Link Technologies - Helpdesk. Knowledge Base

1. Inventory Valuation Report shows incorrect data when 'Freight' is used in Transfers (L11757)

Financial & Asset Management

1. "Tax Report by Bank Reconciliation" does not pick up Creditor sourced Payments (L12958)
2. Asset allocation to Employees and Projects Management for Assets (L12679)
3. Asset Register gives incorrect W.D.V for Disposed Assets (L12233)
4. Depreciation is not calculated in version 12.40 (L12235)
5. FRCS SDC integration for Reprint is not working (L11894)
6. Request for FAR - File Import Template (L12048)
7. Review and Rename LinkSOFT Module "FMS". The title doesn't clearly explain the module (L12993)
8. Unable to create a "New Cash Receipt" in FMIS - Version 11.5 (L11901)

FMIS (Jiwa/Epicor/etc)

1. API calls for XERO should use LastReadDate as the Current time instead of the Record datetime stamp (L12868)
2. Credit Note Integrated from MYOB to LinkSOFT Fail to sign into TIMS as the Reference Number is missing (L12873)
3. Enhance Linksoft Integration for Cash Sales Transactions to create Separate Sales Order Grouped by ShiftID and Date in Jiwa (L12908)
4. Incorrect Journal Set Created for Negative Variance in Cashier "Shift Close" (L12884)
5. Incorrect Tax Description shown in Jiwa for Creditor Purchases (L12913)
6. Invoices Integrated from MYOB to LinkSOFT Fail to sign into TIMS as the Tax Amount is Negative for Credit Notes (L12866)
7. JIWA integration with LinkSOFT - Payment amount greater than Invoice Total in Sales Order Gives Error when activating Cash Book Receipts (L12903)
8. LinkSOFT POS Transactions to Jiwa Sales Orders is slow (L12953)
9. MYOB AP Integration - Override Tax code does not get the correct UID (L12947)
10. MYOB API - Internal Error - An exception was thrown that was not handled correctly. If this situation persists please contact for further assistance. (L12867)
11. Purchase Order appears with multiple lines on Creditor Purchase and Payment form (L12928)
12. Purchase Order received with a backdated date creates multiple Journals in Jiwa if the AP Integration date is AFTER the GL Journal Integration Data (L12935)
13. Purchase Order with 0 costs is not integrated into MYOB (L12364)


1. Add "Default Login Landing Page" to configuration so we can direct users to Dashboards (L12957)
2. Add "Menu" field to menu "Global Administration ~ Audit Setup" (L13000)
3. Add "Send Feedback" option on LinkSOFT to allow customers to contact support with issues and concerns (L12608)
4. Add "user access list" security so one user cannot view all other users without permission (L12147)
5. Add a "Blank" selection to the "Employee and Leave" dropdowns for the "Create Leave Allocation" button. (L12096)
6. Add a configuration to "Validate Emails" when messge are sent from LinkSOFT (L12912)
7. Add a digital signature to LinkSOFT so that Windows and other seurity management systems will trust the installer [Created from case L10323] (L11835)
8. Add a feature to check for the SQL API version. Once the version has been verified then continue with the integration. (L12107)
9. Add a File Manager in LinkWEB to allow POS users to Maintain Customer Display messages (L11959)
10. Add a log when licence is requested and remove spaces in the "Company Code" and Name before getting a new licence (L12110)
11. Add a menu in POS that shows a list of payment/gift vouchers and their usage. (L12573)
12. Add ability for customers to Upload Databases to a Secure FTP Location for safe storage (L11745)
13. Add ability to Create a license given a "Request ID" for clients unable to access the LinkSOFT License API (L13078)
14. Add ability to delete a user and transfer all related data to another nominated Active user (L12169)
15. Add ability to delete multiple records from "Email Log" (L12220)
16. Add ability to handle Data Views in LinkSOFT Framework (L11725)
17. Add ability to select multiple entries and make them inactive at once instead of making items inactive one at a time (L12306)
18. Add ability to select multiple entries and process them at once instead of individually (L12316)
19. Add an "Email notifications" Archive functionality to prevent high CPU Usage due to Email Attachments (L12066)
20. Add Captcha to the login screen to prevent robotic logins to LinkSOFT (L11962)
21. Add configuration to prevent public user signup to LinkWEB (L12124)
22. Add Custom FTP Upload for Database Backups (L12812)
23. Add Dashboards and User customisable Dashboards to LinkSOFT (L12710)
24. Add Data View for External Commands (L13035)
25. Add Document Template to Scheduled Reports so they can have their own Email Template (L12671)
26. Add Email Configuration to Company Level settings so users can use different Email settings for each company (L13071)
27. Add File upload and processing functionality to LinkWEB now that we do not have direct Database access on Cloud Setup (L11953)
28. Add FMIS Integration Transactions to "Purge" process (L13034)
29. Add Frequency START and END Times to Automation Policy (L12956)
30. Add Health Check functionality to allow the system to automatically verify system Status (L11727)
31. Add logging to Dashboard editing (L12994)
32. Add Menu instructions to all forms so that we can get customers to instruct their users on any special instructions (L12130)
33. Add Refresh and Data filters to Grid View such as Employee Maintenance, Users etc (L12840)
34. Add Search and limit rows to "Rows to return" configuration as some companies have > 10,000 Accounts Receivable Accounts (L12609)
35. Add Search and limit rows to "Rows to return" configuration as some companies have > 10,000 GL Accounts (L12605)
36. Add Subscription Price and Hosting Services management to Licence Portal (L12751)
37. Add support for TLS 1.3 and remove SSL3 support when connecting to mail servers (L12909)
38. Add the ability to enable "Audit" for multiple table as once (L12148)
39. Add the ability to have maintained a list of functional points for each menu item in LinkSOFT (L11938)
40. Add the ability to run all background processes in "Link Process Scheduler" (L11886)
41. Add the ability to store Additional Fields (Custom Fields or User Defined Fields) in LinkSOFT Framework (L10510)
42. Add the following modules so we can monitor licence application usage (L12986)
43. Add two-factor authentication to Linksoft web - Authenticator APP (L12243)
44. Add two-factor authentication to Linksoft web as it can be configured to be accessed from external networks (L12081)
45. Add UserCreated and User Modified on Important Tables (L12595)
46. Add VOID option on the employee rate so that we can create a new rate with the same effective date. CASE T13084 (L12046)
47. Add VOID/Active Filter and Multi Select to HR Menus, POS, Assets and all forms where we can Delete/Void records (L12882)
48. Additional field to Sucessfactor (L13060)
49. Additional Fields improvement - Add validate Email field definition (L11784)
50. Additional security on the "User Maintenance" form (L13093)
51. Ah Liki Group (Samoa) - TIMS Integration Process and Discussion (L12069)
52. Allow "multiple select" when Adding and Removing Roles from User Maintenance (L10505)
53. Allow Administrator to recycle the application Pool (L12925)
54. Application Timeout Management (L13076)
55. Application Title does not sometimes refresh when logging in (L12539)
56. AR Sales Order View - Timeout (L12014)
57. Audit operation should not allow users to audit processing tables, log tables and Archive tables as these tables cannot be changed by the user (L12611)
58. Automatically unlock user after 10 minutes (L11844)
59. Batch ID for Replication API Queues causes Non-Unique ID's when using high-performance machines (L12615)
60. Business Intelligence Data Views that have a Date/Time should end at 11:59 PM (L12968)
61. Change "Start and End Time" for "Process Setup" and "Frequency" in Upgrade Scripts (L12785)
62. Change reports displaying address to be in a standard format (L12088)
63. Change the LinkADMIN password for SQL Server to a Complex Format (L12830)
64. Cleanup and Improve the "Processes" menu to make it easier for users to understand and manage (L12277)
65. Cleanup unused temporary objects created by LinkSOFT (L12042)
66. Combine processes ESS016 and ESS017. these are 2 missing time alerts that can be combined into 1. (L12100)
67. Company Filter is missing in the Additional Fields system, which sometimes causes duplicate Additional Fields (L12856)
68. Correct Leave allocation data in demo database (L12111)
69. Create Database Templates to Improve Implementation Effort (L10542)
70. Database Maintenance Improvement allowing us to Shrink the Database to save disk space as part of cleanup (L12975)
71. Database Size issue for High Volume Transaction Sites (L11830)
72. Database Tools - Add a mechanism to prevent a user from accidentally upgrading the same database from two separate machines (L12352)
73. Database Tools gives error in V12.2 - Missing file in installation "Images.dll" (L12092)
74. Database Upgrade Fails. Message: Invalid object name 'LT_SYS_ProcessRulesModuleConfiguration_vw' (L12863)
75. Database utility - Improve Validations when creating databases (L12082)
76. Database Utility buttons are not visible in some screen resolutions (L12668)
77. Demo data to be added to all forms in LinkSOFT (L12248)
78. Demo Data Update to 2023 (L12883)
79. EFT Processing using VERIFONE VX690 for Australia, Fiji and the Pacific Islands (L12302)
80. Email Address (to Email Address) are removed in a multi company environment (L12864)
81. Email Alerts should contain an identifier at the end of the alert indicating the source of the alert (L12204)
82. Email fails with message "Missing or Empty FROM Address" in some installations (L13077)
83. Email Logs not clearing - Process to send emails seems very slow (L12846)
84. Email queue Logs is sending emails at a very slow pace (L12823)
85. Email validation for LinkSOFT to be Configurable (L12835)
86. Emails are not sending. Status is "Ready" in the email log (L12725)
87. Emails should not be sent to users that are "NOT APPROVED", or users that are in the "Email Exclusion list" (L12156)
88. Employee Bank Direct Credit Setup = can add a second entry with "remainder" checked (L12594)
89. Employee listing doesnt load in the Leave Transaction Report (L12820)
90. Enable customization based on the registered company name (L12086)
91. Enabler Desktop v4.10.0 implementation and Enabler Embedded v1.10.0 Pump Update (L12718)
92. Encrypt TNA devices "Linked Server Password" in the database (L12087)
93. Enforce Password Expiration (L11843)
94. Error while upgrading a database from version 10.1 (L11697)
95. ESDC signing invoice fails using inspur ESDC firmware (L11936)
96. Event Log Alert for ERROR Messages contain a large amount of data making the Alert difficult to read (L12271)
97. Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation (L12919)
98. Extend encryption to all modules where the password is stored. (L12080)
99. Failure sending Emails when using Exchange server (L12676)
100. Fix Helpdesk "call header" and "detail" users so that these are valid users (L12112)
101. Forms-POS/POS/CustomerMaintenance.aspxPayments tab -> Add option to print payment receipt (L12059)
102. Framework and Security Updates as at November 2022 (L12816)
103. Framework components update (L12160)
104. Framework, Extensions and Nuget Package updates to current version (L12879)
105. FRCSSDC Integration Failure Notification alert (L11917)
106. FTP Backup Upload Automation for LinkSOFT Customers (L12226)
107. Full Text Search capability not using StandardMicrosoft Search Logic (L12920)
108. General "System Test" Changes for Verification and documentation (L12025)
109. Generic pre-release tests for 10.153.1021 (L11801)
110. Grid Formatting and Defaults (L10474)
111. Handle Event Log exceptions "Exception of type 'System.Web.HttpUnhandledException' was thrown." and "The client disconnected." (L12887)
112. Helpfile corrections required in Build 11.5 (L11935)
113. Helpfile to open based on the menu selected (L12362)
114. Improve performance of Processes configured in "Company Administration ~> Processes" (L12103)
115. Improve the database and Server connection error messages or POS Login (L12098)
116. Improvements to Gridview Page Filters so that every page has "Show Void", "Date Filters", "Automatic Refresh" and "Intelligent Search" (L12850)
117. Improvements to handling Email from LinkSOFT (L11719)
118. Improvements to LinkSOFT Demo Database - Add multiple companies with samples for each country (L12097)
119. Improvements to Purge Data - Include "FMIS transactions" and "Pay Bank Submission" (L12970)
120. Improvements to reporting search framework (L12228)
121. Improvements to Version 12.2 - Summary of changes extracted from Notes/Journal (L12064)
122. Improvements to Web API framework (L11893)
123. In User Maintenance, add the ability to enable Email2FA for selected users (L12732)
124. Incorrect backup file name for other databases. (L12145)
125. Incorrect Company ID is passed when email scheduler generates reports from "Report Email Log" (L11890)
126. Incorrect company used for Test mode emails in Report Email Log (L11892)
127. Incorrect file name transferred to FTP Backup when the name exceeds 255 characters, the File name is truncated (L13047)
128. Incorrect tax reflection in LINKSOFT when the "Tax Inclusive" flag is disabled in MYOB (L12021)
129. Integration "AR Transaction" records imported from external systems should be editable if the status is "Failed" (L12203)
130. Integration Failures are not recorded in the Integration Notes (L12318)
131. Integration to external systems (Jiwa v6.5.13, Jiwa v7, Epicor 7.4) using direct SQL API improvements (L11916)
132. Integration to external systems- Add Revenue Account in Invoice Line Items (L11937)
133. Integration Transactions that come through the API that is DUPLICATES are not created in LinkSOFT (L12201)
134. Integration Transactions that have failed is difficult to view and re-process (L12200)
135. Javascript error relating to lbStatus when expanding PayRun entries (L12602)
136. Licence changes in version 13.00 onwards (L12365)
137. Licence Registration Menu does not show correct "Licence Status" (L12992)
138. Licence validation issue when the Licence does not match "Active Menus" (L13014)
139. License Usage Detail View does not accurately reflect usage for some modules (L13046)
140. Limit the default number of rows in a grid where there is a search functionality (L12229)
141. Link Database Update Utility - FTP Upload Functionality fails with Licence Validation "Invalid Licence. Error Code: LR100" (L12001)
142. Link Licence changes in V10 (L10388)
143. Link Licence Portal compliance with TLS 1.2 and 1.3 (L12950)
144. Link Scheduler Service Improvements (L11980)
145. LinkSOFT "Audit Data" is not informative for analysis and reporting (L12237)
146. LinkSOFT 12 - Documentation update (L12039)
147. LinkSOFT 12 - Quality and Release Stabilisation for V12.0.1015 (L12040)
148. LinkSOFT API for Time And Attendance required HRM licence to maintain TNA Devices (L12366)
149. LinkSOFT Backup Database Management - Improvements (L11847)
150. LinkSOFT FRCS VMS Integration with Vodafone Web Billing - TOPUP System (L11859)
151. LinkSOFT Home page to contain a News Bulletin so companies can convey important messages (L13010)
152. LinkSOFT Report Email compliance with TLS 1.2 and 1.3 (L12961)
153. LinkSOFT V11 - Refactoring, Cleanup and Fine Tuning (L11824)
154. LinkSOFT WEB API to handle data transmission between two LinkSOFT Databases instead of using "Linked Servers" (L12273)
155. LinkSOFT WEB API to handle data transmission between two LinkSOFT Databases instead of using "Linked Servers" (L12317)
156. LinkWEB Backup Database Management (L10439)
157. List of improvements in v12.32 (L12191)
158. Login CAPTCHA should only be required when a login attempt has failed (L12047)
159. Login security Code to allow to "Remember" for a preset number of days (L12753)
160. Menu customisation to allow for custom menu Groups and Names (L12559)
161. Menu search capability to allow easy navigation to a menu item (L12331)
162. Menu Time Management ~> Payroll Timesheets - Paging does not allow "ALL" (L12604)
163. Menus that have Date selection Parameters to populate Data for Current Day only (L12722)
164. Merge backoffice role maintenance to Web (L10438)
165. Merge Link Reporter and LinkPOS together now that all back office reports are on LinkWEB (L11952)
166. Microsoft Dynamics Integration - General Improvements and Enhancements (L12782)
167. Microsoft Dynamics Integration build using MS Dynamics API (L12635)
168. Microsoft has announced .NET Framework 4.5.2, 4.6, and 4.6.1 will reach the end of life support on 26 April 2022 (L12252)
169. Migrate "Role Module Access"to Link Web (L10484)
170. Migration of Back-Office User Maintenance to Link Web (L10494)
171. Minor changes added to 14.90. Refer to case details. (L12917)
172. Minor changes added to 14.90. Refer to case details. (L12924)
173. Minor changes, bug fixes and journal of changes, UAT and release testing (L12655)
174. Module configuration added to menu items (L11985)
175. Move POS detail notes 1-4 to product additional fields (L12058)
176. Multiple Minor changes and improvements to LinkSOFT 14.00 (L12763)
177. Multiple minor changes for LinkSOFT V13.03 (L12575)
178. Multiple Minor Changes to LinkSOFT for general Product Improvement (L13037)
179. Multiple Minor Changes to LinkSOFT for general Product Improvement (L13058)
180. Multiple Minor changes to LinkSOFT to improve Usability, Functionality and Stability (L12793)
181. Multiple Minor changes to LinkSOFT to improve Usability, Functionality and Stability (L12834)
182. Multiple Minor changes to LinkSOFT to improve Usability, Functionality and Stability (L12770)
183. Multiple Minor changes to LinkSOFT to improve Usability, Functionality and Stability (L12854)
184. Multiple Minor changes to LinkSOFT to improve Usability, Functionality and Stability (L12824)
185. Multiple Minor changes to LinkSOFT to improve Usability, Functionality and Stability (L12712)
186. Multiple Minor changes to LinkSOFT to improve Usability, Functionality and Stability (L12680)
187. Multiple minor updates to LinkSOFT. Refer to comments for change log (L13013)
188. MYOB Accountright / LinkSOFT Integration for VMS and Full Integration (Similar to Linksoft to JIWA/Epicor) (L11867)
189. MYOB AccountRight Integration for 2020.2 (L12000)
190. MYOB AP Invoice Integration supports only 1 Tax Code greater than zero (L12752)
191. MYOB API allows multiple companies to one Serial number - we need to handle this scenario (L12010)
192. MYOB Essentials and LinkSOFT Integration using LinkSOFT Inventory (L11913)
193. New Access to Role Menu Access - Can Edit Company in menu ''User Maintenance -> Company Tab'' Edit Form (L12855)
194. No Confirmation Received that Export From Crystal Reports Completed (L12570)
195. Null reference error when processing FRCSSDC integration for Samoa Client using MYOB (L12006)
196. Password Policy to include more complexity (L12825)
197. Payroll and HR reports needs to have Employee code seperate from Name for export to excel and analysis purposes (L12045)
198. Performance improvements on loading pages in LinkWEB. Use Caching and Sessions to store reusable static data (L11974)
199. Plugin Framework needs to be Company Specific. Cleanup Company Speific plugins (L12262)
200. Policy Automation for LinkSOFT (L12918)
201. POS -> Search for an item -> Web Search - browser script error (L12168)
202. Primary key serialisation issue in New Devexpress Framework - Primary keys need to be a non serialised value for security reasons (L12142)
203. Process SYS005 - Attachment Purge Option needs to explain which attachments are being deleted (L12969)
204. Purchase orders should be automatically sent to suppliers when approved (L12083)
205. Purge Audit Records should be configured at a Table level so that we can keep master files for a longer period compared to Transactions. (L12350)
206. Purge Data Operation is failing in version 15 (L12971)
207. Purge Data Policy - Review Important documents to preserve (L13002)
208. Purge Data should include Attachments table as this can hold large volumes (L12932)
209. Quality testing on Licence validation, initial requests and Upgrades (L12162)
210. Recruitment Management forms Review (L12249)
211. Reduce the number of Alerts sent out by the system (L12217)
212. Reduce the number of Alerts sent out by the system - Part 2 (L12246)
213. Remove "Role"from "User Login"in Backoffice (L10483)
214. Remove Leave Codes hardcoding of rules such as Leave Loading. (L12099)
215. Remove the option "Other" from the "City dropdown" for "New" and "Demo" databases (L12095)
216. Replication Processing Finetuning and Performance Improvements (L12930)
217. Replication Server setup - When entering Mask, we should limit the size to 2 as we only save the first two. In saying that, we should increase the mask to 4 digits (L12574)
218. Report Notes not updating - should see timestamp value in Report Maintenance (L12610)
219. Report Schedule - When date offset of "All" is selected, the report takes a long time to run (L12911)
220. Reports Export Data raises an error when generating data export for FMIS Integrated reports (L12614)
221. Reports footer notes hyperlink is incorrect (L12171)
222. Reports Performance Improvements (L12309)
223. Reports Performance Improvements affected by very large volumes - Stage 2 (L12315)
224. Restore database needs to be blocked from accessing scheduled processes to prevent data issues (L12561)
225. Restore Database Script to Disable alerts and set the system to TEST Mode (L12537)
226. Review "Date Filters" for fields with "Date and Time" (L12052)
227. Review Error Logging to prevent multiple entries for the same error (L12172)
228. Review indexes and fine-tune for performance improvement (L11957)
229. SAGE300 (2019)/ LinkSOFT Integration for VMS and Full Integration(Similar to Linksoft to JIWA/Epicor)   (L11868)
230. Samoa Tax Core - VMS Certification for (L11931)
231. Security Compliance and Improvements (L12241)
232. Security Updates as of 30th July 2024 (L13055)
233. Security Updates, Third Party Vulnerability assessment and updates. Azure Security Compliance. (L12997)
234. Separate report email set up by the company (L11822)
235. Show multi-line in the grid for memo fields (L12121)
236. Sign and Email invoices created in SAGE 2019.3 (L11883)
237. SQL Process Scheduler should run the longest waiting job first (L12951)
238. Status of Processes in "Company Maintenance" and "Process Maintenance" in "Global Administration" does not correctly reflect if the system is using SQLAgent or LinkProcessService (L12859)
239. Summary of minor changes from 12.44 to 12.50 (L12341)
240. Summary of Minor changes to LinkSOFT 13.01 (L12541)
241. Summary of Minor changes to LinkSOFT 13.02 (L12544)
242. Syntax error is logged when searching Helpdesk cases with spaces between words, e.g. 'additional fields AND edit'. (L12592)
243. System Performance tracing, Event log and Audit improvements (L12310)
244. System Tests for changes done in 12.30 (Extracted from Notes and Journals) (L12070)
245. System Tests, Stabilization and documentation for each module LinkSOFT V12.30 (L12055)
246. The Event Log is updated with an error after "Password Recovery". (L12149)
247. Timeout error message appears when loading Approval Workflow from menu "Approval Workflow -> User Workflow" (L13067)
248. TNA File Data - Cleanup should be allowed as we end up with a lot of data and this slows down the processes (L12832)
249. TNA Timesheet File not processing menu "File Manager -> Watch" (L13054)
250. Transaction search capability to allow easy navigation to a menu item based on a Transaction reference (L12332)
251. Transactions failing to Integrate from LinkSOFT to MYOB. Error: UID in Request body. (L12801)
252. Two Factor Authentication - Enable users to use either App or Email (L12259)
253. Unable to change Password Field on menu "Integration ~> FMISSQLAPI" on some environments (L12719)
254. Unable to send Payslip and other HR Alerts (L13114)
255. Unable to upgrade demo database to version 12.43 (L12291)
256. Update all reports with notes to define the purpose of the reports and report filters. (L09700)
257. Update Component Frameworks for Security Compliance (L12709)
258. Update documentation for FRCSSDC. Redo the VMS/TMS Setup page to add the updated configurations for FRCSSDC. (L12109)
259. Upgrade process error handling should log issues for the administrator to review POST upgrade. (L12105)
260. Upgrade Scheduling Framework from 2.0 to 2.6 to handle Asynchronous tasks using .Net Framework 4.6 + (L12261)
261. Upgrading OLD databases (V10 and earlier) can sometimes cause an error in Full-Text Indexing for Replication systems (L12634)
262. User Login Events should contain more information such as Organisation/Company details (L12962)
263. User Password Reset should BYPASS the "System.Operating.Mode" (L12778)
264. Users should be able to manage their Notifications subscriptions (L12251)
265. Users with NO ROLES logging in create a Critical Error Message in the event log (L12622)
266. Users without "Add", "Edit" and "Delete" access can upload files under "Download". (L11993)
267. Validation of viewstate MAC failed. If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster, ensure that configuration specifies the same validationKey and validation algorithm (L13103)
268. When Purging Users - Do not purge users that are in an Active workflow (L12749)
269. When the Landing page is Blank, the system does not allow the user to log in (L12995)
270. When user logs in, or Reset password is sent, log the details in Event log for audit (L12779)
271. Windows Server 2022 and SQL Server 2022 Compatibility (L12833)
272. Windows Service - Review (L12948)
273. Workflow for Leave and Time are separate - however, the employee list is not based on the Workflow setup. Refer to case CASE T13114 (L12044)
274. Xero / LinkSOFT Integration for VMS and LinkPOS Integration using LinkSOFT Inventory (L11912)


1. "Service Level Agreement" Active/Inactive Status does not show correctly in Helpdesk Cases (L13011)
2. Add a configurable Task "Time allowed to complete" for each "Priority", "Group" and "Category" in Helpdesk (L11728)
3. Add a Document Footer Notes for Helpdesk (L10524)
4. Add Admin Lock on Helpdesk Scheduled Tasks (L12750)
5. Add security to Helpdesk Case to "Allow Close", "Allow Notification Change", Extend "ETC" (L12707)
6. Add the ability to create cases by using tags in the subject line (L12008)
7. Add the ability to extend the "Expected Resolution Date" when adding a comment in Helpdesk (L12017)
8. Add the ability to include email addresses in the Case Notifications (L11967)
9. Add the ability to respond to Helpdesk calls via the internet to allow users without an account to add comments (L11647)
10. Assignment and Excallation Rules review and Documentation (L12851)
11. Automated closing a case with a message (L10515)
12. Automatic Call closure feature (L12849)
13. Change Helpdesk Call Header EDIT security to always allow edit is there are NO Comment Entries (L10541)
14. Consolidate menus for Helpdesk Task Cost Maintenance (L13003)
15. Contact Us is not being monitored and needs to go directly into a Helpdesk Case similar to "Email To Support" (L12166)
16. Deleted items are showing in the menu "Helpdesk Maintenance ~> Category" Detail view (L12177)
17. Document Size in Helpdesk does not correctly reflect Configuration setting (L12954)
18. Editing cases in the projects menu is slow (L12178)
19. Helpdesk "Document Templates" should not be available in the Case Editor if the template is deleted (L12339)
20. Helpdesk Case "Private" flag doesn't allow he User Assigned to view the case (L12985)
21. Helpdesk Case shows Hourglass when loading calls with Large Images. (L12892)
22. Helpdesk cases need to be made PRIVATE in certain cases where information is confidential (L12265)
23. Helpdesk Comments to be marked as "Deleted" instead of removing the entry from the database (L12319)
24. Helpdesk function to reduce document size needs to take into account different variations of HTML Tags (L12959)
25. Helpdesk Outstanding Calls Alert should display "Days Overdue" and "Days Since logged" (L13004)
26. Knowledgebase improvements allow users to easily search for issues and solutions. (L12535)
27. Review "CallsActionedToday" alert and improve readability and content. (L12108)
28. Unable to access the "Complete Survey" link in Helpdesk. (L11741)
29. Unable to delete "Escalation Rules" in Helpdesk. (L11667)


1. Assistant Accountant User Restriction (L11944)
2. Change of Pay Team (L12532)
3. Link Documentation content has lots of formatting issues (L12007)
4. LinkSOFT POS Stations and Backend Server Sizing Recommendations (L12530)
5. LinkSOFT Version 10.148 Release (L12531)
6. Pls contact (L12964)
7. Site Visit for ANGSL (Sanjay Singh) on 11th March 2020 to 13th March 2020 (L11926)
8. Tasks, additional fields, notes, attachments data sources are called twice on page load (L12034)

Payroll & HR

1. HRM - Employee Data View, add additional columns (L12858)
2. PayDayManual Tax File for FRCS in menu "Payroll Processing ~> Tax Submission", the Approval Numbers needs to be BLANK or 12 digit number padded with leading Zeros (L13045)
3. Restrict users from updating the "Employee Profile -> General -> Residential Address" data as this causes the bank file to fail. (L13021)
4. Time Entry Report - Cannot generate any data in the report if ENTRY TYPE filter is selected (L12822)
5. "Actual Points" is not updated under "Performance Points" at Save (L10391)
6. "Allocations" and "Accrual" are shown as "Paid" in the "Leave Transaction" report (L12085)
7. "An expression services limit has been reached." Error when making changes to the "Company Maintenance" form. (L12756)
8. "Data in Grid" for the "Pay Edit Cost Centre Detail" report does not generate data (L12347)
9. "Employee Code" is not Validated when a New Profile is created (L12991)
10. "Enrol" link does not show under "Employee Profile -> Training Schedule". (L10419)
11. "Leave Analysis Report" currently loading data for ALL companies. We need to add a PARAMETER and check user access. (L12125)
12. "Leave without pay" (LWOP) hours should be a negative amount in the "Pay Edit Report" (L12282)
13. "Pay Close" takes 35 minutes for 700 employees. Can we speed this up? (L13041)
14. "Position Structure - Organisation" report not showing the hierarchical view of position structure (L12214)
15. "Reports To" field is not validated in the excel template for the "Position" sheet. (L10392)
16. "System Entry: Leave MaximumAccrued" message should show the Limits so it is easier to reconcile (L12781)
17. "Timesheet Import" using LinkSOFT API does Apply Employee Mapping filter for all companies other than Company Code "1001" (L12889)
18. "Timesheet Import" using LinkSOFT API does not submit entries for processing. Error Message "You cannot change a batch that is in-progress or completed" (L12890)
19. "User Employee Rate" is not functional under "Customer Project/Rates". (L10422)
20. "Vacancy Advertisement Alert" is not sent in version 11 (L10411)
21. “Acumatica” GL integration to LinkSOFT Payroll using CSV File Export (L12264)
22. “Grade Leave” does not Auto-Allocate when “Minimum Service Years” is set to 0 and only Allocates when the December Calendar is Closed (L13108)
23. Ability to "Overide" quantity in pay using the "Pay Employee Detail" import template (L12285)
24. Activity workflow does not take effect in "Time entry" where there is a workflow specified in an Activity (L12621)
25. Add "Access" controls for "Additional Fields" on the "Employee Profile" (L11742)
26. Add "Attachment" option so users can load attachments and save the leave application once. (L12869)
27. Add "Rule Description" for the HR configurations (L10408)
28. Add "Start Date" to TNA Mapping and restrict TNA Import Data based on Employee Mapping and "START DATE" (L12844)
29. Add a configuration to disallow "Retirement" alert to be sent to the employees (L12135)
30. Add ability to Upload Payroll Tax Table (L12806)
31. Add controls to disallow users to change the default "Project and Activity" rates when creating "Time Entries" (L11889)
32. Add labels on the "Employee Profile" page in Link Web (L10390)
33. Add payroll approval in LinkWEB before the payroll officer can generate the "Bank Submission" file (L12192)
34. Add Shift ID and Rate Per Hour for Reports - Employee Listing Report, Leave Transaction Report and Leave Balance Report (L12821)
35. Add subtotals to menu "Leave Management ~> Leave Allocation ~> Leave Allocation History" table (L12780)
36. Add Territory / Branch / Cost Centre & Pay Team Columns to Leave Approval form under Leave Management (L13049)
37. Add Territory, Branch & Cost Centre columns on Users List displayed under Company Administration -> Approval Workflow -> User Workflow (L12803)
38. Add the "Code" field to the "Edit Form" for qualification in the "Applicant Profile" (L10403)
39. Add the ability to group "Employee Composition" by "Territory", "Branch" and "Cost Centre" (L11694)
40. Add Upload Template for Employee Maintenance (L12804)
41. Add upload template for menu "Leave Management -> Leave Transactions" (L13090)
42. Add Upload Template for TNA Setup (L12805)
43. Add wrapping for the "Employee" column in the "OHS Committee Listing" report. (L10387)
44. Allow adding entry into menu "FMIS Integration" (L13074)
45. Allow Edit of Quantity for Pay codes coming from Allowance, Benefit and Deduction of Paysetup (L12684)
46. Allow Time /Leave Entry and allowances to be entered through a single screen with approval (L12916)
47. An employee from Company 1 cannot apply for the vacancy in Company 2 (L12983)
48. An issue with the "Employee Probation" report in version 11. (L10425)
49. Annual Salary is rounded up on the Payslip (L13009)
50. Applicant Profile Improvements (L11970)
51. Approvers are able to add, edit and submit their own time from Timesheet (L11670)
52. ATO Single Touch Payroll submissions can be deleted as some pays supersede previous pays and do not need to be submitted. (L12286)
53. ATO STP PayEvent.Update event not triggered from Link Payroll (L11902)
54. Attachment description is removed after submitting a vacancy application (L11783)
55. Auto Calculate Normal Hours and Overtime when ShiftID, Start Time and End Time details are filled (L11671)
56. Backoffice Payroll migration to WEB framework (L11929)
57. Bank file account number is incorrect when an employee has NO Gross Amount, however there is a Banking amount in the Pay (L12865)
58. Bank File Name should include COMPANY CODE as it is difficult to identify the COMPANY in a multi company environment (L12907)
59. Banking Report in v13 does not show number of transactions for Bank Fee calculations (L12771)
60. BIOMETRIC entries are marked as failed on Timesheet Log (L11713)
61. Break is not deducted for a 24 hours overtime timesheet. (L11965)
62. BRED ALL Bank file output required for customers using BRED Bank (L12738)
63. BSP Internet Banking (IB) Bank File (L12565)
64. Can a Approver be set to a sequence of 1 and 2 together in ESS Approval Workflow? (L10521)
65. Cannot add "Activities" under "Time Setup -> Entry Type Maintenance -> Time Entry" (L13101)
66. Change in File Name Convention for Bank Submission - 40 character limit (L13092)
67. Change in File Name Convention for Supper Submission (L13091)
68. Change to Payslip report - Add "Employee Start Date" and and "Employee Status" (L12874)
69. Changes to Table Names in ZKTeco Software version 8.0.7 (L12789)
70. Changing the "Cost Centre" for a position should update the cost centre for employees with status "Active and Leave". (L11955)
71. Claim Entry to be a fixed Value as it is used for Expenses that are not always "Time related" (L13065)
72. Closing pay takes a long time if there are a large number of employees (L13018)
73. Configuration for Next Pay Dates (L11982)
74. COVID19 Budget Bill No. 8 FNPF Rate Changes - Request for Script (L11941)
75. Create a maintenance for "Meeting Resources" (L11828)
76. Create a template to import employee "Superannuation" setup details (L12545)
77. Create the output file for HFC All Banks (L12018)
78. Creating a "New Database" using the template "Blank Database" has EmailTFA enabled for User "Admin" (L12966)
79. Dashboard for HRM should have options to show filters before data is loaded (L12996)
80. Data displayed on "Superannuation Report (Fiji FNPF)" is zero on some fields (L12546)
81. Data not displayed on "Pay Edit Report" summary section when grouped by "Cost Centre" (L12369)
82. Data View - Approvers in a Workflow (L13063)
83. Data View - PAYE Summary by PayCode (L12796)
84. Data View - Users in a Workflow (L13064)
85. Data View for "Grade History" (L12906)
86. Data view: - HRM - Vacancy Applications download (L12788)
87. Data view: - HRM - Vacancy Applications download (L12811)
88. Deductions with "Includes Banking" is not included in the "ANZ Transactive" and "ANZ Transactive Direct" file - Ref case: L08485 (L12343)
89. Develop the EMS "ECAL" file for Fiji (L11871)
90. Develop the EMS "PayDay Reporting" file for Fiji (L11870)
91. Discipline alert is not sent in version 11.0522 (L10405)
92. Discrepancies with the "Course Attendees Report" (L10428)
93. Discrepancies with the "Course Feedback Report" (L10430)
94. Discrepancies with the "Course Learning Outcome Report (L10431)
95. Discrepancies with the "Employee Entry and Exit" report (L10417)
96. Discrepancies with the "Employee Induction Topic" report (L10423)
97. Discrepancies with the "Employee Induction" report (L10424)
98. Discrepancies with the "Employee Membership" report. (L10416)
99. Discrepancies with the "Employee Qualification" report (L10414)
100. Discrepancies with Timesheet Payroll Report (L10397)
101. Documentation update for "ANZ - Diskpay - All" Bank file. (L12893)
102. Duplicate "Education" details are printed in the "Applicant Profile" report (L10389)
103. Duplicate "Integration Settings" for PreECAL under "PAYTaxFile". (L12143)
104. Duplicate record for one Employee in the "Tax Submission" Report (L12774)
105. ECAL and SRL calculations are invorrect when reducing ANHRS and adding other Gross Items (L12746)
106. Employee and Date Range filters on "Leave Management -> Leave Applications" (L13089)
107. Employee Anniversary and Birthday alerts improvement (L12013)
108. Employee Listing Report to display Salary based on "Pay Category" (L12758)
109. Employee Mapping cannot be done in LinkSOFT Local Database when we have a TNA Integration to Cloud Environment (L12862)
110. Employee not populating in Timesheet Import Log Report upon selection based on Territory, Branch and Cost Centre (L12102)
111. Employee Pay Register shows incorrect branch (L11777)
112. Employee skill is not printed in "Succession Planing" report (L11649)
113. Employees can apply and take Leave with a zero balance (L13088)
114. Employee's start date is not correct in the Employee Listing Report - after change of status (L12238)
115. Employer Excess FNPF to be based on "GROSS PAY" or "Total Emoluments" (L13038)
116. Employer super excess tax exemption (L12061)
117. Enable Two Factor Authentication - Using Email is not ticked when new user is created (L12872)
118. Enhancement to "Utility - Employee Transfer" (L12871)
119. Enhancement to auto Create "Public Holiday Entitled" time entries for employees marked as "Timesheet" (L11683)
120. Enhancement to ''TimeManagementTNAEmployeeMapping'' data import template (L12891)
121. Entries to be marked as invalid - if start time and end time hours is less than the hours defined in segment 1 of the allocated shift (L10383)
122. Error in updating enrollment status in Training Schedule (L11829)
123. Figures get consolidated into 1 GL Code in the Acumatica FMIS Integration Output File (L12982)
124. Fiji PAYE calculation changes for Weekly/Fortnightly pay frequency (L11984)
125. Finalizing the Single Touch Data at End of Finacial Year (L10497)
126. FJECAL Rate change from 10% to 5% (L12043)
127. FNPF Report had empty rows on some pages and does not use up the whole page (L12878)
128. Generating "Paycode Accumulator Report" gives a message "String or binary data would be truncated" (L12632)
129. GL Integration Report - Summary of GL Transactions does not Group by Financial Dimensions (L11979)
130. Grade Scaling to be Greyed Out under Emplyee Profile>Employee Maintenance>Grade History (L12629)
131. Gross and Taxable Allowance Between Pay Analysis, Pay Accumulator, Levy, Employee Payment History and Tax Employer Monthly Schedule Not Reconciling (L12728)
132. Historical Payslips for Employees does not show Bank Details if the Bank account details are changed (L10493)
133. Implement Cost Centre Field on the employee lookup screen on menu 332-3 (L11832)
134. Implement Job Description filter in Employee Position History Report (L11652)
135. Implement standard approval workflow to Time Approval, Leave Approval (L12360)
136. Implement Territory, Branch and Cost Centre to Time and Attendance module (L10491)
137. Improve "Course Feedback" response functionality (L10426)
138. Improve Appraisal Score entry form (L12720)
139. Improve Appraisal Score entry form (L12769)
140. Improvements for the "Employee Retirement Provision" report (L10486)
141. Improvements to "Employee Normal Pay Report" (L12093)
142. Improvements to Appraisal Maintenance and Entry (L12153)
143. Improvements to Leave Transaction Report (L10489)
144. Improvements to Performance Management (L12041)
145. Improvements to TNA Import Log Delete process (L12538)
146. Inconsistency with "Pay Code" fields in version 11. (L10444)
147. Incorporate Family Care GL code (L11767)
148. Incorrect "Hourly" rate calculated in the "Standard" and "Normal" pay (L12140)
149. Incorrect "Payment Method" is output in the "Transactive Direct Bank File" (L12543)
150. Incorrect bank file contents (L11991)
151. Incorrect CEID passed in leave transaction update (L11809)
152. Incorrect data displayed in the "Leave Analysis" screen. (L10468)
153. Incorrect leave "Date To" when leave is approved (L12101)
154. Incorrect PAYE deducted for the 1st PAY in 2023. (L12831)
155. Incorrect Payslip Emailed to Employees (L11704)
156. Incorrect position history causes employees to have incorrect positions when pay is created (L11779)
157. Incorrect Spelling for Data View - Employee Issuable Items (L11992)
158. Increase the file upload size for attachments (L12692)
159. Introduce additional "Employee Status:" filter in the Employee Listing Report (L12881)
160. Introduce Time Validation – so that employees do not apply the same time entry twice on the same date (L12888)
161. IR9 - Employer Monthly PAYE Summary (L12794)
162. Issue in "Performance Appraisal Summary Report" when generated for "Half Yearly" (L12677)
163. Issue with "Employee Transfer" form (L10490)
164. Issues in the "Performance Plan" report (L10380)
165. Issues in the "Training Plan" report (L10385)
166. Issues in the "Training Schedule " report (L10386)
167. Issues with "Meetings " in Link Web (L10407)
168. Issues with GL integration Report (L11972)
169. Issues with the "Course Cost Listing" Report (L10429)
170. Issues with the "Employee Induction Report" (L10485)
171. Issues with the "Employee Pay Rate Utility Report" (L10452)
172. Issues with the "Interview Panel Member Listing" report (L10399)
173. Issues with the "Time Absent Report" (L10362)
174. Leave Accrual & Pay Rate change recalculates Leave Liability and sends the difference into FMIS Integration (L12875)
175. Leave accrual for employees that do not have time entries (L11975)
176. Leave Adjustments to 'Accrued Amount" causes the history totals mismatch with current leave allocation (L13097)
177. Leave Adjustments Validations to prevent users from making adjustment mistakes (L13109)
178. Leave Alert "Review" hyperlink gives an error (L12344)
179. Leave allocation Notes should show the "Transaction Source" and "Type" when a "Leave Adjustment" is done (L13099)
180. Leave Allocation screen does not match with the Leave Liability Report (L13106)
181. Leave Allocation Screen to show unprocessed hours (L12827)
182. Leave Application does not send "Approval Alert" when we use the "Submit" button (L13033)
183. Leave Application fails when multiple "Leave Allocation" is selected that spans multiple days (L13112)
184. Leave Approver that is not an employee should get the Leave approval alert (L12576)
185. Leave code that is VOID causes incorrect value for GROSS PAY and Bonus Calculation (L12669)
186. Leave is not allocated from "Grade Leave Maintenance" when the minimum service is less than 1. (L11956)
187. Leave Split into appropriate pay periods (L11764)
188. Leave that is in the CURRENT PAY can be changed in transaction maintenance forms. These changes do not flow into current pay. (L12330)
189. Leave Transaction Report -Pay Rates showing (Refer to case: L12821) (L13068)
190. Leave Transaction report showing Adjustments when filtered by Taken and Not Paid (L11772)
191. Leave Transaction Upload Template (L12626)
192. Leave transactions should show Financial Year. Change "Year" in Leave Allocation to "Financial Year" (L13069)
193. Leave values are pushed into Integration when Rollover happens (L12681)
194. Limit the maximum number of Active Employees per company (L12848)
195. Link Web - Leave Management - Leave Application User Testing (L10454)
196. Link Web - Time & Attendance - Payroll Timesheet UAT (L10472)
197. Link Web - Time & Attendance - Roster Schedule Improvements (L10470)
198. link web "Payroll Maintenance - Pay Contol UAT" (L10449)
199. LinkWEB "Payroll Maintenance - Bank UAT (L10445)
200. LinkWEB "Payroll Maintenance - Employee Payroll Tax" UAT (L10450)
201. LinkWEB "Payroll Maintenance - Pay Awards" User Testing (L10447)
202. LinkWEB "Payroll Maintenance - Pay Code" User Testing (L10440)
203. LinkWEB "Payroll Maintenance - Project Code" UAT (L10446)
204. LinkWEB "Payroll Maintenance - Service Type User Testing (L10448)
205. LinkWEB Employee Profile User Testing (L10435)
206. LinkWEB 'Leave Code' User Testing (L10455)
207. Logging to identify Pay Close to assist with Performance (T14194) (L13017)
208. Make system dropdown uneditable and verify that dropdowns are updated in report filters where applicable. (L10401)
209. Make the report name consistent for "Year of Service" report (L10415)
210. Merge "Vacancy Listing" and "Vacancy Applicant Listing" report (L10400)
211. Merge Web Recruitment Applicant profile with Backoffice Applicants (L10503)
212. Migration of "Health & Safety" menus from Backoffice to Web (L10376)
213. Migration of "Induction & Probation" menus from Backoffice to Web (L10375)
214. Migration of "Performance Appraisal" menus from Backoffice to Web (L10377)
215. Migration of "Recruitment" menus from Backoffice to Web. (L10367)
216. Migration of "Training & Development" menus from Backoffice to Web (L10378)
217. Multiple Pay Teams Selection in Pay Accumulator Report (L12741)
218. Multiple Pay Teams Selection in Pay Component/Deduction/Banking Report (L12739)
219. National Budget 2023-2024: Changes to Payroll and Point of Sale (L12923)
220. Need a New Time and Attendance Rule as 'Maximum hours to be considered as the same work day' to split Time entries [Created from case 10372] (L10520)
221. Need the system to display and calculate Time correctly for employees who start work on one date and end work on the next date (L11833)
222. New Bank File Format for BRED Bank Online Banking Portal (L13007)
223. New employees details are not printed in the "Employee Entry Exit Report" (L11691)
224. Notification - leave balance over X amount to be flagged (L10306)
225. Option to Capture Contract Terms without affecting Start Date (L12351)
226. Password Error Message Notification (L12972)
227. Pay Approver Cannot Close the Pay (L12761)
228. Pay calendar validation required for Pay Period End and Pay Year-End (L12132)
229. Pay Calendar Year is missing when creating a New/Demo Database (L13104)
230. Pay Day Reporting requirements for Payroll Tax Integration (L12157)
231. Pay edit report is not generating when plugins are active (L12359)
232. Pay Processing - Add validation to prevent submitting pay for approval when "bank date" is blank (L12215)
233. Pay Processing Screen - Bank date to be allowed for active period or POST active period. (L12627)
234. Pay Rate change recalculates Leave Liability and sends the difference into FMIS Integration (L12772)
235. PAYE EMS and Formula changes July 2019 (L10511)
236. PAYE file does not display results when using the "View" option for "2024 File Formats" (L13005)
237. PAYE Output file for PayDay. 2024 Format Changes (L13001)
238. Payroll GL Integration Report Changes (L12084)
239. Payroll Period 12 Close is taking long (L13087)
240. Payroll Processing sometimes raises an error when a new pay is submitted to "Verify" (L13036)
241. Payroll Tax Calculations for "Additional Tax" does not work calculate based on standard configuration (L12337)
242. Payroll Tax Calculations for "Additional Tax" does not work. Tax scales are based on Country Specific Pay Codes (L12336)
243. Payroll Territory, Branch and "Cost Centre" Upload template (L12721)
244. Payslip email from company A states "No Data" when user changes to company B (L11706)
245. Performance Appraisal Report shows 1 KPI appears 3 times (3 lines) on the "Performance Appraisal Report" (L12836)
246. Performance Management Enhancement - CEO/HR2 Appraisal Assessment Form (L12549)
247. Performance Management Enhancement - CEO/HR2 Appraisal Assessment Form (L12711)
248. Performance management Enhancement to Scoring - Manager / Supervisor Default Scoring (L12548)
249. Performance Management System Enhancement - Appraisal Summary & Bonus Calculation Report (L12551)
250. Performance Management System Enhancement - Base Value/Target Formatting (L12580)
251. Performance Management System Enhancement - Bonus Calculation (L12599)
252. Performance Management System Enhancement - Bonus Calculation (L12847)
253. Performance Management System Enhancement - Bulk uploading of KPI and Appraisal Setup (L12552)
254. Performance Management System Improvements (L11998)
255. PNG dependant rebate rules to be made configurable (L12094)
256. Position Change Alert is being received by employee. Can this be made configurable? (L11909)
257. Public Holiday "Rate" and "Amount" is picked as ZERO when entries are created using the Process ESS001 (L12837)
258. Purge Data to include TNA data past a certain date (L12839)
259. Purge User data for Recruitment users as this clutters up the user forms and slows down the system for smaller systems (L12640)
260. Qualification dropdown is not filtered by the company in Recruitment Management (L10369)
261. Rate changes to first Pay Rate when employee profile is edited (L12786)
262. Rebuild employee super details when the fund is edited (L12357)
263. Recompute config flag changes to 'N' every time the process is executed (L12766)
264. Recruitment Applicant Data view in Business Intelligence ~> Data View (L12742)
265. Recruitment is not supported for Multi Company (L12799)
266. Recruitment Vacancy View Performance Improvements (L12175)
267. Recruitment: Online Application - screen to validate data from the previous screen before moving to the next one for Attachments and Position Requirements. (L12810)
268. Recruitment: Online Application - screen to validate data from the previous screen before moving to the next one. (L12743)
269. Recruitment: Online Application - screen to validate data from the previous screen before moving to the next one. (L12809)
270. Reddy Group GL Enhancements (L11878)
271. Rejected applicants appear in the "Interview List" (L10373)
272. Remove "Inactive" Employees from Leave and Time forms (L13062)
273. Remove the "Course Schedule" report (L10432)
274. Remove the "Tasks" tab from the "Meeting" menu. (L12035)
275. Rename the field "Reason" to "Exit Reason" for employee "Experience" . (L10393)
276. Request for Change - Salaried Employee/Employees with Timesheet Marked as NO (L11910)
277. Request to make year NOT "Required" on "Employee Qualification and Education" forms (L11951)
278. Restrict Company filter on Reports to companies that the user has access to (L12784)
279. Restrict Users from viewing Pay Rates and data in certain Pay Team (L13048)
280. Review "Leave Status" for approved leave under "Link Web - Leave Calendar" (L10462)
281. Review "Time Entry" create with "Project Limits" (L10475)
282. Review "Time Entry" duration in version 11 (L10412)
283. Review employee access for menus under Link WEB - Employee Profile (L10413)
284. Review Interview panel member to use user account instead of employee (L10451)
285. Review the "Process Leave" feature in link web. (L10466)
286. Review the "Service" terminologies for employment start and end. (L11692)
287. Review the ability to upload leave allocation for employees (L11997)
288. Review the configuration for "Process End of Month". (L10467)
289. Review the employee details for the "Leave Entry" form under "Leave Calendar" (L10463)
290. Review the functionality of "Create Leave Allocation" button under "Leave Management - Leave Allocation" (L10453)
291. Review the functionality of "Leave Adjustment" in version 11 (L10464)
292. Rollover month but active period did not change on Pay Control (L12193)
293. Rules for "Time Entry" to be made configurable for each entry time. (L12038)
294. Selecting & Adding Multiple Employees in the Pay Processing Screen (L12628)
295. Selecting the "Period" filter gives an error on "Superannuation Report (Fiji FNPF)" (L12370)
296. Separate security access to menu "Company Administration -> Approval Workflow" for tabs "Maintain Approval Workflow" and "User Workflow" (L13057)
297. Separate security access to menu "Time Management ~> TNA Setup" for tabs "Mapping" and "Rules" (L13053)
298. Separate security access to menu "Time Management ~> TNA Setup" for tabs "Mapping" and "Rules" [Created from case L13053] (L13061)
299. Standard Pay not showing PAYE record (L12239)
300. STP - Implementation of Year Finalization and Update Event Handling (L11700)
301. Sub Account not showing in File Export for Acumatica (L12659)
302. Submitting a days TNA Record Times Out (L12745)
303. Super Guarantee entered as a flat rate in the standard pay (L11762)
304. Superannuation Report (Solomon Islands SINPF) (L12791)
305. System does not allow "Leave Adjustment" amount to be negative (L13098)
306. System is displaying a Contract Expiry Date in Service History whereas the employee doesn't have a Contract Expiry Date saved on the Profile (L12757)
307. Tax Employee Certificate (Fiji PAYE) does not include FNPF Employee Excess Amount (L12705)
308. Tax Employee Certificate (Fiji PAYE) Issue – Start and End Date of the Employee is in the same year. (L12155)
309. Tax Submission Data View Improvements (L12195)
310. Test migration of "Organisation Maintenance" to the web. (L10459)
311. Test migration of HR configuration into Link Web (L10406)
312. The Edit/Add buttons stop working when the page size is changed and we navigate to Page 2 and try to edit a detail row (L12167)
313. The Leave Balance in Days on the Leave Allocation screen, Leave Balance Screen and the Leave Transaction Report doesnt match. (L12802)
314. There could be a mismatch between Calendar "For Year" and "Leave" "For Year" where "Leave Allocation" is in a different calendar to the Standard Year (L13102)
315. Time Absent Report - Insert a filter as "Employee Status" (L10398)
316. Time entry by Day - When we set the system to Group by "ActivityTypeDescription", the paging doesn't come up on the first load (L12165)
317. Time entry integration to FMIS fails when the Activity does not have an integration Product Code (L12323)
318. Time Entry Log report takes to long (L12139)
319. Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached. (L13025)
320. Timesheet import executing processes ESS021, ESS022 & ESS023 (L11781)
321. TLTB Performance Management System Changes (Part 2) [Created from case T12683] (L12053)
322. TNA File fail to Process (L12754)
323. TNA Hours calculations is not clear on the Timesheets view (L12713)
324. TNA Import Log Screen - Times out (L12736)
325. TNA Rule R013 incorrect start/end time (L12032)
326. TNA Time not importing to Linksoft. The process is taking a long time to complete. (L13081)
327. Transactions not showing for Closed Pay (L13110)
328. Transfer Employee from Company A to B - Direct Bank and Superannuation didnt get transferred (L12910)
329. Unable to "Create" or "Edit" a leave transaction in web. (L10465)
330. Unable to access the "Performance Appraisal" details for a specific employee (L11780)
331. Unable to add a "Skill" for an applicant (L10370)
332. Unable to add an "Advertisement" for a vacancy in Link Web. (L10368)
333. Unable to add an "Employee Rate Change" record (L11782)
334. Unable to allocate "Project" to a "Customer" in menu "Time Management ~> Time Setup" Customer Tab (L13023)
335. Unable to create an "Employeee" in version 11 (L10488)
336. Unable to delete "Award Grades" under "Payroll Maintenance - Pay Awards" (L10471)
337. Unable to generate Pay Component/Deduction/Banking Report by specific deduction code. (L12768)
338. Unable to generate Pay Summary Report (L11738)
339. Unable to generate the "Applicant Profile Report" (L12639)
340. Unable to generate the "OHS Committee Listing" report in version 11.522 (L10418)
341. Unable to save "Qualification" details with a long description (L12586)
342. Unable to update pay in version 11.603 (L10442)
343. Unable to view the log for "Journal Entries" in menu "FMIS Integration" (L12577)
344. Un-Subscription option for Leave approvers and Improvements to YTD Listing Report (L12260)
345. Update the "Key Performance Indicator Listing" report to show details from link web (L10382)
346. Upload of "KPI Type" fails when using long Values in KPI TYPE (L12673)
347. User cannot Approve TNA Timesheet for ''Normal Hours''. We get a Conversion Error in the Event Logs. (L12578)
348. User does not have access to "Employee Hours Analysis" but still can view it if the user is in "ESS-TNA APPROVALS" role. (L11753)
349. Users are able to "Void" applicants to a vacancy. (L10402)
350. Using the "Change Employee Code" utility removes the Superannuation Details from "Employee Pay Setup" (L12946)
351. Validate the dropdowns for pay menus under "Employee Profile" (L10473)
352. Variance in Tax Calculations between LinkSOFT and FRCS Template (L12777)
353. Variance in the "Tax Reconciliation Report" for the YTD pay. (L12547)
354. Viewing details on "Employee Pay Setup" give message as "String or Binary data would be Truncated" (L12842)
355. When adding a new record in the menu "Time Management -> TNA Timesheet", the "Employee Name" is blank. (L12113)
356. When applying for leave, we should have a "Requires Attachment" configuration for certain Leave Types (L12990)
357. Workflow Approval for Purchasing and Request - Chain Approval and Multi-Part Approvers (L12624)

Point of Sale

1. "Attention Name" and "Attention Contact" is not updated when creating a PO. (L11994)
2. "Customer Fleet Charges" Report gives error when filtered by "Customer Category" (L12897)
3. "Customer Statement" takes long to generate in databases with large number of customers and transactional data (L12272)
4. "Direct Debit Details" is not fully printed in "Receipt A4". (L12056)
5. "Inventory view cost" security .Users cannot view the cost, however, they can update the cost. (L12163)
6. "Invoice View" and "Shift Management" forms times out in databases with very large volume of POS Transactions (L12894)
7. "Last Mileage" shown on the "Fleet Maintenance" screen is currently showing highest mileage instead of the "Last Mileage" (based on Transaction Date) (L12899)
8. "Lot Bin Serial" dropdown is blank when shipping an item through transfer (L12077)
9. "Payments" on the customer screen loads the "Invoice" details twice. (L11674)
10. "Posting Account" and "Cycle Code created in LinkWeb are not seen until the page is refreshed. (L11748)
11. "Purchase Order Post to FMIS" creates duplicate GL Journals when the "AP Invoice" integration is turned off. (L11943)
12. "Quantity Delivered" and "This Delivery" is incorrectly updated for a partial delivery in Linkweb (L12582)
13. "Stock Take Variance" report does not print data. (L11743)
14. "Transaction Source / Reference" details are not shown on Inventory Movement Audit Report (L12798)
15. "Unit Price" of a prescription is not updated with the "Mixture Price". (L11899)
16. 4 copies of the delivery docket printed when the "Delivery Docket - 2 copies" option is selected (L12187)
17. A4 Product Labels Improvement (L11787)
18. Ability to edit "Inventory Valuation" COST in Batch Mode (L12371)
19. Ability to troubleshoot replication data issues and failures (L12230)
20. Account payment receipt shows zero payment amount (L11684)
21. Add "Allow Fractions" in Product Master and check this when doing transactions in inventory and POS (L12173)
22. Add "Category" adescription in the "Inventory Category Listing" report (L11747)
23. Add "Engine" details to the Product Master (L10536)
24. Add "Total" count for Lot Bin in Inventory Adjustment, Ship Screen and Purchase Receive Screen (L10461)
25. Add "Vehicle" details for items in the Product Master. (L10537)
26. Add a COPY option to Transfer Requests (L12775)
27. Add a field for "Brand" in the Product Master. (L10535)
28. Add a Location Filter in the "Customer Fleet Statement" and "Customer Statement" Report (L12587)
29. Add ability to store and print the warranty of items on POS receipts. (L12015)
30. Add ability to view Inventory "Class Items" and easily Add/Remove Items in this list (L12999)
31. Add Access Level Control for CustomerRequest.RequestType Dropdown List (L12557)
32. Add Additional Purchase Details to Customer Fleet Transaction Listing Report (L12589)
33. Add Additional Purchase Details to Customer Fleet Transaction Listing Report (L12838)
34. Add an Alert that shows the outstanding Accounts list (L12090)
35. Add Customer Reports to Data View (L12588)
36. Add functionality to enable POS to work with VSDC without using a secure card reader (No SDC Hardware Required) (L11999)
37. Add functionality to Import Inventory Adjustments from File (excel csv) (L12133)
38. Add item description to the "Supplier Quote Audit Report". (L10366)
39. Add Licence expiry warning for Point of Sales Login (L11723)
40. Add locations dropdown in Invoice Form of Linksoft Web (L12987)
41. Add Multiple Product Category for Process POS030: Credit Note Automation (L12726)
42. Add POS Credit Notes feature to LinkWEB (L12554)
43. Add Return policy days configuration to enforce a limit on returning invoices (L11988)
44. Add Revenue Account in the LinkWEB Invoice Entry system so we can sell Miscellaneous Items (L11950)
45. Add the ability to create "Transfers" from replenishment (L10540)
46. Add the ability to PRINT discount coupons in the POS Receipt and use them at a later date (L12067)
47. Add the ability to reject an item in the Purchase Order (L11995)
48. Add UOM in the Sell Price Listing Report (L12697)
49. Add wrapping to the kit details in the "Inventory Kit Listing" report. (L10531)
50. Additional Changes to Sales Transactions - SAP [SalesSAP] (L12703)
51. Allow Multiple Category Code or Add a New Category for Fuel Consumption Per Kilometer. (L12558)
52. Allow Return of Custom KIT Item with Return Reason having In-Stock Enabled (L13022)
53. Allow the ability to load "Images" of products in the POS Grid. (L11659)
54. Allow users to change "Location" when a "Purchase Order" when status is "New" (L12136)
55. Application Times Out when trying to allocate payment from Customer Profile (L12290)
56. Application Title should be based on Configuration (L12553)
57. Archive data for Transactions - Keep the last 5 years. Needs 36 and 40 to be completed (L12943)
58. Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type numeric. when accessing Product Master for all sites (L12921)
59. Auto adjust the "Payment Method" grid when adding or removing a new payment type. (L12137)
60. Auto-Allocate Credit Invoices to On-Account payments (L12940)
61. Automate the "Loyalty Points" redeem process. (L11769)
62. Automatically open customer display when the "Customer Display Monitor Number" is configured (L11776)
63. Average cost not populating upon doing purchase receiving (L12693)
64. Backoffice Inventory/Purchasing migration to WEB (L11930)
65. Barcode is not printed in the "Label - User Login" report when viewed in PDF (L11819)
66. Batch Entry & Editing and Upload Template for Supplier Quote (L12645)
67. Business rules when managing invoices and payments using LinkWEB and LinkPOS (L12158)
68. Cannot backdate "As at Date" or "Date To" on some reports like "Customer Balance Listing" Report (L12617)
69. Change of Park Slip Print Layout (L11827)
70. Change Request - Cash Sales for Loyalty Customer to Go into POSCASH Customer Account for On the Go Limited (L12184)
71. Change Request - Customer Balance Listing report format (L10513)
72. Change transaction type to credit when loading a prescription that is paid by an insurer (L11808)
73. Changes to Customer Fleet Statement Report (L12704)
74. Changing "Product Code" times out when there are lots of Additional Fields configured (L12245)
75. Check on how Inventory Valuation is Calculated (L12773)
76. Close shift message needs to be changed for clarity (L12218)
77. Combine multiple payment method variance journals for a shift (L12268)
78. Compare Data takes a long time in high volume environments causing high CPU usage (L12307)
79. Configuration for Purchase Receive Date - at role level (L10458)
80. Correct the list of items in the Inventory items "Bin No" lookup list (L12106)
81. Credit note automation for invoices based on Price Level and RRP (L12322)
82. Credit Sale – Payment Screen Pop Up upon completing (L12644)
83. Customer Balance Listing to show sub total by customer type (L11651)
84. Customer Code is displayed under the Description column on the Sales Analysis report (L12682)
85. Customer email addresses are not updated when emailing "Customer Statements". (L12116)
86. Customer Loyalty Transaction report showing incorrect points value when points are redeemed (L12189)
87. Customer Maintenance edit form - "Enter Key" clears data entered (L12126)
88. Customer Payment Screen has invoices duplicated. (L11733)
89. Customer Request changes to processing workflow (L12190)
90. Customer Search in LinkPOS is slow in the Laucala Bay Pharmacy database (L11817)
91. Customer selection list should be not be prompted for processed "Layby" (L12144)
92. Data not displayed on Shift Close Report (L12363)
93. Data Views: "Order Detail Sales" and "Invoice Detail Listing" Times out for 1 days data when Load Data is clicked (L12895)
94. Database Performance Tuning (L12944)
95. Delete button on Integration menus (L12723)
96. Delivery Management fuctionality in LinkSOFT - Make this available in LinkSOFT WEB (L12567)
97. Description is not full displayed for Kit components in the product master. (L10532)
98. Design a report to show sales of "Pseudoephedrine" medications. (L11885)
99. Design a view to export "VAT on Purchases/Expenses" for FRCS reporting (L12283)
100. Discount Vouchers in LinkPOS should be applicable transaction type "Cash Sales". (L12185)
101. Discrepancies in the "Supplier Audit Report" (L10365)
102. Discrepancies with the "Tax Code Audit Report" (L10364)
103. Display Margin% and Margin $ on Product Master Beside Each Location (L13028)
104. Display Message for Restrict Vehicle Fueling to 1 Fill per day on the Pin and Mileage form on Card Swipe (L12896)
105. Do not allow UOM to be changed for an item after it is used (L12219)
106. Do not Show Available Balance on Sales Delivery Docket (L12646)
107. Driver tagging to fleet takes a lot of time (L12767)
108. Duplicate entries showing in "Search Delivery" (L12188)
109. EMS File Corrections in Version 11. (L11898)
110. Enable automatic "Product Code" based on "Category" and "Sub Category". (L11657)
111. Encrypt password on POS Change password screen (L11789)
112. Enhancement to Data View ''POS - Invoice Listing With Driver Details'' to allow for TIME filters (L12876)
113. Enhancement to Tax Detail Report to provide sales breakdown by tax codes (L12714)
114. Enhancement to Tax Detail Report to provide sales breakdown by tax codes (L12708)
115. Error Message in POS When User Logs Off when Customer Display is Enabled using COMM Port (L12597)
116. Error on "AR Sales Order View" in Linkweb - String or binary data would be truncated (L11744)
117. Error Printing report "Label - Inventory Barcode - Roll (48 x 28 mm)" (L12618)
118. First receipts printed after threshold is configured should be printed as the original copy (L11750)
119. Fleet Card and Loyalty Program - Add Mileage Tracking, Card Restrictions and Driver PIN - Multiple changes (L12060)
120. Fleet Card Scan to use Pricing from Linksoft - Specifically Customer Based Pricing (L13079)
121. Fleet card scan validations and improvements to PIN response messages (L12289)
122. Fleet Card Search via the Customer Screen screen - shows Group limit rather than Fleet Card Limit (L12293)
123. Fleet Management - Add ability to set up additional security for each Driver (L11966)
124. FOC Quantity not shown on "Purchase Order Received Report" (L12783)
125. Forecourt Enabler version Update (L12301)
126. Fuel Transactions not showing on POS Customer Display when loaded for Processing (L12949)
127. HSUPEX is added to the "Standard and Normal" pay when the "Employer Contribution (Excess)%" is blank (L12131)
128. Implement standard approval workflow to Purchase Request and Purchase Order (L12361)
129. Improve the handling of VMS Failures (L11840)
130. Improvement to Purchase Order Form (L12625)
131. Inconsistent prompt of complete credit sale message (L11807)
132. Incorrect "POS Time" on VMS Invoice (L12675)
133. Incorrect Average Cost when FOC items are received (L12154)
134. Incorrect Data displayed on 'Sales Discount / Price Change Report' (L11934)
135. Incorrect Lot serial "Bin To" dropdown list when receiving an "Inventory Transfer" (L12078)
136. Incorrect Stock Update through Inventory Transfers (L12068)
137. Incorrect till amount for shifts in the "Shift Close report (80mm) Consolidated". (L11842)
138. Inventory "Cost Method" does not correctly reflect in the "Movement Report" when the "Item Cost" is changed (L12206)
139. Inventory Adjustment form should allow users to automatically generate Serial Numbers. (L12079)
140. Inventory Information needs to be available in Prescription Entry, Inventory Search and Main POS Form (L11720)
141. Inventory listing report - extend the "Bin No" search to filter lot serial items (L12076)
142. Inventory Listing Report displays 80mm wide in some workstations (L12642)
143. Inventory Movement InStock is not equal to the Inventory Valuation InStock of the same period for clients having Standalone (failsafe) (L11702)
144. Inventory Sell Price Listing Report (L11730)
145. Inventory Stock Recompute design change - Use Inventory Valuation values (L12933)
146. Inventory Valuation Report shows incorrect data when a Transfer is processed (L11755)
147. Investigate Purchase Order creation for Foreign Supplier with Foreign Currencies (L11996)
148. Item description is not loaded in POS (L11823)
149. Items with Price Class Attached shows Negative Margin in Sales Analysis Report (L12729)
150. JIWA inventory price in POS (L11760)
151. JIWA inventory status integrated to POS (L11759)
152. JIWA UPC code is not integrated to LinkSOFT (L11740)
153. Kit Items cost calculations can result in incorrect values (L12159)
154. Last Mileage Edited at HQ is not reflected at all branches (L12649)
155. Licence Change for LinkSOFT POS and Backoffice (L11715)
156. Licence Change for LinkSOFT POS and Backoffice (L11785)
157. Licence validation for "EFT", "FCI" and "REPL" fails when licence status is "Production" (L11703)
158. Linksoft Inventory and JIWA Integration UAT (L11928)
159. Log Message: Message: Product [8696630132307] price is not setup - Should be INFORMATION not ERROR (L12630)
160. Log Message: Product [8696630132307] price is not setup. - Should be INFORMATION not ERROR (L12631)
161. Make "Cost" field required under "Supplier Quotes". (L12120)
162. Menu "POS ~> Processing ~> Banking Slip" Show loaded Deposit Number/Shift Number and Modernise form (L12885)
163. Menu "POS ~> Processing ~> Pending Transactions" Modernise form (L12886)
164. Merge "Inventory Cost Listing" and "Inventory Cost Report" reports (L10530)
165. Merge ESS and POS customer maintenance (L11708)
166. Message for Restrict Vehicle Fueling to 1 Fill per day is after fueling. It should be on Card Validation Similar to Expired Card Alert (L12841)
167. Migrate Backoffice Powerbuilder Functionality to WEB (L11716)
168. New Feature - Separate Access for Inventory Adjustment In and Adjustment Out (L11978)
169. New Feature - Stocktake (Count) Upload/Import template (L12020)
170. New Fleet Card Report customisation for OTGL (L11879)
171. No data is printed in the "Customer Statement" when generated with format "Standard" (L12591)
172. No data is printed in the "Customer Statement" when generated with format "Standard" [Created from case L12591] (L12600)
173. Option to Reprint Sales Delivery docket from Web (L12670)
174. Option to Reprint Sales Delivery docket from Web (L12556)
175. OTGL Fleet Enhancement Mobil Sales Delivery Docket and Customer Statement Report - Multiple Changes (L12183)
176. Parent Child Customer relationship and Delivery Docket Plugin (L12196)
177. Pay N.o Entries Incorrect (L12024)
178. Payment Adjustments (Refund/Credits) functionality - Make this available in LinkSOFT WEB (L12563)
179. Payment Type description is not displayed on Shift Close (Consolidated) report (L12114)
180. Performance improvement for Reports and Processes for large volumes (L12321)
181. Pilot upgrade for Gold Creek Cafe and improvements to inventory management and processing views (L11788)
182. PO amount is not displayed in Full when exceeding 6 digits after the decimal place (L10396)
183. POS "Reprint options" should have the option to reprint "Receipt", "Park" and "Processing slip" (L12199)
184. POS Application time-out when group by POSCASH is enabled (L12929)
185. POS Discount Coupons, Receipt Printing Performance and Dropdown Maintenance issue (L12205)
186. POS Integration File Export Takes a long time and sometimes times out (L12340)
187. POS Login - Change Server Connection Details is not working (L12861)
188. POS Login Failure Notification Improvements (L12073)
189. POS Login Screen does not retain the saved Station layout (L12176)
190. POS Processing screen to change screen color (Grid Back Color) on different transactions (L12138)
191. POS Receipt printout shows "Invalid TaxID" when company TIN is not entered (L11799)
192. POS Transactions can be saved in a CLOSED shift if two instances of POS is used on the same machine by the same user (L12623)
193. POSCASH customer created with incorrect ID in the new month (L12009)
194. PrePayment for Fleet Customers does not show the correct "account balance" when completing a POS transaction (L12327)
195. PrePayment for Fleet does not work in version 12 (L12328)
196. Prescription instructions migrated to version 11 is not loaded on the prescription screen. (L11820)
197. Prescription Items sales Receipts should display the Customer information on the receipt (L11644)
198. Prescription Label Quantity should not be 4 DP (L11685)
199. Print PO Location on the PO Receive Screen (L10394)
200. Print UPC code on the "Purchase Order" report (L12198)
201. Process Fleet Card POS Transactions using LinkWEB (L12641)
202. Processing View in POS is too cluttered and difficult to read (L12128)
203. Product Description Does not appear in Supplier Quote Audit Report (L11798)
204. Prompt for Additional Notes on Save (L12800)
205. Purchase Order Received at zero quantity updates the Cost to zero when Costing method is Last Cost (L12305)
206. Purchase Receive POST function can malfunction if pressed repeatedly (L13094)
207. Purchased Received at HQ is not Replicated to the Configured Branch Servers (L12292)
208. Query on Inventory Movement Report (L12569)
209. Quotation converted into Cash/Credit Sales to generate an Invoice number using the 'Next Receipt Number for POS' Sequence (L11989)
210. Receiving inventory items with ZERO quantity updates the item cost to Zero (L12661)
211. Recompute Customer Balance - "Exclude "POSCASH" (L12973)
212. Remove "Time" from licence expiry popup. (L11774)
213. Replication Rule - Send Transactions to Configured Locations - Handle NO CONFIGURED LOCATIONS (L12581)
214. Replication Rule - Send Transactions to Configured Locations - Handle NO CONFIGURED LOCATIONS (L12585)
215. Report Change Request - Implement a new report for a customer - Sales by Salesperson (L11707)
216. Report Change Request - Implement a new report for a customer - Sales by Salesperson [Created from case 11707] (L11770)
217. Reports taking a long time to generate or "Times Out" (L12901)
218. Reports: "Customer Fleet Statement", "Customer Fleet Transaction Listing", when generated filtered by Customer Category and Customer Group report comes as blank (L12898)
219. Request for New Label Report to accommodate Jewelry Barcode -81 mm x 12 mm - Rupam Trendz (L12734)
220. Restaurant/Cafe Setup Kitchen Items view needs to be improved to display Kitchen and Cafe processing forms (L11802)
221. Restrict data flowing into FMIS systems by Customer Category and Location (L12727)
222. Restrict data flowing into FMIS systems by Customer Category and Location (L12845)
223. Restrict Vehicle Fueling to 1 Fill per day (L12702)
224. Returns done in POS does not recalculate stock in the valuation table (L12976)
225. Review "Bank Maintenance" for POS. (L10443)
226. Review the "Page Size"options on the "Product Master" in LinkWeb. (L11746)
227. Review the access for "519-1-Product Cost" (L10534)
228. Review the implication of "Freight" and "Retail Value" in transfers (L10533)
229. Review the product search precedence in Link POS. (L11818)
230. Review the Replication process and reduce the number of data transmitted for high volume sales (L11903)
231. Role to disable cashiers from being able to access the POS "Transactions" menu (L12870)
232. Sales Analysis Report - does not load (L12231)
233. Sales Analysis Report does not reconcile with Sales Summary Report, Shift Close Report (80mm) - Consolidate and Payment Detail Report (L12695)
234. Sales order integration to JIWA is processing very slow at OTGL (L11895)
235. Sales Transaction Export [SalesSAP] to be filtered by customer "Category" (L12180)
236. Scale Setup in LinkPOS is not functional (L11812)
237. SDC Processing Takes very Long using ESDC option when there is no internet (L11645)
238. SDC Signing fails with a message showing the DateTime submitted is in the incorrect format (L11973)
239. Searching for a customer in "LinkPOS" inserts an error in the "Event Log" (L12202)
240. Security on COST METHOD and Partial Close Shift. Add Time control to Fleet Management. Auto PO Close and change to Sales docket for On the Go Limited (Multiple Changes) (L12182)
241. Send Customer Fleet Statement and Customer Fleet Charges Directly to the Customer (L12902)
242. Separate "Customer Balance Recompute" and "Inventory Balance Recompute" into different processes (L12931)
243. Separate replication menus to tie with replication licence (L12216)
244. Shift Close fuctionality in LinkSOFT - Make this available in LinkSOFT WEB (L12564)
245. Shift variance journal posted multiple times for same shift ID in JIWA (L12254)
246. Ship Date to be open in Inventory Transfer Module (L10477)
247. Show the "Kit Components" in the "POS Grid" when loading a "Kit Item (L11660)
248. Simplify the creation of inventory items (L11804)
249. SKUCode Overrides Product Description at POS Fast Keys (L12325)
250. SKUCode Overrides Product Description at POS Fast Keys (L12329)
251. Soft SDC signing fails in POS sale (L11940)
252. SOFTSDC Device PIN is not automatically entered on the first signing of an invoice (L11800)
253. SoftSDC signing fails when the unit price has 4 decimal places (L12005)
254. Stock Transfer did not update the SOH (L12776)
255. Supplier on Product Master screen to update from Purchase Order (L11990)
256. Surcharge Code for Prescription and POS Payments should be configurable (L12934)
257. Surcharge figure should be treated as VIP (L11921)
258. SYS004 Fails to Run when "Archive Point Of Sales Transactions" is enabled with a large "Cut-Off Days" configuration (L12978)
259. System does not allow sale of scale items where quantity is less than 1. (L11887)
260. System is unable to apply around off figure as discount using "Utility --> Discount" (L10478)
261. System prompts "Invalid Allow Negative Flag" when a default "Location" is set. (L11805)
262. System takes alot of time to process account payment (L10476)
263. System to Automatically generate the next Supplier Code (L12724)
264. System to validate missing item description when products are loaded in POS for VMS processing (L11749)
265. Tagging Multiple fleet to a Driver similar to the way multiple drivers are added to a vehicle (L12860)
266. Temporary Fleet Limit Extension (L12181)
267. The customer search filter in the Reports takes over 2 minutes to load. (L12225)
268. The schedule is not created for process POS008 by default. (L11680)
269. Total Cost calculated on "Inventory Valuation Report" for Item with Zero SOH (L12342)
270. Touch Screen number pad pops up even if the user does not have access to Change Price (L12028)
271. Touch Screen number pad pops up even if the user does not have access to Change Price [Created from case L12028] (L12029)
272. Transaction Date in POS sometimes refreshes to "Current Date" after it has been changed (L12980)
273. Transactions is in the "Integration Que" with status "Order Detail lines are incomplete. Possible reason: waiting for replication" (L12334)
274. Unable to access "User Option" in LinkWeb (L11756)
275. Unable to add a new "Bin" in version 12.21 (L12075)
276. Unable to change time in Sales Summary Detail and Transaction Report (L12926)
277. Unable to edit "Product Matrix" for a failed "Stock Adjustment". (L12236)
278. Unable to edit details on the "Product Master"in version 11.816 (L11673)
279. Unable to edit the "Lot Bin" details in "Inventory Adjustment". (L12072)
280. Unable to generate "Inventory Expiry Listing"report (L11722)
281. Unable to generate Customer Balance Listing - Error: Processing ... please wait. (865) (L12227)
282. Unable to generate Customer Fleet Transaction Listing - Error: Thread was being aborted. (L12223)
283. Unable to generate the "Inventory Movement Report". Error relating to data truncation (L12694)
284. Unable to generate the "Stock Take Count Sheet" report for customer "The Daily Stop & Shop" (L12294)
285. Unable to log in to POS using user barcode security (L12122)
286. Unable to Process Multi On-Account Payment (L12817)
287. Unable to process payments from "Payment for Credit Sale" (L11810)
288. Unable to search for items starting with a code (L11739)
289. Unable to update "Customer Details" in LinkPOS (L12118)
290. Unable to Upgrade Bargain Box Database - BBOX-LINKSOFT-DEEMALL (L12686)
291. Unable to Upgrade OTGL Branch Database (L10508)
292. Unable to Web Search for Products that have "&" symbol in the description (L11793)
293. Update Product Master with the "Supplier" from the most recent "Purchase Receipt" (L13027)
294. Upload Template for Fleet Transactions (L12988)
295. User Roles Replication Issue for migrated data (L12658)
296. User should not be able to authorise transactions outside their main location (L12696)
297. Users are unable to log into POS if the "Licence Expiry Date" has elapsed for "Modules" not been used. (L11669)
298. Users can Post a Purchase Order for an Obsolete Inventory Item (L12922)
299. Users password resets when logging into LinkPOS (L11911)
300. Validate the customer list under "Link Web -> Point of Sale -> Loyalty Adjustment" (L10421)
301. Valuation is taking a long time in large databases with large number of transactions (L12303)
302. VMS Certification for FMS Portal and LinkSOFT V11 (L10506)
303. VMS licence is checked when changing SDC configuration in POS Configuration screen (L12583)
304. VMS version 11 accreditation test case . (L10518)
305. Void "Product Matrix" are loaded in the "Product Matrix Details" (L11803)
306. Void locations can be used in inventory transactions - This should not be allowed. (L12074)
307. WBC POS/EFTPOS Integration to VX690 terminal (L11712)
308. When a request is loaded on the ship screen, the items codes are not in order (L11726)
309. When a transaction is "load and copy", the "inventory price", "tax code" and "cost" should recalculate to use the "current product values" (L12091)
310. When the line item location is changed, the system should recalculate price for the location selected instead of using saved values. (L12089)