Company: Link Technologies
Case No: L12025. Project: 12.10: LinkSOFT version 12.1
Logged By: Sanjay (Link Technologies) on 18 Aug 2020 08:31AM
Priority: Low
Product: Framework
Group: Quality
Time Taken: 12.00 (Weight: 14.00)
Version: 12.10.1020
Assigned To: Rashna (Edge Business Solutions)
Circulation: Rashna, Sanjay
Resolve By: Friday, 28 August 2020 11:59 PM [1646 days since logged date]
Status: Closed
Subject: General "System Test" Changes for Verification and documentation

Below is a list of System Test changes that were done over the last two weeks.

Table 1 - System Test Changes for V12.0.0817

DateCreated ByReferenceDetails of the issueAssigned ToPriorityCommentsStatus
 System Issue    
9/7/2020AlvisLinkWEB/Forms-ESS/Forms/TimeView.aspxCombine Edit & Report formsSanjay Done in Time View by Day, Time View Weekly Detail, Time Approval. Moved date to left 
14/7/2020AlvisForms-POS/Replication/CompareDataDetails.aspxFormat Defference HTML to render HTML tags correctlySanjay  Resolved
14/7/2020AlvisForms-RM/Recruitment/VacancyManage.aspxAdd security access to "Notify" or "Employ" applicantsAlvis  Resolved
9/7/2020AlvisForms-FMS/Assets/ProcessActivity.aspxEdit form - remove Posted Date as this is system assignedAlvis/Sanjay Done 
15/7/2020AlvisDatabase backup failuresWhen database backup for additional databases fails, the system should exit, do not flag the process as failed.Alvis  Resolved
23/7/2020AlvisForms-RM/Recruitment/VacancyManage.aspxNotify button is not using security VA002-1Sanjay  Done
23/7/2020AlvisForms-RM/Recruitment/VacancyManage.aspxEmploy button is not using security VA002-2Sanjay  Done
23/7/2020AlvisForms-ESS/Forms/EmployeeProfile.aspxExit response tab -> remove Add buttonSanjay  Done
23/7/2020AlvisForms-ESS/Forms/EmployeeProfile.aspxMy Task tab -> Add security is not checked when adding a recordAlvis  Done
23/7/2020AlvisForms-ESS/Forms/Meetings.aspxChange "Convenor" to "Convener"Alvis/Sanjay Changed grid caption to "Convener"
Changed Alert and report as well
23/7/2020AlvisForms-ESS/LeaveManagement/Allocation.aspxbutton "Create Leave Allocation" to check for security HR3163 allow addSanjay  Done
23/7/2020AlvisForms-ESS/Forms/LeaveApprovalPopup.aspxWhen approving/rejecting check the notes created should be a system entry. This should bypass the notes Add securityAlvis Changed all dependencies to include IsSystem parameter for system-generated notesDone
23/7/2020AlvisForms-ESS/LeaveManagement/AccrualsRollover.aspxReplace auto-refresh with refresh checkboxSanjay  Done
23/7/2020AlvisForms-ESS/RosterManagement/RosterSchedule.aspx"Create 'Next Period' roster" button should check for security HR3173 allow addSanjay  Done
23/7/2020AlvisForms-ESS/Timesheets/TimesheetDeviceSetup.aspxDetails tab -> Add space between words "FileWatchLocation"Sanjay  Done
23/7/2020AlvisForms-ESS/PayrollProcessing/BackPaySchedule.aspx"Create Pay" button to check security HR333-3 ActiveSanjay  Done
23/7/2020AlvisForms-ESS/SingleTouch/PayEvent.aspx"Manual Submissions" tab -> Remove Add button from grid header.Sanjay  Done
23/7/2020AlvisForms-ESS/HRMMaintenance/Grade.aspxCorrect spelling "Maximum"Sanjay Caption ChangedDone
23/7/2020AlvisForms-ESS/EmployeePaySetup/TransferEmployee.aspx"Transfer Employee" button to check security HR3213 AllowAddSanjay  Done
23/7/2020AlvisForms-ESS/PerformanceAppraisal/Appraisal.aspx"Create Appraisal" button to check security HR47122 AllowAddSanjay  Done
23/7/2020AlvisForms-POS/Inventory/ProductMaster.aspxCorrect product spelling in Grid titleSanjay  Done
23/7/2020AlvisForms-POS/Inventory/ProductMaster.aspxCopy button to check security IV519 "Allow Add"Sanjay  Done
23/7/2020AlvisForms-POS/Inventory/StockTake.aspxChange "Post Stocktake" caption to "Post Stock Take"Sanjay  Done
23/7/2020AlvisForms-FMS/Purchase/PurchaseQuote.aspxChange caption "TaxCode" to "Tax Code"Sanjay  Done
23/7/2020AlvisForms-FMS/Purchase/PurchaseQuote.aspxRemove Add button from gridSanjay  Done
23/7/2020AlvisForms-POS/Replication/CompareData.aspxRow colour is not standardAlvis  Done
23/7/2020AlvisForms-POS/Replication/CompareDataDetails.aspxRemove Add button from gridSanjay  Done
23/7/2020AlvisForms-HLP/Forms/Projects.aspxCheck security for Adding project tasksAlvis  Done
23/7/2020AlvisFramework/EmailLog.aspx"Send Email" button in both tabs to use security FR021-1 ActiveSanjay  Done
23/7/2020AlvisFramework/ReportSchedule.aspxThe delete button is not using standard securitySanjay  Done
23/7/2020AlvisForms-ESS/Timesheets/TimesheetLog.aspx?replace identity with newid in batch staging/archive tablesAlvis   
24/7/2020AlvisFramework/EventLog.aspxExpand grid -> Correct spelling for "Reolution" Sanjay  Done
24/7/2020AlvisForms-ESS/Forms/EmployeeProfile.aspxMy Tasks Tab
-> Add row colour
-> Change detail section to HTML control
Sanjay  Done
24/7/2020AlvisForms-ESS/Forms/Meetings.aspxDetail section -> Meeting Minutes tab -> Change layout to HTML controlSanjay  Done
24/7/2020AlvisEmployee MaintenanceThe client is not using payroll processing, how do they update the employee position.Alvis Added a background process "ESS035" to apply effective date changes for "Pay Rates, Position and Grade"Done
24/07/2020AlvisForms-ESS/Forms/Interviews.aspxApplicants grid. Change the title "Score Req" to "Requirement Score"Sanjay  Done
24/07/2020AlvisForms-RM/Recruitment/VacancyManage.aspxRemove quotes from Interview Assessment (Average)"Sanjay  Done
24/07/2020AlvisForms-ESS/EmployeePaySetup/StandardPay.aspxStandard Pay Entries Tab -> Change "Cost Center" to "Cost Centre"Sanjay  Done
24/07/2020AlvisForms-ESS/Forms/Achievements.aspxSort void items to the bottomAlvis  Done
24/07/2020AlvisForms-ESS/Forms/TrainingSchedule.aspxEnrol link is not workingSanjay Caused by spellchecker add-on in chrome. Clicking on the CTRL button then opening the link to enrol worksClosed
27/7/2020AlvisPayroll processing verificationAdd the following verifications:
1. Super not deducted
2. The deduction is more than allowing the threshold
3. No pay details
4. Super guarantee not calculated
Alvis  Done
27/7/2020AlvisTNA processingTNA processing computations take a long time to compute a batch has 1 employee data. There are 1000 employees in the staging table.Alvis Changed TNA processing to calculate based on the employees in the batch. Manual recompute can be used to compute all employees time.Done
27/7/2020AlvisForms-RM/Recruitment/VacancyManage.aspxEmploy button should refresh the main vacancy gridSanjay  Done
27/7/2020AlvisAttachment NotesNotes for attachment is not showing in the Attachments tab.Sanjay  Done
27/7/2020AlvisForms-ESS/LeaveManagement/AccrualsRollover.aspxAdd row colourAlvis  Done
28/7/2020AlvisMerge Reports folder to use LinkWeb\Reports Alvis/Sanjay  Done
28/7/2020AlvisForms-ESS/Forms/TimeAnalysis.aspxAdd space between "CostCentre" caption
Add space between words in Chart Type dropdown
Sanjay Chart Type Dropdown will be done in 12.1Done
28/7/2020AlvisForms-ESS/Forms/EmailPayslips.aspxChange email queued message to state menu "Email Log -> PDF Report Email Log" instead of "Report Email Log"Sanjay  Done
28/7/2020AlvisForms-ESS/Forms/TimeSetup.aspxAdding a new project does not show under "Project Activities" until the user refreshes the pageSanjay  Done
28/7/2020AlvisForms-ESS/Forms/TimeSetup.aspxAdding a new customer does not show under "Customer Project Rates" and "Customer Project Activity Limits" tabs until the user refreshes the page.
If the user had clicked "Save" button the refresh of the page does not load the new customer.
Sanjay  Done
28/7/2020AlvisForms-ESS/HealthAndSafety/IncidentReporting.aspxMake Subject required in the edit formSanjay  Done
29/7/2020AlvisForms-POS/Inventory/ProductMaster.aspxCorrect spelling for "Product Master"Sanjay  Done
29/7/2020AlvisForms-POS/Inventory/Replenishment.aspxWhen creating a purchase order, always create a new purchase order to add the detail lines.Alvis Changed Purchase order description to include user and date created. These combinations make the replenishment uniqueDone
30/7/2020AlvisForms-POS/POS/CustomerMaintenance.aspxInvoice List tab -> Change caption for "returned" to start with capital R.Sanjay  Done
30/7/2020AlvisForms-POS/POS/CustomerMaintenance.aspxInvoice List -> Invoice tab - Show Deleted column in the gridSanjay  Done
30/7/2020AlvisForms-POS/POS/CustomerMaintenance.aspxPayments tab -> Edit form layout is inconsistent. Field and value should be side by sideSanjay Caption location is at the top to handle the dynamic labels (Which can grow horizontally) for Prompts. Closed
30/7/2020AlvisForms-POS/POS/CustomerMaintenance.aspxReturns List -> Show "time" portion in "transaction date" in the grid
Show "time" portion in date created in grid
Sanjay  Closed
30/7/2020AlvisForms-POS/POS/CustomerMaintenance.aspxFleet Management -> Drivers - Make address field bigger with multiline in the edit formSanjay  Closed
30/7/2020AlvisInvoice created in WEB with receiptLoad the same transaction in POS, payment lines were not showingSanjay Known issue - we can design this in more detail in 12.1 
30/7/2020AlvisForms-POS/Replication/ServerTopology.aspxAdd standard refresh button and checkbox. Remove the automatic refresh.Sanjay  Done
30/7/2020AlvisForms-POS/Replication/Import.aspxReplication - Import Data - Remove add button from gridSanjay  Done
30/7/2020AlvisForms-POS/Replication/Import.aspxReplication - Export Data - Enable Add button in the gridSanjay  Done
30/7/2020AlvisPOS - complete sale by redeeming loyaltyUnable to complete the sale. The system throws message user [] does not have access to add record.Alvis  Done
30/7/2020AlvisForms-HLP/Forms/ContactUs.aspxMissing update procedureAlvis  Done
30/7/2020AlvisForms-HLP/Forms/ContactUs.aspxEdit Form - make read-only Reason, Contact Name, Contact Email, Contact Phone, Reference Number. The only field the user can edit is the status.Sanjay  Done
30/7/2020AlvisForms-HLP/Forms/Survey.aspxSurvey Email List -> Tick Send survey for a survey that is responded. The system raises an error however the error message disappears after a blink in the screen.Sanjay  Done
30/7/2020AlvisForms-HLP/Forms/MaintainGroup.aspxEdit form - make Description requiredSanjay  Done
30/7/2020AlvisForms-HLP/Forms/MaintainTaskTemplates.aspxEdit form - change field order to be "priority", "category" then "group"Sanjay  Done
30/7/2020AlvisFramework/Downloads.aspxMake Attachment Group Name requiredSanjay Also made Filename, and Hyperlink Description requiredDone
30/7/2020AlvisFramework/MaintainApprovalWorkflow.aspxDetails tab -> Approver Limit display format to 2dp with thousand separatorSanjay  Done
30/7/2020AlvisFramework/Organisations.aspxUsers in the organisation - unable to add a user. Save button is not clickableSanjay Changed Add option to load user values which are editable based on FR520Done
30/7/2020AlvisFramework/Tasks.aspxAdd button not showingAlvis  Done
31/7/2020AlvisFramework/Currency.aspxEdit form- add required fields for code and descriptionSanjay  Done
31/7/2020AlvisFramework/EventLog.aspxRemove add button as the insert is not supportedAlvis  Done
31/7/2020AlvisFramework/EventLog.aspxTidy details of log screen to allow for large values in Custom field text 1-4Sanjay  Done
31/7/2020AlvisFramework/Administration/MaintainLicence.aspxCorrected Licence status text and formatted date to use a month nameAlvis/Sanjay  Done
31/7/2020AlvisFramework/PublicHolidays.aspxEdit form - make date requiredSanjay  Done
31/7/2020AlvisForms-ESS/HRMMaintenance/Position.aspxPosition Tab -> Expand Requirement Criteria Tab -> Add grid total for Weight column.Sanjay  Done
31/7/2020AlvisForms-RM/Recruitment/VacancyManage.aspxExpand Grid -> Applicants Tab -> Expand Grid Position Requirements Tab -> Add grid total for Weight ColumnSanjay  Done
3/8/2020AlvisForms-ESS/HRMMaintenance/Position.aspx?Job Description looking is missing a blank entry. Users are unable to deselect.Alvis  Done
3/8/2020AlvisForms-RM/Recruitment/VacancyView.aspxVoid vacancies are showingAlvis  Done
3/8/2020AlvisForms-ESS/Forms/PerformancePoints.aspxOutstanding Performance Points Entry grid is not showing records.Alvis Changed selection to include employees where the user has access to "pay team"Done
3/8/2020AlvisForms-ESS/PerformanceAppraisal/PerformancePlan.aspxPerformance Plan -> Action Plan Grid -> Expand. Remove Goals textbox as it is already showing in the gridSanjay  Done
3/8/2020AlvisForms-POS/Inventory/ProductMaster.aspxKit Items Tab -> Rename Order to "Display Order"Sanjay  Done
4/8/2020SanjayFramework/Processes.aspxAdd descriptive descriptions to "Process Descriptions". e.g.
1. "HEL Call Actioned Today" should be "Helpdesk Call Actioned Today Alert. This alert sends out an email to the user showing a showing all the calls (in table form) that were updated by the user"
2. "HEL Generate Tasks" should be "Helpdesk Scheduled Tasks (maintained in the menu: "Helpdesk Maintenance ~> Scheduled Tasks")are created using this process. "
Alvis  Done
4/8/2020Sanjay/Forms-HLP/Forms/MaintainTaskTemplates.aspxWhen the process creates the task, the next run date should be calculated based on the configured "Next Run Date and time". Add a caveat that the next run should be greater than "now" to avoid multiple stipulationsAlvis  Done
4/8/2020SanjayAccount Locked Out AlertThere is no way to know where the alert came from. Maybe include URL where to go and log in or the company name. This should be done in all alerts. Maybe have a footer showing the source.Alvis Changed the mail prefix to state the company name instead of LinkSOFT. The prefix is updated on database upgrade and when company information is changed.Done
4/8/2020AlvisGL Integration reportHSUPE showing twiceAlvis  Done
5/8/2020SanjayFramework/ConfigurationMaster.aspxRule description for "Default Page Content" should be changed to include the word HOME as users will search for this word when looking for this configuration. e.g. "Default Page Content. This is the content displayed in the Landing Page (Home Page) when the user first logs in to LinkSOFT."Alvis  Done
5/8/2020SanjayBusiness Intelligence Reports - Project ReportThe report Task Sort order is not the same as the Project Task Order. It should be Task No then Case NoAlvis  Done
5/8/2020SanjayBusiness Intelligence Reports - Project ReportRefer to the Project Status report in production for ARV Project 12.49. There is a second page with no dataAlvis  Done
5/8/2020AlvisIntegration -> File ImportDoes the data flow through replication after it is imported?Alvis Changed file import process to execute data using "Linkadmin" login. This is required for replication to tag the data.Done
6/8/2020AlvisFramework/UserWorkflow.aspxAdd roles column to both grids. This is useful to determine if a user is an employeeAlvis/Sanjay  Done
6/8/2020AlvisMYOB API Sales invoice line tax is incorrect when the invoice has different tax rates Alvis  Done
7/8/2020AlvisForms-ESS/RosterManagement/RosterSchedule.aspxAdd date range filterAlvis/Sanjay  Done
10/8/2020SanjayHelpdesk DocumentShow project weight next to Total Cost if weight is enteredSanjay  Done
10/8/2020SanjayHelpdesk DocumentDo not show Case Reference is there is no value in the fieldSanjay  Done
10/8/2020AlvisJIWA integration - Sales order creationSales order payment lines did not create. An error was raised in the integration.Alvis Resolved issue in both Jiwa6 and 7.Done
10/8/2020AlvisLeave accrual journal is missing Alvis Corrected issue with leave accrual journals in the demo database.Done
10/8/2020AlvisRoster schedule compatibility with SQL server 2016 Alvis  Done
11/8/2020AlvisMYOB API Tax calculationTax is incorrect calculated for Invoices with tax-exclusive prices.
Tax rounding amount is not handled
Alvis  Done
11/8/2020AlvisJIWA integration - Inventory Master integrationWhen an item is sold in POS, the last modified date is updated in the SOH table in JIWA. When the inventory master file is imported, the Last Modified Date is from the IN_Main table which is not updated by the stock movement. The last modified date causes the next round of import to extract inventory items that have not been modified. This significantly slows the import process.Alvis Corrected the inventory import to use Maximum date from SOH or IN_Main.Done
11/8/2020 /Framework/HealthCheck.aspxMake the health check items descriptive and place the next step where applicableAlvis  Done
11/8/2020AlvisCheck row/page locking on table indexes to be enabled Alvis  Done
12/8/2020SanjayForms-ESS/Forms/TimeCalendar.aspxA new appointment is saving UserName as a Null valueSanjay Alvis - Time entry pre-validation procedure should check if the derived username is validDone
12/8/2020AlvisShifts on holdWhile closing shifts on hold, the partial close button was enabled.Sanjay We can partial close shifts on hold and full close these laterDone
12/8/2020AlvisPOS Configuration ->Scale/display -> Customer Display Monitor NumberTooltip is incorrectSanjay  Done
12/8/2020SanjayLicence RequestSingle quote in Company name (Reddy's Group) gives Syntax error in the error logSanjay   
12/8/2020AlvisUse of @@identity returns incorrect values when audit or replication is configured in the table Alvis  Done
Audit Notes:Edited by sanjay on 04/09/20 15:08. Edited by sanjay on 26/08/20 17:07. 
18 Aug 202008:32AM Comment 1 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Rashna (Edge Business Solutions) Followup Date: 20-08-2020 08:31 AM Time Taken: 2.00
Hi Rashna, can you review these changes and mark the line as "Completed" or "Closed" after you have verified this and updated the documentation where required?

26 Aug 202005:07PM Comment 2 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Rashna (Edge Business Solutions) Followup Date: 28-08-2020 05:02 PM Time Taken: 2.00
Hi Rashna, here is the list of changes for review and documentation update.

DateCreated ByReferenceDetails of the issueAssigned ToStatusPriorityComments
12/8/2020AlvisAdd a configuration for government levy 1% in pay control. Use this percentage in all calculations AlvisDone Add Module Configuration for future expansion
Changed Payroll GL Integration to use module configuration
Changed Levy Report
Changed Pay Summary Report
14/8/2020AlvisCalculate Super Compulsory and excess. The description needs to be reviewed AlvisDone  
17/8/2020AlvisAdd health check for duplicate leave accrual and missed pay number. AlvisNot Required We have added a check to ensure pay cannot be closed twice
18/8/2020AlvisAdd configuration for Audit Data number of rows to menu maintenance AlvisNot required There is already a configuration to return the number of rows.
18/8/2020SanjayLT_SYS_Log Insert procedureInsert procedure should not consolidate User LoginsSanjayDoneLowAdded module check to Log Insert procedure. We can add more modules as we go
18/8/2020AlvisMeal allowance setup by date range in allowance screen with include super flag off Incorrect calculation of super on the standard pay screenAlvisDone  
18/8/2020Sanjay when we upgrade clients to version 11 and above can we check if email addresses are in the correct format.

An employee at NFA had the email address as

The payroll officer was unable to edit any details for the employee under Employee Maintenance. When she saved the record nothing happened.

1. There was no error in the Event Log.
2. No error on the form when the user saved the record
3. Neither did the tab switch to the email field to show its incorrect.
SanjayNot Required Could not reproduce in V12. Please upgrade from V11 to V12
19/8/2020AlvisVoid bank details with "Is Default" ticked appear in the Customer Statement AlvisDone  
19/8/2020AlvisEdit the description of process POS026 to show the correct menu AlvisDone  
19/8/2020AlvisWhat does an orange record represent on the customer profile SanjayDone Removed Orange. Red is "Customer Balance" exceeds "Credit Limit" otherwise Black
21/8/2020SanjayOverdue Calls alertURL is:
Should be:
21/8/2020SanjayLicences Issued ReportReport Header notes should explain what the colours meanAlvisDone Red is "Not Verified"
21/8/2020Vineet There is an issue with Allow Price Change security when touch is enabled. A user without access to this security cannot change price, however, when touch is enabled, it pops the number pad. Whatever number the user clicks on and clicks ok, that price is saved. This has been reproduced in current version v.11.4. Please see if we can get a patch for that as cashiers have now started stealing by selling at 0 price   The issue is with V12 as well
21/8/2020Vineet We are currently doing UAT with MCL and have noticed that the BSP Direct Credit file in v10 and BSP direct Credit file in v11 have a totally different format. We have reviewed the Projects and have not come across any case explaining the changes in v11 for this file.AlvisNo change from v10 to v11 or v12  
21/8/2020Sanjay Quote for TLTB PMS customisationSanjayPostponed Case sent back t Vineet for cleanup and clarification
18/8/2020AlvisAudit Setup - Add description and menu codes
Remove tables that should not be audited. e.g Audit Data, Event Log, replication data
 AlvisDone Audit Data is the only table that cannot be audited.
24/8/2020AlvisCurrency Rates upload template AlvisDone  
25/8/2020AlvisInventory Barcode upload template AlvisDone  
24/8/2020RashnaDuplicate Asset numbers are not checked. Forms-FMS/Assets/MaintainAssets.aspx?AlvisDone  
24/8/2020AlvisCorrect spelling for "Retension Days" in process SYS003 AlvisDone  
25/8/2020AlvisUser admin does not have access to "Add, Edit or Delete" roles for menu "Role Maintenance".
However, the user was able to add a new role from "User Maintenance - Role (Tab) -> Create Role
The "Create Role" button in "User Maintenance" does not check for security access menu: FR596 - Allow Add.
This check cannot be done in the procedure as it uses the system aspnet functions to create the role.
26/8/2020SanjayPOS - Main FormTransfer all relevant maintenance forms to WEB
Payment - PaymentMaintenance.aspx - Done
Loyalty - LoyaltyMaintenance - done
Multi Currency - MultiCurrencyMaintenance - done
Stations - StationMaintenance - Done
Reason - ReasonMaintenance - Done
Cheque Account Maintenance - PaymentLookupMaintenance.aspx - Done
Sanjay/AlvisDone Numbers column - add comma without setting the DP
24/8/2020AlvisMerge customer notes and tasks (LBS_CustomerNotes) with Notes and Attachments AlvisDone Customer notes is migrated to use Tasks framework
27/8/2020AlvisAdd a menu for POS -> Gift Voucher.A read-only grid showing transactions in LBS_PaymentVouchersAlvis/SanjayDone Created a data view for Payment Vouchers
26/8/2020AlvisSet the configuration in Linkweb as minRequiredNonalphanumericCharacters="1",
Recover Password Fails
Error: Non-alpha numeric characters in 'newPassword' needs to be greater than or equal to '1'.SanjayDone The issue was with the membership provider used for password recovery
       Build version 12.0.0826

26 Aug 202005:07PM Comment 3 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) ETC was changed from 21/08/2020 to 28/08/2020
31 Aug 202002:46PM Comment 4 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Rashna (Edge Business Solutions) Followup Date: 02-09-2020 02:42 PM Time Taken: 8.00

Hi Rashna, we have moved these items to Notes/Journal in Helpdesk. Please use notes/Journal to mark the items as CLOSED.

In this case, just place the progress and then close it when done.8

10 Sep 202009:27AM Comment 5 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Rashna (Edge Business Solutions) Followup Date: 16-09-2020 09:26 AM
Transferred to Notes/Journal

If you have any queries regarding this support incident, please email and include the Case No: L12025 in the subject line of all emails regarding this issue.

Document size: 149.5 KB
For call complaints, please contact the Managing Director of the company using this form