Point of Sale Configuration

[237] | Systems Manager | Common Services| POS Configuration |

The table below defines all the configurations under Point of Sale Module.

Table 1: Point of Sale Configurations

Configuration Description
Enable BI processing by line (Y/N)


Allow duplicate allocation of map matrix (Y/N)

Default Company ID for POS
Cash Sale Rounding
Customer Fleet Card End Identifier
Customer Fleet Card Start Identifier
Create Inventory Item if it does not exist
POS Inventory Control Application (LINKSOFT/JIWA). This configuration is linked to POS.JIWA.Transactions.Enabled. If inventory is controlled in JIWA then transactions will always be sent. If inventory is controlled in LINKSOFT you can choose to send sales and
This option will group Cash Sales to reduce the number of invoices being created. Options are:
1. ReceiptNo
2. ShiftID
This option will group Cash Sales to reduce the number of invoices being created. Options are:
1. ReceiptNo
2. ShiftID
Default JIWA warehouse for sales transactions (Physical\Logical)
JIWA Sales Order Line Limit (Recommended=1500)< /STRONG>< /STRONG>< /FONT>
Send LINKSOFT sales and receipts to JIWA (Y/N). This configuration is related to POS.Backoffice.Name.

Part No to use when integration to JIWA is enabled and item is not found

Validate Integration Transactions (Y/N)
JIWA Bank GL Account Code
JIWACategoryMapping(C=Classfication,C1~5= Category)
 JIWA Shift Variance GL Account Code  
Special Order Deposit Percent  
LayBy Deposit Percentage  
Automatically Update Loyalty Category (Y/N)  
Enable loyalty points accumulation (Y/N)  
Loyalty Card Identifier  
Loyalty Points to a Dollar  
Category description for Gift Voucher items  
Voucher Valid Days  
Allow users to assign new customer numbers (Y/N  
Next Prescription Number (Alpanumeric and/or : delimiter)  
Next Redemption No. (Alpanumeric and/or : delimiter)  
Next Return Number for POS (Alpanumeric and/or : delimiter)  
Next Shift Number for POS (Alpanumeric and/or : delimiter)  
Next Customer Number (Alpanumeric and/or : delimiter)  
Next Doctor Number (Alpanumeric and/or : delimiter)  
Next EFT Reference Number (AlpanumericNext Account Payment Number (Alpanumeric and/or : delimiter)and/or : delimiter)  
Next Non Prescription Label Number (Alpanumeric and/or : delimiter)  
Next Account Payment Number (Alpanumeric and/or : delimiter)  
POS Cash Adjustment Number (Alpanumeric and/or : delimiter)  
Next Batch Number (Alpanumeric and/or : delimiter)  
Next Credit Note Number Mask (Alpanumeric and/or : delimiter)  
Next Deposit Report No (Alpanumeric and/or : delimiter)  
Next Payment Adjustment Number (Alpanumeric and/or : delimiter)  
Next Quotation Number (Alpanumeric and/or : delimiter)  
Next Receipt Number for POS (Alpanumeric and/or : delimiter)  
Next Transaction Number (Alpanumeric and/or : delimiter)  
Next Wholesale Number (Alpanumeric and/or : delimiter)  
Next Return Number for Wholesale (Alpanumeric and/or : delimiter)  
Machine names that use next wholesale number for receipts  
Number of Ping retries before automatic switching  
Concatenate year/month to POSCASH account code (Year/Month/None)  
Number of rows to display for POSCASH, if actual transactions exceed this value then cash sale transactions are summarized by month  
Pizza Topping Mask  
Auto Increment by 0.5  
Do not allow quantity change  
Auto Increment by 1.0  
Use Kit price instead of components price  
POS Details Field1  
POS Details Field2  
POS Details Field3  
POS Details Field4  
POS Header Field1  
POS Header Field2  
POS Header Field3  
POS Header Field4  
Dispensary Markup (%)  
Surcharge on prescription items tax code  
Prescription Price Setup M= Markup %, P= Price Structure< /FONT>< /FONT>< /FONT>< /FONT>  
Prescription Print Price Default Flag (Y/N)  
Charge Tax Prescription  
Update Item Prescription on change (Y/N)  
Replication Data Transfer Index (1-10). Recommended value = 2. e.g Batch size=100, index=2, schedule= 10seconds. Rows transferred from server to branch= batchsizex index= 200 every 10seconds < /FONT > < /FONT > < /FONT > < /FONT >  
Replication server mode (CHILD/PARENT)  
Show shift close report sales by category  
Show shift close report sales by item  
Sales report use Header or Line Location (H/L)  
Overdue Message to display in Customer Statement  
Barcode end marker  
When Returning Receipts, Load All items onto grid (Y/N)  
Allow Partial Returns (Y/N)  
Change sales person to user that authorizes the transaction  
If the sale type is CASH, change the stored procedure to force the customer to be the CASH Sale customer (POSCASH) instead of the selected custome  
Force sales person prompt on save for cash, credit & layby sale  
Force sales person prompt on save for cash, credit & layby sale  
Show Price Class Items in Receipt (Y/N)  
Default Float Amount At Shift Open  
Item code for automatic Delivery Charge  
Short Surplus Buffer  
Receipt Footer Message  
Receipt Footer Message below barcode Users can enter footer notes. This is displayed below the barcode on receipts. The Default Value is "Powered By Link Technologies".
Sales Person List (U=Users Assigned to Branch, C= Allstaff from Customer Maintenance)< /FONT>< /FONT>< /FONT>< /FONT>  
Login  using customer secure card (Y/N)  
Login Identifier - End The login identifier is defaulted to PWD. This is used to setup is for swipe cards and barcode logins.
Login Identifier - Start The login identifier is defaulted to PWD. This is used to setup is for swipe cards and barcode logins.