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Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Company Administration > Configuration >
General Setting

Financial Management Information System configurations contain all configurations related to Asset Management functionalities.

Steps to configure settings

  1. Navigate to Administration Configuration --> General Setting.
  2. Expand the row to go into the configuration subgroup.
  3. Expand the row for the sub group to get into the configuration rule
  4. Click on the "Pencil Sign" to edit a configuration items.
  5. Enter relevant details.
  6. Save the configuration.

Table 1 : General Configurations

Subgroup Rule Functionality
General Setting Additional Fields Notes Instructions for additional fields

Application Title

Users can config the "Title" of the application. Title is reflected on the top of the page with the Company Name.

  Attachments Notes

Users can add instructions on attaching documents in the applications. This is reflected under the "Attachment" section on related pages.

Default grid page size Configuration setting that determines the GL account code using the mask defined here. For example, Classification.Location.Group will concatenate the accounts from these 3 areas to form the account to post to
Default page (Home Page) displayed when the user logs in

"Default page " is defined by default. Recommended not to edit.

Default Page Content This is the content displayed in the Landing Page (Home Page) when the user first logs in to LinkSOFT
  Login Page Instruction

Users can add instructions or guide that should appear on the "Login" page.

Login Page Content Enter content to appear under the login page
Notes Instructions

Users can add instructions on creating notes in the applications. This is reflected under the "Notes" section on related pages.

  Page Reports Default Notes

Users can enter instructions on how to generate reports. This is reflected on the "Reports" menu

Alert Meeting Tasks Enabled Send an email alert when a meeting task is assigned to a user. This alert is sent to the "user".
  Address Validation API

"Address Validation API" is defined by default. Recommended not to edit.

  System report enable logging (Y/N)  

"Report Logging " is defined by default. Recommended not to edit.

Number of rows to return in forms with search capability Specify the number of rows to return in grid and report filter lookup.
Tax Display Text Display text for sales Tax codes (GST/VAT)
Tax Number Identifier Display text for Company Tax (TIN/ABN)
  Web Server URL Enter the URL of the web application. For example
Mail Setting Email Size To Remove Image

Configure email size in KB.

When the email size is larger than the configured value, images will be removed from the email notifications and replaced with test "Image has been removed to reduce email size".

Mail Common Prefix Email subject common prefix.

This is an open text field. Contents saved here will be added to the "Subject" of email notifications sent from the application.

  Mail Fail Retry Number of mail failed retry attempts
Mail From Address Email address to issue automatic mails from
  Systems Operating Mode System operating mode (Live/Test). When Mode is "Test", all emails are redirected to the address specified on the "System.Test.EmailAddress". Test mode is used to prevent emails sent to customers accidentally.
  System Test Email Address System test email address. All emails are replaced with this address when "System operating mode" is "Test".
  Mail Email Log  Send Per Minute Number of emails to send per minute from menu "Email Log"
  Mail ReportEmail Log  Send Per Minute Number of emails to send per minute from menu "Report Email Log"