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Helpdesk Email Import


Helpdesk Email Import is a feature to automatically create helpdesk calls through emails sent to a mail account.


How it works :

  1. The "Email Import Scheduler" process reads any unread messages sent to a dedicated mail account.
  2. The subject line of the email is used to determine how to create the call in helpdesk
    1. A call is created and assigned to the user when the subject of the email has the company and user tag in format [Company,User]
      For example email subject:
      1. [1001,peter]Tasks for Month of end
        This will create a new call in company: "1001" and assign the call to user "Peter". The subject for the call is: "Tasks for Month of end"
      2. Part of company name, user name can also be used as tags e.g [Link,Peter Smith]Tasks for Month of end
      3. For example, "Juli" is a helpdesk user in company 1001.

        1. Send an email to helpdesk with the subject as "[1001,Juli] Prepare for LinkPOS Demo".
        2. This will create a call in company 1001, the call subject will be "Prepare for LinkPOS Demo" and the call will be assigned to Juli.
  3. The "From Email Address" is used to determine the helpdesk user to create the call. If a matching helpdesk user is not found, then the call is not created. Instead, the message is logged in event log.

Follow the steps below to enable Email Import : Refer to Figure 1 below.

  1. Enable to "Email Import Scheduler" in menu "Global Administration -> Process Setup"
  2. Navigate to "Integration -> Integration Setup" in LinkWeb. Search for "HelpdeskEmailImport".
  3. Expand into rule and configure below settings.
    1. Email Import Mail Server
    2. Email Import Mail Port
    3. Email Import Mail Use SSL.
    4. Email Import Main UserName
    5. Email Import Mail Password
    6. New call from email template
      1. Create a default " New Case Template " under Maintenance.
      2. This template will contain default values with which the case is logged.

Figure 1: Email Import Configuration