Start Prescription Entry

Start Prescription Entry opens the form to create a new prescription.

Table 1: Describes the field description on the Prescription screen.



Precsription ID

The system assigns a "Prescription Number" to the Prescription ID field once the record is saved.

Line No

Line No is system generated. This indicates the number of items added to the prescription.


The "Store" is the location in which the prescription is being processed. Location is loaded based on the configured default location.

Doctor's Reference

This is an open text field, users can enter any reference number provided by the doctors.

Doctor Code

Enter the Doctor Code by clicking on the "Search Icon" or by selecting F4 on the keyboard. The Doctor’s Name will be loaded once the code is selected.

Note: You can also type part of the Doctor code in the Doctor Code field and select tab. This will load the Doctor Search screen if more than one doctor has been setup with the part of code entered.


Enter the Patients Name.

Select the Patient using the "Search" button or by selecting "F4" on the keyboard, if the Patient is setup as a customer.

History History generates the "Patient Prescription History" report for the selected patient.

Medication Code

Medication Code is the product ID for the medicine.

Users can enter the medicine code by:-

  1. Enter the Medicine Code and hit "Tab" or "Enter".
  2. On the Medication Code click on "F4" on the keyboard. This will be open the "Product Search" form.


Status field shows if a user is logged On or Logged Off. If a user tries to log on, the system gives the following message:

‘The user is already logged in’, another user with administrator rights can log on and set this field to Logged Off for the use to log on.

Security ID

Security ID is an encrypted field used to login into POS. The user can automatically login using this Security ID. This ID is usually used for swipe cards and barcode logins. Use a blank username to login with a security ID.

Generate the UserLoginBarcode report for print outputs. Users can generate the barcode by a username or secruity code.

Tax File Number

This is the Tax Identification Number of the user. 


Users can enter any other additional notes.

 To create a Prescription:



The system assigns a Prescription Number to the Prescription ID field once the record is saved.


Line No. – System generated.


The Store Location field shows in which location the prescription is being processed. By default, the location displayed here is defined in the User Login Screen (Menu ID: 222)


Enter the Doctor Code by clicking on the Search button or by selecting F4 on the keyboard. The Doctor’s Name will be loaded once the code is selected.

Note: You can also type part of the Doctor code in the Doctor Code field and select tab. This will load the Doctor Search screen if more than one doctor has been setup with the part of code entered.


Enter the Patients Name, or select the Patient using the Search button or by selecting F4 on the keyboard, if the Patient is setup as a customer.


Enter the Medication Code by clicking on the Search button, or by selecting F4 on the keyboard. The Medication description will be loaded once the code is selected.

Note: You can also type part of the Medication code in the Medication Code field and select tab. This will load the Product Search screen.

The following information is loaded when the Medication is selected:


Unit Price

Quantity in Stock


The above is setup in Inventory Product Master (Menu ID: 519).

If there are Instructions setup for the medication selected in the Product Master File, this will be loaded in the Instructions and Warning tab of the Prescription Entry screen when the Medication Code is selected.


Medication Instructions can be setup in the User Defined fields (Add’l Info tab) in the Inventory Product Master (Menu ID: 519). The User Defined fields can be configured in the User Defined Fields Menu (Menu ID: 236)

Alternatively, Instructions can also be entered on the Prescription Entry screen using the Code field. These instructions are setup in the Message Maintenance screen and can be entered in one of the following ways:

Select F4 on the code field.

Select Enter on the code field.

The Message Maintenance screen will be loaded, and the relevant instructions can be selected.

Creating a Mixture Prescription : 

A Product needs to be created in Inventory Product Master (Menu ID: 519) and the status should be set to ‘Non Quantity Bearing’

Enter the code of the Item created above in the Medication Code field and click Tab. The Mixture button is enabled to create the Mixture .

Select the Mixture button or Ctrl + M . The following screen is displayed:


Enter the Medication Code by selecting the Search button. The Medication Name is automatically loaded.

Enter the quantity and select the Add to Mixture button or F6. Repeat this step to add other medications to the Mixture.

Once all the items needed to make the Mixture are selected, click on Save + Close, or F2. This will return the user to the main Prescription Entry screen.

The Price for the Mixture will be loaded and the user can proceed to enter the other details.


Enter Dispensed Amount.


If the Medication requires repeats, enter the number of repeats for the Medication in the Repeats field.


Unit Price is loaded when the medication is selected. You can override the Unit Price by ticking the box. This enables the Unit Price field which allows the user to override the unit price.



The tax portion will be displayed in the Tax field.


Admin Fees are predetermined. You can override the Admin Fees by ticking the box. This enables the Admin Fees field which allows the user to override the Admin Fees.


Admin Fees can be configured in the Configuration Menu (Menu ID: 237) under POS Prescription Module


Total field is automatically calculated using Dispensed Amount, Tax, Unit Price and Admin Fees.


The Qty in Stock field shows how much quantity is available for the selected item.


Unit – the UOM this item is stored in.


The status field changes as the prescription line is created and processed.


Issue Date – the date the medication was issued. By default this is the system date.


Tax Code – display the tax code for the item selected.


Pay By Ins – Check this field if the Prescription will be paid by Insurance Company.

The price for the item selected will be different from the standard price setup in the Inventory Product Master if if the price level or price class is enabled for the insurance company.


This is setup in Price Class (Menu ID: 517) and the Price Class is attached to the Insurance Company which needs to be setup in Customer Maintenance under the Pricing tab:

When the insurance company is selected in the Prescription Entry screen, the unit price is displayed depending on the price class setup.

The customer loaded on POS Grid will be the respective insurance company for all patients who have Pay By Ins ticked.


Print Price – This field is checked to print price on the Prescription label.


When the first line is created, select the Save button or F2. The Prescription Label is printed:




The following screen will be displayed and the user can either select to create a New Prescription or Add Another Line to the same Prescription Entry:


Repeat the above steps to Add Another Line or Create a New Prescription Entry.


All Prescriptions are processed through the POS Processing screen. In the POS processing screen, from the Prescription Menu, select Load.

This will show all the Prescriptions which needs to be processed. The cashier can now select the Prescription for the relevant Patient and process the transaction.