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Plugin - POS005


Point of Sale Receipt and "delivery docket" controlled at customer profile. Enable this plugin in customer profile by setting additional field "Point of Sale Receipt and "delivery docket" plugin"..

When enabled, this plugin does the following:

  1. Adds an additional field name "Enable Point of Sale Receipt and "delivery docket" plugin" to menu "Point of Sale -> Customer Profile".
  2. When this flag is enabled for a customer, the system does the following:
    1. All items in the transaction are marked as "bulk".
    2. Sales receipt is printed if the flag "Print Sales Receipt" is enabled.
    3. The "Bulk Item Receipt" also known as "Sales Delviery Docket" will be printed with details specified in plugin rules.

Plugin Rules

Rule Code


Value Caption

Default Value


Print Sales Receipt



DocketTitle Docket Title   Sales Delivery Docket
DocketSubTitle Docket Sub Title. The tags are replaced at the time of printing the delivery docket.   {@CompanyName} on behalf of {@CustomerName}
FooterNotes Footer Notes   Check items carefully before leaving the store
Have a Nice Day


When using this plugin, rename the "bulk flag caption" to "Delivery" in menu "Company Administration -> Configuration".