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Unit of Measure

[513] | Inventory | Maintenance |

Unit of Measure (UOM) maintains units  which is used to sell inventory. For example, Each, litres , Box of 10 and the like.

UOM is tagged to inventory on the Product Master . It is important to tag the correct UOM to depict the correct measurements and quantity sold.


  1. Inventory UOM Listing

Figure 1 : UOM


Table 1 : UOM contains the following types of information:



UOM Set of alphanumeric values to uniquely identify each UOM.

UOM  should not blanks or single quotes.


Detailed description for the UOM Code.
 Void Records that are "Void" will not appear in any lookup on the system.

Users can click on the "Red X" under the menu icons to "Void" or "Activate" a record.

 Notes Users can enter any notes in the notes button. Notes button will be "BOLD" if it has  contents.