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Cycle Code

[516] | Inventory | Maintenance |

Cycle Code  lists the  intervals at which an inventory item is to be counted; for example, weekly, monthly, or quarterly.

Cycle Code is tagged to inventory on the Product Master and is used to create StockTake.


  1. Inventory Cycle Code Listing

Figure 1: Cycle Code


Table 1 : Field Descriptions for Cycle Code.





Set of alphanumeric values to uniquely identify each Cycle Code.

Code should not blanks or single quotes.


Detailed description for the Cycle Code.
Void Records that are "Void" will not appear in any lookup on the system.

Users can click on the "Red X" under the menu icons to "Void" or "Activate" a record.

Notes Users can enter any notes in the notes button. Notes button will be "BOLD" if it has  contents.