Summary: | Error message: { "Errors": [ { "Name": "InternalError", "Message": "An exception was thrown that was not handled correctly. If this situation persists please contact for further assistance.", "AdditionalDetails": null, "ErrorCode": 20, "Severity": "Error", "LearnMore": null } ], "Information": "Warning, error messages have not been finalised in this release and may change" } Integration: MYOBAccountRightV2.API Rule: GeneralLedgerMaster Flag: GLAccount.URL.GET { "Errors": [ { "Name": "InternalError", "Message": "An exception was thrown that was not handled correctly. If this situation persists please contact for further assistance.", "AdditionalDetails": null, "ErrorCode": 20, "Severity": "Error", "LearnMore": null } ], "Information": "Warning, error messages have not been finalised in this release and may change" } Integration: MYOBAccountRightV2.API Rule: AccountsReceivableTransaction Flag: QuoteTimeBilling.URL.GET { "Errors": [ { "Name": "InternalError", "Message": "An exception was thrown that was not handled correctly. If this situation persists please contact for further assistance.", "AdditionalDetails": null, "ErrorCode": 20, "Severity": "Error", "LearnMore": null } ], "Information": "Warning, error messages have not been finalised in this release and may change" } Integration: MYOBAccountRightV2.API Rule: AccountsPayableMaster Flag: ContactSupplier.URL.GET
| Seems like this error is intermittent and happens when all the MYOB APIs are enabled. It could be that the MYOB local Service is overwhelmed and raises an internal error. I have been able to re-produce the issue by bombarding the MYOB API with multiple API calls all at once, however, when we throttle the API calls, the error does not happen. |
| PART A - Development work for this case has been completed. 1. The change will be available in version: 14.60 2. The following changes were made(Include Database object names, Program classes, and any other relevant information): - Added a flag named: "General Settings.DelayBetweenAPICalls". Default Value 1000 Milliseconds. This will allow 1 call per second throttle for all API's under this integration.
- Added a flag "XXX.URL.GET.LastReadDateDelay". Default value 60 seconds. This is the amount of time (in seconds) to delay between API calls for a specific module. Recommend the following settings:
- For Masterfiles - set this to 600 seconds (10 minutes). If your Masterfile changes very frequently, use something like 120 seconds (2 minutes)
- For Transaction files, recommend this value to be 60 seconds.
3. Affected Areas: - Integration API calls where there is a throttle limit
4. The issue was caused by: - Throttle Limits on API from external systems
5. Other Relevant Notes: 6. Next Step (Review and System Test (Developer) -> UAT (Quality) -> Documentation): UAT