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Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Helpdesk Maintenance >
Assignment Rules
Classification Assignment is a feature that automatically assigns calls to a specified user as soon as a case is logged. An email notification is also sent to the user.

Helpdesk calls are assigned based on the classification selections.

Note : Classification Assignment is only applicable for "Not Assigned" cases.

The following should be setup for the automatic assignment.

  1. Setup the Classification Assignment on Helpdesk. Refer to Figure 1. 
  2. The Classification Assignment criteria should be active to be functional.
  3. Enable the "HEL Classification Assignment Process" to assign calls. This process should be scheduled to run for the automatic assignment. Users can enable this under the "Processes" menu.

Referring to Figure 1 below, all case logged and unassigned with "Priority - High", "Product - Backoffice" and "Group - New Feature"  will be automatically be assigned to Sanjeet.

Figure 1 : Classification Assignment.