Company: Link Technologies
Case No: L12595. Project: 13.10: LinkSOFT version 13.10 - Improvements and Stabilisation
Logged By: Sanjay (Link Technologies) on 24 Sep 2021 02:11PM
Priority: Low
Product: Framework
Group: New Feature
Time Taken: 112.00 (Weight: 160.00)
Version: 13.10.1011
Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies)
Circulation: Development, Sanjay
Resolve By: Wednesday, 29 September 2021 11:59 PM [1244 days since logged date]
Status: Closed
Subject: Add UserCreated and User Modified on Important Tables
Summary:    Add UserCreated and User Modified on Important Tables so we can see who added and edited the records
Audit Notes:Edited by sanjay on 07/10/21 14:03. Edited by sanjay on 07/10/21 13:54. Edited by sanjay on 30/09/21 10:46. 
28 Sep 202103:58PM Comment 1 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Case L12595 added to project 13.04
29 Sep 202110:55AM Comment 2 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 01-10-2021 09:16 AM Time Taken: 22.00

Added TimeStamp (User Created, Date Created, User Modified, Date modified) to the following areas:

  1. Employee Profile
    1. Pay Rates
    2. Position History
    3. Service History
    4. Grade History
    5. Additional Tax
    6. Previous Employment
  2. Achievements
  3. Career Preference
  4. Curricular Activities
  5. Dependants
  6. Discipline
  7. Exit Maintenance
    1. Exit Questions
    2. Exit Reasons
    3. Exit Responses
  8. Experience
  9. Issuable Items and Issuable Items Maintenance
  10. Licence and Licence Maintenance
  11. Meetings and Meetings Attendees
  12. Membership and Membership Maintenance
  13. Memo and Memo Category
  14. Qualification and Qualification Maintenance
  15. Skill and Skill Maintenance
  16. Training Feedback
    1. Training Schedule
    2. Training Schedule Maintenance
    3. Training Plan
    4. Competency
    5. Cost Type
    6. Course Category
    7. Course Feedback
    8. Course Group
    9. Course Maintenance
    10. Instructor
    11. Resource
    12. Venue

29 Sep 202103:58PM Comment 3 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 01-10-2021 10:55 AM Time Taken: 18.00

Added TimeStamp (User Created, Date Created, User Modified, Date modified) to the following areas:

  1. Leave Allocation, Current Leave Allocation, Leave History
  2. Leave Balance, Leave Transactions
  3. Leave Applications
  4. Leave Period End
  5. Leave Codes
  6. Payroll Timesheet
  7. Roster Schedule and Roster Details
  8. TNA Setup, Employee Mapping and TNA Rules
  9. TNA Union Setup, Union Rates, Union Rate Details, Employee Rates
  10. Timesheet Log Details
  11. Time Entry, Time Approval
  12. Time Setup, Entry Types, Projects, Customers, Time Entry Limits
  13. Pay Processing, Pay Detail, Super

30 Sep 202110:44AM Comment 4 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Rashna (Edge Business Solutions) Followup Date: 06-10-2021 10:43 AM Time Taken: 5.00
PART A - Development work for this case has been completed.

1. The change will be available in version:13.04.0930

2. The following changes were made(Include Database object names, Program classes, and any other relevant information):

  1. Completed adding changes for this version. Other tables will be handled in V13.05

3. Affected Areas:

  1. Refer to comments 1 and 2

4. The issue was caused by:

  1. Improvement in Audit

5. Other Relevant Notes
6. Next Step
(Review and System Test (Developer) -> UAT (Quality) -> Documentation): UAT

30 Sep 202110:46AM Comment 5 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) ETC was changed from 29/09/2021 to 29/09/2021
30 Sep 202102:27PM Comment 6 by Rashna (Edge Business Solutions) Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 06-10-2021 12:49 PM Time Taken: 1.00
The following tests were performed:

Table 1 - Test Results
#Test Case DetailsPass/FailComments
 1 Validate that "Timestamp" has been added to the menus in the case header and comment 3. Pass 

Environment Details

  1. OS version:
  2. Application version:13.03.0930RC5
  3. Setup on:
    1. Server:LinkQA4
    2. Database: UAT-LINKSOFT
    3. LinkSOFT URL: HTTP://
  4. Login Details: Standard username and password for user "admin"

Next Step:Closure

01 Oct 202109:03AM Comment 7 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 06-10-2021 07:32 AM Time Taken: 28.00
Added TimeStamp (User Created, Date Created, User Modified, Date modified) to the following areas:

  1. Pay Processing
    1. Pay Processing, Employee List, Details, 
    2. Utility - Employee Rte Change
  2. Payroll and HR Maintenance
    1. Achievements
    2. Ethnic
    3. Exit Maintenance
    4. Grade, Grade Leave Management
    5. Institution
    6. Issuable Items
    7. Licence
    8. Membership
    9. Memo Category
    10. Pay Awards, Award Grades, Level, Rates, Age
    11. Pay Calendar, Pay Codes
    12. Pay COntrol and Module Configuration
    13. Pay SDR Rate
    14. Pay Teams, Role Access, Pay Periods
    15. Payroll Tax, Tax Scales, State Payroll Tax
    16. Position Maintenance, Assessment Criteria, Requirement Criteria, Point Items
    17. Job description, Duties
    18. Project Codes
    19. Qualification
    20. Relationship
    21. Roster Codes
    22. Service Types
    23. Shift Configuration. Shift Intervals, Allowances
    24. Skill Maintenance
    25. Superannuation Fund, Pay Code Mapping
    26. Territory Branch Cost Center
  3. Global Administration
    1. User Maintenance, Members
    2. Security Token
    3. Additional Fields, Notes, Comments, Attachments, Taska, Rules
    4. Role Menu Access
    5. Public Holidays
    6. Process Setup
    7. Menu Maintenance, Module Configuration, Functional Points
    8. Licence Registration
    9. Database Backup, FTP Upload
    10. Currency, Rates
    11. Company
    12. Audit Setup
    13. Additional Fields, Additional Rules
  4. Company Administration
    1. Tasks, Task Comments
    2. Processes
    3. Plugins, Configurations
    4. Organisations, Users in Organisations
    5. Health Check
    6. Frequency
    7. Email Subscription
    8. Dropdown, Dropdown Details
    9. Document Templates
    10. Configuration, Module Configuration
    11. Bank, Account, Number Mapping
    12. Approval Workflow, Details
  5. Integration
    1. Tax Master and Tax Details
    2. GL Journal, Journal Lines
    3. GL Accounts
    4. AR Transactions, Details, Tax Details
    5. AR Sales Order, Invoice Lines, Serial Numbers, Tax Details, Invoice Payments
    6. AR Receipt and Receipt Lins
    7. AR Master Transactions, Details, Tax
    8. AR Adjustment
    9. AP Master
    10. AP Invoice, Lines
    11. Integration and Rules
  6. Business Intelligence
    1. Report Schedule
    2. Report Maintenance Rules and Email Setup
    3. Notes/Journal
    4. Email Log and PDF Report Email Log
    5. Reports

05 Oct 202104:51PM Comment 8 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Development Followup Date: 07-10-2021 04:50 PM
Awaiting UAT

06 Oct 202103:47PM Comment 9 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 08-10-2021 01:26 PM Time Taken: 38.00
The following tests were performed:

Table 1 - Test Results
  1. Pay Processing
    1. Pay Processing, Employee List, Details - Pass
    2. Utility - Employee Rate Change - Pass
  2. Payroll and HR Maintenance
    1. Achievements - Pass
    2. Ethnic - Pass
    3. Exit Maintenance - Pass
    4. Grade, Grade Leave Management - Pass
    5. Institution - Pass
    6. Issuable Items - Pass
    7. Licence - Pass
    8. Membership - Pass
    9. Memo Category - Pass
    10. Pay Awards, Award Grades, Level, Rates, Age - Pass
    11. Pay Calendar, Pay Codes - Pass
    12. Pay Control and Module Configuration - Pass
    13. Pay SDR Rate - Pass
    14. Pay Teams, Role Access, Pay Periods - Pass
    15. Payroll Tax, Tax Scales, State Payroll Tax - Pass
    16. Position Maintenance, Assessment Criteria, Requirement Criteria, Point Items - Pass
    17. Job description, Duties - Pass
    18. Project Codes - Pass
    19. Qualification - Pass
    20. Relationship - Pass
    21. Roster Codes - Pass
    22. Service Types - Pass
    23. Shift Configuration. Shift Intervals, Allowances - Pass
    24. Skill Maintenance - Pass
    25. Superannuation Fund, Pay Code Mapping - Pass
    26. Territory Branch Cost Center - Pass
  3. Global Administration
    1. User Maintenance, Members - Pass
    2. Security Token - Pass
    3. Additional Fields, Notes, Comments, Attachments, Tasks, Rules - Pass
    4. Role Menu Access - Pass
    5. Public Holidays - Pass
    6. Process Setup - Pass
    7. Menu Maintenance, Module Configuration, Functional Points - Pass
    8. Licence Registration - Pass
    9. Database Backup, FTP Upload - Pass
    10. Currency, Rates - Pass
    11. Company - Pass
    12. Audit Setup - Pass
    13. Additional Fields, Additional Rules - Pass
  4. Company Administration
    1. Tasks, Task Comments - Pass
    2. Processes - Pass
    3. Plugins, Configurations - Pass
    4. Organisations, Users in Organisations - Pass
    5. Health Check - Pass
    6. Frequency - Pass
    7. Email Subscription - Pass
    8. Dropdown, Dropdown Details - Pass
    9. Document Templates - Pass
    10. Configuration, Module Configuration - Pass
    11. Bank, Account, Number Mapping - Pass
    12. Approval Workflow, Details - Pass
  5. Integration
    1. Tax Master and Tax Details - Pass
    2. GL Journal, Journal Lines - Pass
    3. GL Accounts - Pass
    4. AR Transactions, Details, Tax Details - Pass
    5. AR Sales Order, Invoice Lines, Serial Numbers, Tax Details, Invoice Payments - Pass
    6. AR Receipt and Receipt Line - Pass
    7. AR Master Transactions, Details, Tax - Pass
    8. AR Adjustment - Pass
    9. AP Master - Pass
    10. AP Invoice, Lines - Pass
    11. Integration and Rules - Pass
  6. Business Intelligence
    1. Report Schedule - Pass
    2. Report Maintenance Rules and Email Setup - Pass
    3. Notes/Journal - Pass
    4. Email Log and PDF Report Email Log - Pass

Environment Details

  1. OS version: Win10
  2. Application version: 13.10
  3. Setup on:
    1. Server: LinkQA4
    2. Database: LinkSOFT
    3. LinkSOFT URL: HTTP://
  4. Login Details: Standard username and password for user "admin"

Next Step: Closure

If you have any queries regarding this support incident, please email and include the Case No: L12595 in the subject line of all emails regarding this issue.

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