Hi Vineshwar, Deleting an entry will mean that we could have reconciliation differences between LinkSOFT and the external Systems and will raise concerns with missing transaction numbers. We allow you to edit un-processed/failed transactions in the integration menus and keep a log of changed items. This way, if there is a difference, there is a log of changes that we can fall back on. I have added System Generated Vendor Code (L12724). Customer codes have System Generated numbers as well. The 16 Character limit on external systems is something we can enforce by checking each system and preventing the user from making that entry, however, this would mean we have to constantly keep up to date with External systems validation and update our validations. This will require a lot of additional work and defeats the purpose of using API's. The job of the API is to tell us the reason the transaction fails. In this case, the API will say something like "Vendor code cannot be > 16 characters". The user can then make the correction. The workaround would be as follows: - If the system has a Limit on Vendor Codes, ask the customer to use System Generated Numbers.
- If a user creates a Code > 16, the integration will fail. You can then:
- Mark the LinkSOFT Vendor Code as INACTIVE
- Create a new vendor with < 16 characters
- Edit the failed transaction and change the vendor code so the transaction can go through
I suppose another thing we can do is add a configuration that forces the user to use system-generated numbers instead of user entered. We can consider this in a future release if required.