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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
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[566] | Purchasing | Maintenance |

A Supplier is the provider of the goods and services to a company.

Note :

  1. Users can search for suppliers  by searching the Supplier Code or description under "Find" on the search panel.
  2. Suppliers are tagged to inventory on the Product Master.
  3. It is important to set the correct "Country" and "Default Currency" . This will be applicable when creating purchase orders with a Foreign Supplier.
  4. For setups with FMIS and LINKSOFT, suppliers created in LINKSOFT will be automatically created in the FMIS database.  


  1. Supplier Audit Report

Table 1: Field Description for Suppliers



Supplier Code

Set of alphanumeric values to uniquely identify each Supplier.Supplier Code should not contain special characters or spaces.


Detailed Name for the Supplier Code.


Enter the physical location of the Supplier. Line 1 contains the street address. Line 2 and 3 contain the suburb, town or locality.

Postal Address

This is the mail box address for the Supplier.

Attention Name

Name of the person in authority for controlling the transactions of the supplier.

Attention Phone

Phone contact for the person in authority for controlling the transactions of the supplier.

Contact Name

Name of the person in charge of all the queries relating to the supplier.

Contact Phone

Phone contact for the person in charge of all the queries relating to the supplier.

Office Phone

This is the work contact phone number for the Contact Person.

Mobile Phone

This is a mobile phone number for the Contact Person.


This is the facsimile number of the Supplier.


This is the work e-mail address of the Supplier.

Default Currency

Default currency is used to set the currency for the supplier showing the currency of the monetary exchange between the organization and the supplier.


This is the country of the supplier.


This is the state of the supplier.


This is the city of the supplier.

Void  Records that are "Void" will not appear in any lookup on the system.

Users can click on the "Red X" under the menu icons to "Void" or "Activate" a record.

 Notes  Users can enter any notes in the notes button. Notes button will be "BOLD" if it has  contents.

Figure 1: Supplier Maintenance Screen