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Pay Edit Report
Pay Edit Report provides information on "Pay Entries" either in a summary or detailed format. The report is vital for pay reconciliation, it allows users to perform a final check on the pay values before closing a pay.

The report can be generated with below filters:

  1. Company
  2. Payrun ID
  3. Employee
  4. Territory
  5. Branch
  6. Cost Centre
  7. Group
  8. Show Details - "Show Details" provide a detailed view of the pay which includes pay values, pay codes and references.


  1. AAL - Sum of hours for "Annual Leave Category" leave codes
  2. ASL - Sum of hours for "Sick Leave Category" leave codes
  3. Normal - Sum of hours for paycode "ANHRS"
  4. T 1/2 = Sum of hours for paycode "ADHLF"
  5. 2x - Sum of hours for paycode "ADTIM"
  6. H'day - Sum of hours for paycode "APHOL"
  7. Other - Sum of all other hours not defined above
  8. Total - Sum of all hours
  9. Emoluments Standard - Sum of amount for paycode types "Gross", "Taxable Allowance" and "Cash Benefit" from "Standard Pay" setup
  10. Emoluments Current - Sum of amount for paycode types "Gross", "Taxable Allowance" and "Cash Benefit"
  11. Gross - Sum of amount for paycode type "Gross"
  12. Taxable Allowance - Sum of amount for paycode type "Taxable Allowance"
  13. Non-Taxable Allowance - Sum of amount for paycode type "Non-Taxable Allowance"
  14. Fringe Benefit Cash - Sum of amount for paycode type "Benefit" and Benefit Type "Cash". Also includes excess super paycodes "DSUSP" and "DSUEM"
  15. Fringe Benefit Non-Cash - Sum of amount for paycode type "Benefit" and Benefit Type "Tax Only".
  16. Deductions Super - Sum of amount for paycode type "Deduction" and paycodes "FSUPE" and "FESUPE"
  17. Deductions Tax - Sum of amount for paycode type "Deduction" and paycodes with "Is Tax Paycode" flag ticked
  18. Deductions Other - Sum of amount for paycode type "Deduction" excluding super and tax
  19. Net Pay - Sum of amount for paycode type "Banking"

Figure 1 : Pay Edit Report