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AP Invoice
AP Invoice  records all creditor purchase integrated in the FMIS database.


  1. Enable process "SYS009" - Perform all integration tasks. This includes General Ledger Journal, Sales Order and Creditor Invoice.


  1. Invoices successfully created in the FMIS are marked as "Completed".Refer to Figure 1.
    1. Completed entries include the "FMIS Ref". FMIS Ref number is the reference from the FMIS database.
  2. Invoices that are not created are marked as "Invalid". Refer to Figure 2.
    1. Users can verify the cause of invalid entries in the "Notes" section.
    2. Users can edit the " Posting Date" and "GL Account".
  3. Users can edit and send invalid entries via "Process Invalid Entries".Refer to Figure 3.

Figure 1 : Completed Invoices

Figure 2:Editing Invalid Entries based on Notes

Figure 3 : Processing Invalid Entries