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519 Product Copy Function.htm

The Copy Record function in Product Master produces a template of data so you can input records based on the same information without having to re-enter the same data each time. This function models the fields in the header section and location in the line details for the new item.




  1. Select an existing product whose information will be used to create a new product record in the Product Master Menu.
  2. Click on File Menu and select Copy Record.

  3. Enter the Code and Description for the new Item.

  4. Modify fields if required and enter other relevant details, for example, cost price, sell price, minimum and maximum stock levels.
  5. Click on the SAVE icon or select CRTL + S to save the record successfully. A new item will be created based on the item you selected.
  6. Select close icon or Alt + F4 shortcut key to close the menu.