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[512] | Inventory | Maintenance |

Location stores all the physical locations for an organisation. Location is used to track inventory movement at various sites.

Location  is tagged to inventory on the Product Master  


  1. Inventory Location Listing

Figure 1: Location Setup




Table 1: Field description for Location.

Fields Description

Set of alphanumeric values to uniquely identify each Location. Enter the Location discription with the "Location ID".Enter the name of the location.  

Location ID should not blanks or single quotes.

Local Address

Local address records the physical address of the organisation. The first and second fields for the address should contain the street address. The third field should contain a suburb, town or locality. This is used in report generation.

Postal Address

Postal Address is the mailing address for the Location.

Contact Name

Contact Name is the name of person to contact for any queries at the Location.

Contact Phone

Contact Phone is the phone number for the Contact Person at the Location.

Allow Stock Update

Allow Stock Update should ticked for a location, to allow users to  update stocktake, inventory adjustment, purchasing and POS Transactions.


Bins are used for stock takes. Bins are subjected to be the rows or shelves on which stock will be placed.

Users need to create the default build as 0.

Default Tax Code Default Tax code is the tax code specific to a location. Tax Codes can be setup on the Tax Codesscreen. Default Tax is automatically tagged to a Product when inserting the location.




            1. Select the Add New Record icon or select CTRL + N and a new line of record will be created to fill in the details.

         2.Click on the Bins detail button  to enter the information for the Bins within the Location selected.