Company: Link Technologies
Case No: L11998. Project: 12.10: LinkSOFT version 12.1
Logged By: Alvis (Link Technologies) on 15 Jun 2020 04:40PM
Priority: High
Product: Payroll & HR
Group: Change Request
Time Taken: 173.00 (Weight: 173.00)
Version: 12.10.1020
Assigned To: Rashna (Edge Business Solutions)
Circulation: Aarti Pooja Gayaneshwar, Alvis, Rashna, Sanjay, Sanjeet, Vineet
Resolve By: Thursday, 11 June 2020 04:47 PM [1710 days since logged date]
Status: Closed
Subject: Performance Management System Improvements

Purpose: The purpose of this document is to outline the changes required in the existing PMS Module of Linksoft. 

This document has been prepared to explain what all data definitions (rules) are required for all changes in the PMS Module


The scope of this document is to identify and develop changes to Link PMS to meet the requirements of Customers PMS. All image references for this case can be referred to using this link.

Table 1 - Project Status Management

 Project StatusApproved - In Progress04/06/2020
1Performance Appraisal>>Appraisal on the Add/Edit KPI formCompleted05/06/2020 
2Performance Appraisal Menu GroupCompleted 05/06/2020  
3Performance Appraisal>> AppraisalCompleted 05/06/2020  
4Employee Profile>> Performance Appraisal Menu - Main (Handled in menu Performance Appraisal>> Appraisal ) Completed 
5Employee Profile>> Performance Appraisal Menu - Detail (Handled in menu Performance Appraisal>> Appraisal) Completed05/06/2020  
6Performance Appraisal>>AppraisalCompleted  08/06/2020
7Employee Profile >> Performance Appraisal gridCompleted   08/06/2020
8Performance Appraisal>>Appraisal TemplateCompleted 09/06/2020
9Performance Appraisal >> Appraisal (Creation)Completed09/06/2020 
10Performance Appraisal >> Appraisal >> DetailsCompleted 09/06/2020 
11Performance Appraisal Escalation Matrix and SubmissionCompleted   10/06/2020 
12Overall Score Calculation Employee Profile>>Performance AppraisalCompleted   10/06/2020  
13Performance Appraisal AlertsCompleted  11/06/2020   
14Electronic signatures for employeesCompleted  10/06/2020  
15Monetary bonus for each employeeCompleted  10/06/2020  
16Employee Appraisal Bonus Calculation ReportCompleted 
17Employee Appraisal Bonus Calculation with Superannuation and PAYECompleted 
18Employee Performance Appraisal Report. Refer to 18 of the google docCompleted 
19Performance Appraisal Report. Refer to 19 of the google docCompleted 
20Documentation [Scheduled (15,16 Jun) ]In Progress15/06/2020 
21System Test and UAT - Round 1 [(Scheduled (12, 15,16 Jun) ]Completed 15/06/2020
22Rework [Scheduled (17 Jun) ]Scheduled (17 Jun)
23UAT - Round 2

Change Details:

  1. Performance Appraisal>>Appraisal on the Add/Edit KPI form a. Replace KPI Type (Standard/Initiative) with a checkbox (ticked for Initiative) rename to Initiative. - Completed b. Scores summary (Percent, Employee, Manager, HR) - Completed c. Itaukai wants to caption HR Score and HR Comment as CEO/DGMORD Score and CEO/DGMORD comment. This will need to be reflected on all screens and reports where "HR Score" and "HR Comment" is used.

  2. Performance Appraisal Menu Group >>Key Performance Indicator>>add a new item to KPI Type. Make this list configurable

  3. Performance Appraisal>> Appraisal: Disallow generation of more than 1 appraisal per employee per quarter. (Development Note: Use menu configuration) a. Genr appraisals per employee in a year i.e one appraisal per quarter. If an appraisal already exists prevent the user from creating. i. Quarter 1 is 01 January to 31 March ii. Quarter 2 is 01 April to 30 June iii. Quarter 3 is 01 July to 30 September iv. Quarter 4 is 01 October to 31 December

  4. Employee Profile>> Performance Appraisal Menu main grid. a. Need a feature to edit overall score. This score can only be edited by authorized users. b. When the overall score is edited, a comment is mandatory. (Development Note: Add a field "ScoreOverrideReason") c. Need an overall comment field for the Supervisor/Manager. This comment field can only be edited by those in the Performance Workflow.(Development Note: Use existing note field) d. Add the ability for managers to update the Potential.

  5. Employee Profile>> Performance Appraisal Menu, detail grid. a. Rename Category to KPI Group b. A popup screen to display a history of the previous KPI appraisal scores. (Employee/Manager/HR) c. Add three tabs for score entry. Score entry will be done using the batch editor. Batch edit entries will be loaded on user security. d. Manager comment is mandatory if manager score is less than employee score. (Development Note: Use menu configuration) e Restrict scores to be greater than the base value of the KPI. (Employee, Manager, HR) (Development Note: add a rule to prevent exceeding values) f. Need "write" security on HR Score and HR comment. This score can only be edited if the score is not coming from a script. (This Functionality already exists. If the user has write access to this form, we do not want them to update.) i. When a new initiative KPI is added, the user will enter the description and KPI Weight. The base value is extracted from the menu Performance Appraisal>>Score Range Max Score. i. (Need to show how the added initiative will add to employee appraisal). The employee can not update a score for this KPI. ii. Use and Example to show the calculation (Refer to Figure 1 below. Detailed formulas in Calculations.xlsx). Completed Figure 1 - Formula for Overall Score

  6. Performance Appraisal>>Appraisal a. Add the ability to place a description when generating appraisal. b. Add the description in 6(a) to add button

  7. Employee Profile >> Performance Appraisal grid layout a. Grid layout as per sample provided in 7.(a) of the google doc for a sample. 
  8. Performance Appraisal>>Appraisal Template >> KPI Group >> Key Performance Indicator a. Need a field for KPI Weight. b.The Total weight can not exceed 100 in a template. c. Add a calculated field that shows the total weight for each template d. Add a calculated field in KPI Group show the weight within each group (Use the existing percent column in KPI Group)
  9. Performance Appraisal >> Appraisal (Creation) a. When an appraisal is created, the system to check the Total weight of the KPI's. This should add up to give 100%. If the total weight of the KPI is not equal to 100%, alert the user the fix the weight of the KPI's before Appraisal can be generated using this template.
  10. Performance Appraisal >> Appraisal >> Details>>Score Summary>>KPI Details a. Add KPI weight field which shows the value entered in 8 above. b. Users have the ability to delete KPI's from an appraisal. When a KPI is deleted the below checks need to take place. i. Prohibit deletion of KPI's that has been scored. ii. We need to notify the user that the weight of the KPI's is below 100% if KPI is deleted. iii. We need to prevent the user edits until a new KPI detail is added and the total KPI weight is 100. d. When adding KPI's to an Appraisal, i. Total KPI weight should not exceed 100% for KPI's that are not marked as initiative. ii. When a KPI is marked as Initiative, the user should be able to place free text. The base value is extracted from menu Performance Appraisal>>Score Range Max Score and KPI Weight is always 10.
  11. Performance Appraisal Escalation Matrix and Submission a. After an employee has entered all the scores for the KPI, need a facility for them to submit their scores. The Employee submit date must be recorded at this stage. b.When an Appraisal is generated, the employee will have 7 consecutive days from the appraisal date to fill the employee score. If the employee fails to complete the score, the system to automatically submits employee scores as 0, comment as "automatic submission since no score was provided within 7 days", automatic submission date must also be recorded. Disallow employee submission if all employee score has not been provided. c. When an appraisal is generated, the manager cannot score until the employee has scored or employee score has been automatically submitted for all the KPI's. d. After Manager has entered all the scores for the KPI, they need a facility for them to submit their scores. The Manager submits date must be recorded at this stage. e. Disallow Manager submission if all manager score has not been provided. f. When an appraisal is generated, the HR Score cannot be entered until the Manager score has been submitted. g. HR can submit without entering all the scores for the KPI. The HR submit date must be recorded at this stage.
  12. Overall Score Calculation Employee Profile>>Performance Appraisal main grid and Performance Appraisal>>Appraisal. Refer to attached excel Calculations.xls, sheet OverallScoreCalculation for this calculation. a. Employee Score is not used in overall score calculation. b. Manager score is used when HR Score is not provided. 
  1. Performance Appraisal Alerts

    1. Send an alert to the Employees when an Appraisal is generated. Review 13. (a) of the google doc for a sample.

    2. Send a reminder alert daily to employees to remind them to provide appraisal score for 7 days from the appraisal date. The employee who have submitted Appraisal Scores will not be part of this reminder. Review 13. (b) of the google doc for a sample.

    3. Reminder alert to be sent to Manager once daily to remind them to complete Manager Score and Comment Section of the generated appraisals. This list will only contain employees who have completed all their KPI's scores. Review 13. (c) of the google doc for a sample.
    4. Any KPI being rated less than 60% by the manager or CEO, send an alert once to the supervisor , CEO and copy HR. Refer to 13. (d) of the google doc for a sample.
    5. Daily alert for HR team showing Appraisals less than 100% weight. These would be the appraisal that was edited. (Refer to 5 i and 8)Refer to 13. (e) of the google doc for a sample.
    6. Send a reminder alert once to Manager and HR and copy Executive Management(CEO/DGMORD) for a performance improvement plan to be conducted for staff having an overall score between 60% to 69.99% for a quarter. This alert will be sent when the appraisal is closed. Refer to 13. (f) of the google doc for a sample. This email will be sent with an attachment. Refer to "Performance Improvement Plan.docx" for a sample.
    7. Send a reminder alert once to Manager, HR and copy Executive Management (CEO/DGMORD) for a Warning letter (Disciplinary Action) to be issued to staff having an overall score of less than 59.99% and below for a quarter. This alert will be sent when the appraisal is closed. Refer to 13. (g) the google doc for a sample. An appraisal can only be closed after HR Score has been submitted.
    8. Bonus Alert: Need an alert to be sent to individual employees at the end of the year for their eligible bonuses. This will be a report that will be manually triggered by a HR staff for all appraisals that has been closed. If Year selected has some appraisals open, advise user no alerts have been sent, close all appraisals for a selected year before sending this alert. Refer to "Bonus Letter Template.docx" attached for a sample. Refer to 15 below for bonus calculation. This report will have the following filters:
      1. Company
      2. Year (Lookup Appraisal Date)

  1. Request electronic signatures for employees, Supervisor and CEO to be maintained in the database. This will be used in some of the appraisal reports.

  2. Monetary bonus for each employee based on employees overall performance score for a year. Bonus is paid based on the average score for all 4 quarters for the year. Allow users to add percentage bonus and Bonus Pay Code at Performance Appraisal>>Score Range Menu. Consider the below scenario:  i. When an appraisal is created, store the score range with the appraisal, so that changes to score range does not affect the existing or closed appraisal.

9. 1 Employee A’s performance score for all for quarters for the year 2020 as below:

9.2 bonus qualification criteria:

In the above case, assuming the employee is paid $30K gross per annum, he will be paid a bonus of 6% which would be $1800. Use Employee current rate as a reference.

  1. Employee Appraisal Bonus Calculation Report. Refer to 16 of of the google doc for sample report layout with data.  

a)Report Filter:

  1. Company

  2. Employee From

  3. Employee To

  4. Employee Status

  5. Year (Lookup)

  6. Appraisal From

  7. Appraisal To

  8. ScoreRanges (Filter Overall Score from menu Performance Appraisal>>Score Range)

  9. Territory

  10. Branch

  11. Cost Centre

  12. Group By (T/B/C)

  13. Group by Score Range(Y/N)

  14. Exclude 0 Bonus

b)Report Logic:

  1. Q1 is all appraisal generated between 1Jan to 31 March (AppraisalDate)

  2. Q2 is all appraisal generated between 1 April to 30 June(AppraisalDate)

  3. Q3 is all appraisal generated between 1 July to 30 Sept(AppraisalDate)

  4. Q4 all appraisal generated between 1 Oct to 31 Dec (AppraisalDate)

  5. Total Score: Total scores of all quarters for a selected date range where the employee has been appraised

  6. Average Score: Average overall score for the quarters where the employee has been appraised.

  7. Salary: Effective Salary as at the end of the selected Year (Date to)

  8. %Bonus comes from the score range bonus percent.

  9. %Bonus is multiplied by Effective Salary at that point in time.

  10. Exclude 0 Bonus: This will filter out all Score Range having Bonus Percent as 0.
  11. The Bonus figures for all closed appraisal must not change if the report is generated in the future.

This report is also submitted to the Payroll for Bonus processing and review.

  1. Employee Appraisal Bonus Calculation with Superannuation and PAYE. Refer to 17 of the google doc for report layout and sample.   This report will have the same filters as the report in (16) with the addition of  PAYE, Superannuation(Employee%) and Net Bonus Payable (Bonus Amount - PAYE - Superannuation) 

  2. Employee Performance Appraisal Report. Refer to 18 of the google doc for report layout and sample and "Employee Performance Appraisal.xlsx" attachment for calculations. This report should have the following filters.

    a)Report Filter:

    1. Date from

    2. Date To

    3. Company ID

    4. Employee From

    5. Employee From

    6. Employee Status

    7. Appraisal From

    8. Appraisal To

    9. Territory

    10. Branch

    11. Cost Centre

    b)Report Logic:

    1. The report will be printed after the Appraisal is closed. 

    2. Electronic signatures for CEO, Manager and employee to be printed.

    3. New Page per employee

19. Performance Appraisal Report. Refer to 19 of the google doc for report layout and sample data.   a)Report Filters:

  1. Date From

  2. Date To

  3. Company 

  4. Employee From

  5. Employee  To

  6. Employee Status

  7. Territory

  8. Branch

  9. Cost Centre

  10. Group By Territory/Branch/Cost Centre

  11. New Page per group

b)Report Logic: Refer to Performance Appraisal Report (OrganisationDepartment).xlsx for report sample and calculations.
Audit Notes:Edited by sanjay on 15/06/20 16:40. Edited by sanjay on 15/06/20 12:05. Edited by sanjay on 15/06/20 12:04. Edited by alvis on 15/06/20 10:59. Edited by alvis on 15/06/20 10:54. 
24 Feb 202002:59PM Comment 1 by Sanjeet (Link Business Solutions) Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 24-02-2020 02:39 PM Time Taken: 8.00

Hi Sanjay,

Can you please review and provide an estimate.


25 Feb 202004:12PM Comment 2 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Sanjeet (Link Business Solutions) Followup Date: 25-02-2020 04:11 PM Time Taken: 1.00
Hi Sanjeet, can you tidy this document and label the fields and tables correctly so we can refer to the document with queries.

03 Mar 202008:45AM Comment 3 by Sanjeet (Link Business Solutions) Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 03-03-2020 08:43 AM Time Taken: 0.50

Hi Sanjay,

Review and let me know if this is in line. We have also attached the word document.


09 Mar 202009:25AM Comment 4 by Vineet (Link Business Solutions) Assigned To: Rashna (Edge Business Solutions) Followup Date: 10-03-2020 08:00 AM Time Taken: 0.50

Hi Guys

The itaukei team has requested for an update on the costing for this. Please review and advise on costing and delivery time. There are some functionalities which itaukei team wished to have delivered in the first quarter (Before end of March). If there are any queries or concerns, we can arrange a time for discussion.

Vineet Ram

09 Mar 202009:44AM Comment 5 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Sanjeet (Link Business Solutions) Followup Date: 09-03-2020 09:34 AM Time Taken: 4.00 Notes: Edited by alvis on 15/06/20 10:58. 

Hi Sanjeet, this case is still missing critical elements of a design document that prevents us from accurately quoting on this work. Please refer to helpdesk guidelines on New Development and Customisation work.

In an attempt to get this over the line, I have provided an estimate that should cover the work as closely as possible. Please note that this request seems like it is based on a version prior to V11.4, however, we can only build this on V11.4 +

10 Mar 202010:25AM Comment 6 by Sanjeet (Link Business Solutions) Assigned To: Vineet (Link Business Solutions) Followup Date: 13-03-2020 10:23 AM Time Taken: 0.50

Hi Sanjay,

We will review this and get to you.


28 Apr 202002:43PM Comment 7 by Vineet (Link Business Solutions) Assigned To: Island Grace (Fiji) Limited Followup Date: 29-04-2020 02:00 PM Time Taken: 0.50

Bula Team

We had sent a quotation to the client and have received approval on this. Attached is the approved purchase order from the client. Please review and advise on the way forward from here together with the delivery time so that it can be relayed to the client. 

We have have a gtm session to discuss this case should you have any queries

Vineet Ram

29 Apr 202007:51AM Comment 8 by Vineet (Link Business Solutions) Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 10-05-2020 08:00 AM Time Taken: 0.50

Bula Team

We had sent a quotation to the client and have received approval on this. Attached is the approved purchase order from the client. Please review and advise on the way forward from here together with the delivery time so that it can be relayed to the client. 

We have have a gtm session to discuss this case should you have any queries

Vineet Ram

01 May 202010:44AM Comment 9 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Rashna (Edge Business Solutions) Followup Date: 01-05-2020 10:40 AM
Hi Vineet, What version is this for?. 

01 May 202010:56AM Comment 10 by Sanjeet (Link Business Solutions) Assigned To: Rashna (Edge Business Solutions) Followup Date: 01-05-2020 10:53 AM Time Taken: 0.50

Hi Sanjay,

Please go for V11.


01 May 202004:11PM Comment 11 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Vineet (Link Business Solutions) Followup Date: 01-05-2020 04:00 PM Time Taken: 6.00

Hi Vineet, Here are the discussion notes and next steps for this case

Discussion Notes:

  1. The detailed laid out in the case header was not clear and complete so we had to redo the case header in a format that showed the current V11 state and what changes are required. We have completed all except the three reports
  2. We need an environment to set-up test cases for UAT - Sanjay will create this
  3. Remove any attachments that are not referenced in the case

Next Steps:

  1. Setup TLTB V 11 environment so you can configure the test environment - Assigned to Sanjay - Status: Completed ( Vineet please change the Admin Password
  2. Complete the case header with additional changes based on the format we agreed on
  3. Discuss internally or with TLTB so we can be sure these changes are final
  4. Give Development Go-Ahead to complete this work 


  1. Vineet to complete case header with the three reports required - 6th May 2020
  2. Development Start -  11th May 2020
  3. UAT Start - 18th May 2020
  4. Expected Release of V11.5 - 30h May 2020  

11 May 202002:11PM Comment 12 by Vineet (Link Business Solutions) Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 13-05-2020 09:00 AM Time Taken: 24.00

Bula Sanjay

I have updated the google doc as well as the case header with all minor details as discussed with the itaukei team. Please review and let us know when we can have another discussion on items which maybe unclear. 

Vineet Ram

12 May 202011:47AM Comment 13 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Vineet (Link Business Solutions) Followup Date: 12-05-2020 11:40 AM Time Taken: 2.00

Hi Vineet,

During our discussion, you agreed to clean up the case header and remove all the unnecessary parts including attachments to avoid any confusion. 

You were also to number the case details so each section can be referenced.Can you do this before we meet to review?

Please keep the case assigned to you as Development does not monitor your helpdesk cases


13 May 202001:56PM Comment 14 by Vineet (Link Business Solutions) Assigned To: Rashna (Edge Business Solutions) Followup Date: 14-05-2020 10:00 AM Time Taken: 1.00

Hi Sanjay

Case has been cleaned and ready for review. Please confirm availability

Vineet Ram

19 May 202009:15AM Comment 15 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Rashna (Edge Business Solutions) Followup Date: 19-05-2020 09:10 AM Time Taken: 2.00
Morning Vineet, I have just reviewed this. It looks a lot better. can you do the following:
1. Remove attachments that are not referenced in the document
2. Put a label on your screenshots
3. Tidy the case header, the numbering is not properly aligned

22 May 202009:42AM Comment 16 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Rashna (Edge Business Solutions) Followup Date: 22-05-2020 09:24 AM Time Taken: 1.00

Hi Vineet, the requirements are still very ambiguous. We will need to go through this together.

Here are some questions on the requirements - seems like there needs to be more work done on the requirements
1. Scope 1 - Clarification required
2. Scope 2 - ok
3. Scope 3a and 3b - OK
4. Scope 3c - We need a Submit button for the Employee and Manager to Submit their scores. Once submitted, changes cannot be done.
Where do we define the rule that says "Manager score required Employee Score to be entered" Appraisal Template ??
5. Scope 3d Where do we define the rule that says "7 days..." Appraisal Template ??

22 May 202001:08PM Comment 17 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Rashna (Edge Business Solutions) Followup Date: 22-05-2020 01:07 PM Time Taken: 2.00
*** Email from Sanjay to Epeli ***
Sanjay Singh 13:06 (0 minutes ago)
to Vineet, Sanjeet, Epeli

Bula Epeli,

Thank you for reaching out.

I have spoken to Vineet and discussed options as follows:
  1. Get TLTB to V11.5 asap so that when PMS is completed, we only have to focus on the PMS changes. V11 should be in production at least 2 weeks before we apply the PMS changes.
  2. The requirements still have missing functional explanation - Vineet is on leave today and we will try and get this done early next week
  3. The expected timeline is 2 to 3 weeks from completing the requirements. Vineet is expected to have this done early next week.
  4. Vineet will send a status report that shows the work progress, timelines and expectations so that your team is aware of the progress
by cc: to Vineet - Implement action items as discussed.

Sanjay Singh
Managing Director & Founder
Link Technologies
Mobile:+ 61(0) XXX-XXX-XXX

25 May 202009:38AM Comment 18 by Vineet (Link Business Solutions) Assigned To: Rashna (Edge Business Solutions) Followup Date: 26-05-2020 09:00 AM Time Taken: 0.50

Bula Sanjay

Please note comments in red below:

1. Scope 1 - Clarification required. Let us know your queries and a time you are available so we can discuss this together.
2. Scope 2 - ok
3. Scope 3a and 3b - OK
4. Scope 3c - We need a Submit button for the Employee and Manager to Submit their scores. Once submitted, changes cannot be done. This is ok.
Where do we define the rule that says "Manager score required Employee Score to be entered" Appraisal Template ?? This is a general rule for TLTB. All KPI's must be scored by the 2 parties (Employee/Manager) except where score is being determined by an SCR coming from Landsoft Application. Employee must score within 7 days before supervisors can start scoring the KPI measures.
5. Scope 3d Where do we define the rule that says "7 days..." Appraisal Template ?? Please let us know other options you have for discussion from design perspective. As per TLTB, this is again a general rule that employee will get 7 days from appraisal date to submit their rating for KPI measures.

Let us know of your availability so we can iron out any other queries you may have in relation to this case.

Vineet Ram

27 May 202003:36PM Comment 19 by Sanjeet (Link Business Solutions) Assigned To: Rashna (Edge Business Solutions) Followup Date: 27-05-2020 03:06 PM Time Taken: 0.50

Bula Team,

Further our meeting (Sanjay/Alvis/Sanjeet/Vineet) below are task items

  1. Review Case Header and Itemise requirements (Sanjeet/Vineet by 28th May-2020)
  2. Get Confirmation from Epeli for V11.5 as V11.5 will only work on SQL Server 2016 or above (Sanjeet)

Team will meet again on 29th April , 2020 for review. If documentation is in order, delivery is 2 weeks from 29th May 2020.


03 Jun 202001:59PM Comment 20 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Rashna (Edge Business Solutions) Followup Date: 03-06-2020 01:50 PM Time Taken: 1.00

*** Skype Discussion ***

Bula Epeli, I have created this group so we can track and discuss PMS requirements, Questions and Timeline.

LBS - Link Business Solutions - Fiji
Link - Link Technologies - Australia

Please note that this is not a substitute for the Weekly Status report that LBS sends you clearly laying out the project status - we will use this just to get fast access to resources given the short timeline.

By cc: to Sanjeet - As discussed, please keep Epeli in the loop. At a high level, here is where we are:

1. Link is in the final design stages. We expect to have the design finalised at 2 pm today
2. LBS will upgrade TLTB to V11.5 asap so that when we deliver PMS changes, the focus will be PMS only. we should have V11.5 in production at least 1 week before PMS changes are in so there is minimal interference with the new functionality ad PMS
3. We expect to start Development ASAP with the first cut by the end of next week (subject to go-ahead by today 2 pm)

We will update the timeline after all design is approved in the meeting this afternoon


Hi Sanjeet, the planning of LinkSOFT 11.5 upgrade should happen asap and should not be dependant on development timeline.

We need this done ASAP so that TLTB can familiarise with the Web Platform and there is minimal change when PMS is delivered

03 Jun 202002:56PM Comment 21 by Sanjeet (Link Business Solutions) Assigned To: Rashna (Edge Business Solutions) Followup Date: 03-06-2020 02:33 PM Time Taken: 2.00

Bula Team,

Meeting (Sanjeet/Sanjay/Alvis/Rashna to discuss and finalise design)

The design document has been finalized with the development team.

a) Proposed Timeline (Subject to resource availability at TLTB and LBS):

  1. 1st Cut for Review on the 12th of June,2020.
  2. Feedback by 16th of June,2020
  3. 2nd cut by 19th of June,2020
  4. Review the build on 19th of June,2020

By CC: to Epeli,

  1. The current scope is labeled as phase 1 before any change request is approved.
  2. Changes or any deviation to the agreed scope will be treated as phase 2 and costed separately.
  3. Payment Terms: We will require a 50% payment prior to the start of development.
  4. We will create the separate case for V11.5 Upgrade and training
  5. We suggest you add a SQL 2016 or higher instance in your UAT and Production environments for LinkSOFT. You do not have to upgrade other systems
  6. I will call you shortly to discuss the project plan and get final approval to proceed with development.


05 Jun 202005:13PM Comment 22 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Rashna (Edge Business Solutions) Followup Date: 05-06-2020 05:04 PM Time Taken: 16.00
Completed the following:
  1. Completed item 1. Used menu configuration to store configuration for "HR Title"
  2. Completed
  3. Completed - Added Menu Configuration to define Quarters
  4. Moved 4.0 to Menu: Performance Appraisal ~> Apprisal. Business rules applied as requested
  5. In progress

09 Jun 202004:59PM Comment 23 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Rashna (Edge Business Solutions) Followup Date: 09-06-2020 04:57 PM Time Taken: 16.00

Completed the following:

  1. Item 5 - Inprogress
  2. Completed items 6, 8, 9 and 10
  3. Started items 11,12,15 and 16

10 Jun 202003:00PM Comment 24 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Rashna (Edge Business Solutions) Followup Date: 10-06-2020 02:50 PM Time Taken: 16.00


  1. Completed Items 5,11,12,15 and 16
  2. Started Items 13, 16, 17, 18, 19

Case Header, Table 1 updates with Status.

    11 Jun 202004:49PM Comment 25 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Rashna (Edge Business Solutions) Followup Date: 11-06-2020 04:47 PM Time Taken: 16.00


    1. Completed Items 13
    2. In progress 16, 17, 18, 19

    Case Header, Table 1 updated with Status.

    15 Jun 202010:43AM Comment 26 by Alvis (Link Technologies) Case L11998 added to project 12.0
    15 Jun 202010:59AM Comment 27 by Alvis (Link Technologies) ETC was changed from 25/02/2020 to 11/06/2020
    15 Jun 202012:07PM Comment 28 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Rashna (Edge Business Solutions) Followup Date: 15-06-2020 04:05 PM Time Taken: 24.00

    All development work has been completed.

    Next Steps:

    1. System Test - Alvis and Rashna
    2. Documentation - Rashna
    3. Rework - development Team
    4. Final Cut deliver to LBS

    15 Jun 202004:42PM Comment 29 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Rashna (Edge Business Solutions) Followup Date: 15-06-2020 08:40 PM Time Taken: 24.00

    Hi Rashna,

    Item 21 has been complete - Please proceed with UAT and Documentation.

    Environment details:
    UID/PASS: admin

    22 Jun 202011:23AM Comment 30 by Rashna (Edge Business Solutions) Assigned To: Rashna (Edge Business Solutions) Followup Date: 22-06-2020 02:53 PM Time Taken: 3.00
    QA Results
    Tests carried out according to requirements specified on the case header

    Test Results Summary

    Table 1 - Summarised list of issues
    NoTest DescriptionPass/Fail

    Create a KPI Template for "Team Leaders".

    Enter below KPI

    1. GOVN001
    2. GOVN003
    3. TEACH004
    Validate that the total weight is not less than 100.
    2Create an appraisal for employee E018 with the above templatePass

    Log in as the employee and update the score and comments

    1. GOVN001 = 80/100
    2. GOVN003 = 75/100
    3. TEACH004 = 66/100

    The average Employee score should be 73.66

    4The manager should be able to enter the scores until the employee has submitted the appraisalPass

    Enter the HR score as below:

    KPI Code = GOVN001, KPI Type = Standard, HR Score = 85/ 100
    KPI Code = GOVN003, KPI Type = Standard, HR Score = 80/ 100
    KPI Code = TECH002, KPI Type = Initiative, HR Score = 89/ 100.
    The initiative KPI was added by the HR approver, hence the "Employee" and "Manager" score for the KPI is the score.
    KPI Code = TECH004, KPI Type = Standard, HR Score = 69/ 100
    Average HR Score = (85+90+89+60)/3 = 107.67.


    Validate below reports

    1. Performance Appraisal Detail Report
    2. Performance Appraisal Form
    3. Performance Appraisal Summary Report
    4. Performance Appraisal Bonus Award Letter
    5. Performance Appraisal Bonus Calculation Report 

    Documentation updated for below pages:

    • LinkSOFT\LinkWebApplicationsPortal\Performance Appraisal\Appraisal.htm
    • LinkSOFT\LinkWebApplicationsPortal\Performance Appraisal\Appraisal_Score_Calculation.htm
    • LinkSOFT\LinkWebApplicationsPortal\Performance Appraisal\KPI_Appraisal_Template.htm
    • LinkSOFT\LinkWebApplicationsPortal\Performance Appraisal\KPI_Groups.htm
    • LinkSOFT\LinkWebApplicationsPortal\Performance Appraisal\KPI_Maintenance.htm
    • LinkSOFT\LinkWebApplicationsPortal\Performance Appraisal\KPI_Measure.htm
    • LinkSOFT\LinkWebApplicationsPortal\Performance Appraisal\KPI_Outcomes.htm
    • LinkSOFT\LinkWebApplicationsPortal\Performance Appraisal\KPI_Score_Range.htm

    Environment Details

    1. OS version: Windows Server 2012
    2. Application version: 11.0.0506
    3. Environment details:
      UID/PASS: admin 

    Next Step

    1. Closure

      General Documents - Case: L11998:Calculations.xlsx
      Employee Performance Appraisal.xlsx
      Performance Appraisal Report (OrganisationDepartment).xlsx
      Performance Improvement Plan.docx
      If you have any queries regarding this support incident, please email and include the Case No: L11998 in the subject line of all emails regarding this issue.

      Document size: 607.2 KB
      For call complaints, please contact the Managing Director of the company using this form