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519 Utilities Price Update.htm

Price Update utility is used to update the sell price for the entire inventory or for a selected range, dependent on the selection criteria.

Users can schedule the price update to automatically change price on a specified date and time.


Steps to perform Price Update.

  1. Click on "Add New Record". Shortcut is CTRL + N.
  2. Product Selection Criteria - select the range or criteria of items for which the sell price needs to be updated. Sell Price can be updated using one of the following criteria: 
    1. Product No
    2. Category
    3. Sub category
    4. Location
    5. Supplier
  3. Change Level – select whether the price change is by product price or location price.
  4. Price to Change – determine which price level will be changed.
  5. Change Type – specify whether the update is an increase or decrease in sell price or a direct Override.
  6. Use Cost Amount - Indicate the location cost to use for sell price calculation.
  7. Change Amount – enter the amount in this field if all the items selected will increase or decrease by the same value entered here and specify whether it is a fixed or percentage increase or decrease. If the sell price for the items selected will be different, leave this field blank and enter the new sell price for each item in the New Price column.
  8. Click on Add Items. The system will assign the Price Update Code and all the items selected within the "Selection Criteria" will be added for price change.
    1. Users can update the selection criteria and add multiple products to one price update.
    2. Users can delete a product from the price update using the "Detail Delete" icon.
  9. On the bottom right, set the date and time for the price price update to take place and click on Submit.
  10. The system will Post the adjustment and the following message will be displayed: "Product Price Successfully submitted"

Figure 1 : Price Update Utility.