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Helpesk Logo on Cases

Helpdesk has the feature to add  logos which are reflected on logged cases on helpdesk and case notifications. Refer to Figure 1 below.


Follow the following steps for setup:


  1. Save a copy of the logo with a preferred name (file format jpg) in the Contents\ Images folder of the helpdesk root folder. Refer to the path below:-
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Link Technologies\Linkweb\Content\Images
  2. Configure the logo details under Administration › Configuration in Helpdesk. Refer to Figure 2 below. Edit the following details:-

    Logo_Filename - Logo Filename is the name of the image. The filename should be the exact name of the logo image as saved in 1 above.
    Logo_Height - Logo Height is the set height of the image to be output on the case.
    Logo_Width - Logo Width is the set width of the image to be output on the case.

Note: Ensure that the helpdesk Web Server and Web Address is correctly defined to successfully display the logo. These details is saved under Administration › Configuration in Helpdesk.


Figure 1 : Company Logo on Helpdesk Cases.


Figure 2 : Logo Configurations