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How to use LinkWEB Framework
Users can search for data using one of the below options:  
  1. Date Filters
  2. Search Text Box
  3. Column Grouping
  4. Advanced Search

Date Filters

Web pages that allow users to search for records by date will have the "Date Filters" on the top of the page. Refer to Figure 1.

  1. The date range is defaulted to the current day.
  2. Users can change the date by:
    1. Typing the date in the "Date From" or the "Date To" field or
    2. Clicking the "Down" arrow next to the date to filter records for a day, month or year.

Search Text Box

The data grid in LinkWEB has the "Search" text box labelled "Enter text to Search". Refer to  Figure 2. 

  1. Users can enter words or phrases to search
  2. The grid will filter and reload records based on what the user types.

Column Grouping

Column Grouping allows users to move columns and group records to hide or show details. The grouping shows a tree structure of the data where users can group multiple columns. Refer to Figure 3.

  1. Click on the column to group, drag and drop  the field to the section labelled "Drag a column header here to group by that column". This will group the records.
  2. Click on the "Grey Arrow" next to the column to view the details.
  3. To undo the grouping drag the column header back to its position.

Advanced Search

Advanced search allows users to filter records based on one or more conditions. For example, filter leave adjustments for employees  "E077" or "E013".

  1. Click on the "Filter" icon next to the column header. This will load to select existing values. Refer to Figure 4.
    1. Users can enter text to search or
    2. Users can scroll to select the record
  2. Once the user has selected a value. The advanced search link will be added to the bottom of the grid. Refer to Figure 5.
    1. Click on the link to filter the column. This will open the "Filter Builder".
      1. Select the "Condition" and click on the "Plus" sign. Refer to Figure 6.
      2. This will add a new record to define the filters. Add the filter values.
      3. Click on "OK" to apply filters.  
  3. Users can click on the "Clear" option on the right corner of the grid to clear the search.

Figure 1 : Date Filters

Figure 2 : Search Text Box 

Figure 3: Column Grouping

Figure 4: Advanced Column Filter

Figure 5: Advanced Search Link

Figure 6: Filter Builder