizza Topping Mask

Enter pizza topping mask

Do not allow quantity change

The value entered here is used as a prefix to create inventory items in product master to allow the item to remain static during POS Processing. This is usually used for Custom Kit item.

Auto Increment by 0.5

The value entered here is used as a prefix to create inventory items in product master to allow the item to increment by 0.5 during POS Processing.

Auto Increment by 1

The value entered here is used as a prefix to create inventory items in product master to allow the item to increment by 1 during POS Processing.

Use Part Header Price (Y/N)

'Y' to use part header price

Use Kit Price instead of Component Price

'Y' to use Kit Price instead of component price

POS Bank GL Account Code

POS Bank GL Account Code

POS Creditor GL Account Code

POS Creditor GL Account Code

POS Debtor GL Account Code

POS Debtor GL Account Code

POS Rounding GL Account Code

POS Rounding GL Account Code

POS Clearing GL Account Code

POS Clearing GL Account Code

POS Variance GL Account Code

POS Variance GL Account Code

POS Cash Adjustment GL Account Code

POS Cash Adjustment GL Account Code

POS Details Field 1 - 4

User defined fields for entering additional information during POS processing.

POS Header Field 1 - 4

User defined fields for entering additional information during POS processing.