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500-IN System Setting.htm

Inventory System Configuration

[237] | Systems Manager | Common Services|



Inventory & HR Integration (Y/N)

Enter 'Y' if you want to integrate Inventory(Product Master, Transfer) and HR Module (Issuable Item, Emp Issuable Items)

Automatic Product Code (Y/N)

'Y' to allow the system to automatically assign Product Code. 'N' for the user to manually assign Product Codes.

Next Product Code

If the Automatic Product Code is set to 'Y' then enter a value here. This number will increment each time a new Product record is saved by the system.

Bulk Flag Caption

Rename this field to show items in the Product Master which should be shown on the Kitchen screen. This would be normally items which are cooked after the sale is processed.

Auto Location Insert in Inventory (Y/N)

'Y' to allow the system to automatically insert all the Locations when a new product is created.

Auto Update Kit Cost (Y/N)

'Y' to allow the system to automatically update Product Cost depending on the Kit Items entered for a product in Product Master.

User Defined Text Field 1 - 5

This enables you to record additional information. Rename the field to your requirements.

User Defined Numeric Field 1 - 5

Numeric fields enable you to record additional information. Rename the field to your requirements.

Lot Bin Caption 1

The name entered here is displayed in the Lot Bin Serial tracked item screen.

Lot Bin Caption 2

The name entered here is displayed in the Lot Bin Serial tracked item screen.

Lot Bin Date Caption

The name entered here is displayed in the Lot Bin Serial tracked item screen.

Next Cost Update No

The value entered here will save the Cost Update with this number. This number will increment each time a new Cost Update record is saved by the system.

Next Adjustment No

The value entered here will save Adjustment with this number. This number will increment each time a new Adjustment record is saved by the system.

Prompt Print Adjust Report (Y/N)

'Y' to prompt the user and print Adjustments Report when Inventory Adjustments is done.

Next Stock Take Number

The value entered here will save the Next Stock Take with this number. This number will increment each time a new Stock Take record is saved by the system.

Blind Stock Take Count (Y/N)

'Y' to show the available quantity for each Product in the Stock Take Count sheet.

'N' to hide the available quantity figures for the products.

Stock Take Update Method (Variance -V/Count-C)

Enter the stock take method for Count method enter 'C' for Variance method enter 'V'.

Create stocktake where in-stock <> 0 (Y/N)

Create stock take for items that has stock.

Next Transfer No

The value entered here will save the Next Transfer with this number. This number will increment each time a new Transfer record is saved by the system.

Change Transfer Receive Qty (Y/N)

'N' to disallow users to change quantity when received during a transfer. 'Y' to allow users to change receiving quantity.

Automatically receive transfer when shipped (Y/N)

Automatically receive transfer when shipped.