Design: Add the ability to create cases by using tags in the subject line 1. If the subject line starts with a square bracket, we use the contents of the square bracket to decipher the tag 2. e.g of the subject would be: "[Link, Sanjay]We found a problem with the MYOB integration which causes blank invoices" 3. Rules to process this tag will be: a. get the text between square bracket b. always expect two values separated by comma c. the 1st tag is a company and 2nd tag is the username d. if the company and user are found, we have a valid tag, otherwise, we treat this as a standard email.
Examples, send an email to with the following in the subject line. The body content can contain much more details of the issue:
- [LBS,sanjeet]Prepare a quote for J R White
- [INFO,sanjeet]TLTB requires PMS quote to amend PMS - arrange a time to discuss with Sanjay
- [edge,rashna]There are some problems with Link Help file, some pages seems to be distorted. Please check
- [info, rashna] Link Documentation content has lots of formatting issues in the installation page. can you correct this