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Payment Method
Payment Methods are various payment options with which customers pay for their transactions for example, cash, credit card and the like.
  1. "Cash", "Cheque", "Credit Card", "EFTTPOS", "Account","Foreign Currency", "Shopping Vouchers", "Gift Voucher" ,"Credit Note" and "Refund" are created by default.

Steps to create a Payment Method

  1. Navigate to Payment Method
  2. Click on an empty entry.
  3. This will open the Payment Method Configuration screen.
  4. Configure the relevant details for the payment method.Refer to Table 1.

Table 1: Field Description for Payment Method Configuration

Fields Description
Fast Key

Fast key is system assigned for faster payment processing. Cashiers can select the payment method using the Fast Key in POS. Fast Keys include the 12 function keys on the keyboard.

Payment Method

This is the description of the payment method.

Header 1 , 2, 3 and 4.

These are open text field for the users to define the necessary information that should be obtained when receiving payments.

For example, the cheque payment would require the cheque number. Users can add the text "Cheque Number" in the Header. This will appear on the payment screen for the cashier to enter the actual cheque numbers.


Tick the "Required" check box to make the header detail mandatory.

For example, if the header is configured as "Cheque Number" and "Required" is ticked the cashier will not be able to process a cheque payment without updating the cheque number.

Field Type

Users need to specify the "Field Type" for each Header. Field Types include

  • Date Field - This will load the calender for the user to select the date.
  • Lookup Field - This will load the payment list. Payment List is maintained in POS Web.
  • No Field - No Field will only display the text from header.
  • Text Field - This will be an open text box for the users to enter relevant details.
Lookup List If the field type for a "Header" is setup as lookup field, the user should specify the lookup list. The Lookup List is maintained in POS Web.
Verify From List

Required fields cannot be duplicate for a Payment Method in a Sale when "Verify from List" is ticked in Payment Method.

When "Verify from List" is ticked, the value in this field MUST exist in the Lookup List. Note that the "Required" field is ignored if "Verify from List" is ticked.

Surcharge & Is Percent

Enter the surcharge value that is charged with the respective payment.


  • If the "Surcharge" is a fixed amount, enter only the surcharge amount.
  • If the "Surcharge" is a percentage, enter the surcharge amount and tick the "Is Percent" check box.  For example, 2% surcharge on all credit card payments.
Bank Account & Include in Banking Report

 The Bank Account Number can store.

  1. Bank Account number in which the payment will be deposited.
  2. General Ledger account number for the payment method. This is setup for FMIS and Link POS.

If "Include in Banking Report" is enabled then the amounts received for the payment method will be output in the Banking Report for deposit.

Shift Variance Enter the shift variance General Ledger account. This is setup for FMIS and Link POS. A journal will be created for the account when a shift is closed with a shortage or surplus.
Is Multi currency

Multi currency will allow users to process payment with different currencies. Tick the "Is Multi currency " to enable this setting.

For example, if "Multi currency " is enabled for payment method cash then when the cashier select the payment as cash a "Payment Method" form will open with the list of currencies to choose from.

Is Active Mark the payment method as "Active" to  allow the cashier to view and process payment in POS.
Is EFT Enable EFT for payment methods which is directly transferred to the bank. These are payments initiated through an electronic terminal example EFTPOS.
Is System Is System payment methods are designed in the application for payment processing. No changes should be made to the default settings.

Figure 1: Payment Maintenance

Figure 2: Payment Method Configuration