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Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Business Intelligence > Reports > Point of Sales >
Inventory Barcode - A4 (38.1 x 21.2 mm)

The purpose of this report is a print the barcode labels for inventory. The label can be pasted on the products and scanned in Point of Sale. The labels can be also pasted on the shelves to show product price.

The report can be generated below filters:

  1. Product
  2. Category
  3. Sub Category
  4. Location
  5. Supplier
  6. Bin No
  7. Company Name - Users can type the company name to be printed on the labels.
  8. Barcode Format
  9. Print Price (Y/N)
  10. No of Copies
  11. Print Start Index - Set the start position of the labels.
  12. Search - This is an open text field. Users can search for records by searching for a "Word" or "Code". 

Figure 1: Report Label