GL Journal View
GL Journal View records all journals integrated in the
FMIS database.
Journals are created for the following transaction:
Stock Take. Users are required to post the stock
take from "Post Adjustments from FMIS"
(menu 520-2).
Inventory Adjustments. Users are required to post
the adjustments from "Post Adjustments from FMIS"
(menu 520-2).
Purchasing. Journals are not created for purchase of
MISC items. Users are required
to post the purchases from "Post to Accounts Payable"
(menu 577).
Shift Variance. A journal will be created when a
shift is closed with
a variance.
Cash In and
Cash Out.
process "SYS009" - Perform all integration tasks. This includes
General Ledger Journal, Sales Order and
Creditor Invoice.
Journals successfully created in
the FMIS are marked as "Completed". Refer to
Figure 1.
entries include the "FMIS
Ref". FMIS Ref number is the reference from the
FMIS database.
Journals that are not
created are marked as "Invalid". Refer to
Figure 2.
Users can verify the cause of invalid entries in
"Notes" section.
Users can edit the " Posting Date" and
"GL Account".
Users can edit
and send invalid entries via "Process
Entries".Refer to
Figure 3.
Figure 1
Completed Journals
Figure 2: Editing Invalid Entries based
on Notes
Figure 3: Processing Invalid