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Price Class

[517] | Inventory | Maintenance |

Price Class can be used to sell different products from the same manufacturer at the same price.

For example,soft drinks.

  1. A can of coke is sold at $1.50 each.
  2. A can of fanta is sold at $1.50 each.
  3. If customers buys a can of coke and fanta together it will only cost $2.35.

We the above example, we can set a Price Class with a Modulus price of 2 for $2.30 and tag it both the products.

Note :


  1. Inventory Price Class Listing

Figure 1: Price Class

Table 1 : Field Description for Price Class




Price Class

Set of alphanumeric values to uniquely identify each Price Class.

 Code should not blanks or single quotes.


Detailed description for the Price Class Code.
Tax Code S elect the relevant tax which is applicable for the Price Class created. Tax Setup is maintained on menu 564.
Promo Type

Promo Type has a dropdown for "Price" and "None".

To enable Promotional Price set Promo Type as "Price".

"None" indicated Promotional is disabled.

Promo Days Select the "Days" on which Promotional Price will be effective.
Price Set the Promotional Price.
Date From "Start Date" for the Promotional Price.
Date To "End Date" for the Promotional Price.
Promo Time From

"Start Time" for the Promotional Price.

Promo Time To

"End Time" for the Promotional Price.

Modulus / Qty Break

Tick the "Modulus" check box to set the "Price" of items. For example QTY Break equals 2 and Price equals $2.30. This indicates total sale is of $2.30.

Untick the Modulus check box to set the "Unit Price". For example QTY Break equals 2 and Unit Price equals $2.30. This indicates total sale is of $4.60.


Records that are "Void" will not appear in any lookup on the system.

Users can click on the "Red X" under the menu icons to "Void" or "Activate" a record.

Notes Users can enter any notes in the notes button. Notes button will be "BOLD" if it has  contents.