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Product Master
Product Master is used to create and maintain key information about an inventory item. Following components are manages under on the Product Master:
  1. Product Setup
    1. Product description and product properties.
    2. A product can have multiple barcodes
  2. Locations
  3. Product Pricing
  4. Customer Specific Prices
  5. Kit and Custom Kit Setup
  6. UOM Conversions


  1. When creating an inventory item, the defaults will be saved if the user does not select required fields before saving the record.
  2. Users can configure the number of items to load on the product master. The default is 24.
    1. Navigate to "Link Technologies Application Folder - LinkWeb - web.config" file
    2. Locate the configuration "DefaultGridViewPageSize"
    3. Set the count against the "Value"
    4. Save


  1. Inventory Listing
  2. Inventory Price Setup Listing
  3. Inventory Sell Price Listing

Security Access

The following security access are used in product master:

  Menu Code Description Access Level
 IV519Product Master  Active,Add, Edit, Delete
 IV5199 Can change "Cost Method" in menu "Inventory -> Product Master" Active
 640-13 Allow Inventory stock level view Active
 519-1 Can view/edit Inventory Product Cost in all forms and reports Active

Steps to create Product

  1. Click on the "Green Plus Sign". This will open the "Edit Form".
  2. Enter below details:
    1. Go to the "Product Master Tab"
      1. Code- Enter a code which can be a set of alphanumeric values to uniquely identify each cycle code.
        1. Users can edit the code to change the product code.
      2. Description- Enter the detailed description of the cycle code.
      3. Category - Select the category from the list. Category is maintained under "Linkweb - Inventory - Category".
      4. Supplier - Select the supplier from the list. Supplier is maintained under "Linkweb - Inventory - Supplier Maintenance".
      5. UOM - Select the UOM from the list. UOM is maintained under "Linkweb - Inventory - Unit of Measure".
      6. Currency - Select the currency from the list. Currency is maintained under "Linkweb - Global Administration- Currency".
      7. Price Class - Select the price class from the list. Price Class is maintained under "Linkweb - Inventory - Price Class".
      8. Cost Method -  Select the cost method from the list. Cost Method is maintained under "Linkweb - Company Administration- Dropdowns - Inventory Cost Method".
        1. Average Cost - Average Cost is system controlled. Average Cost is calculated as:
          1. [(Current Instock X Current Cost) + (New Instock x New Cost)]/ (Current Instock + New Instock).
        2. Standard Cost - Standard Cost
        3. Last Cost -
      9. Status - Select the status from the list. Status is maintained under "Linkweb - Company Administration- Dropdowns - Inventory Status".
        1. Purchase - Physical items that are bought and sold at the same state.
        2. Kit - Products created in house which other purchased items.
        3. Non Quantity Bearing - Non physical items.
        4. Obsolete - Items that are not sold or are discontinued.
      10. Minimum Profit Percent - This is used calculate the minimum selling price of a product to reach profitability. For example, cost of item is $5 and the minimum Profit Percent is 20%.
        1. Assuming tax is 9%, the selling Price is calculated as $6.54 (5 x1.2x 1.09).
        2. Users will not be able to sell the item lower then $6.54.
        3. Discount will only be allowed up to $6.54.
      11. Sell Price - Enter the selling price of the product. This will update the products quantity break 1 price.
      12. Use Location Price - Tick the "Check Box" to use Location Price. This will allow users to set different prices at different locations.
      13. Discount - Tick the "Check Box" to allow discount for the product.
    2. Go to the "Stock and Other Properties Tab"
      1. UPC - Enter the "Unique Product Code" of the item.
      2. SKU - Enter the "Stock Keeping Unit"code distributed by the supplier.
      3. Cycle Code - Select the cycle code from the list. Supplier is maintained under "Linkweb - Inventory - Cycle Code".
      4. ABC Code - Select the ABC Code from the list. Status is maintained under "Linkweb - Company Administration- Dropdowns - Inventory ABC Code".
      5. Weight - Enter the weight of the product.
      6. H  - Enter the height of the product.
      7. W  - Enter the width of the product.
      8. L  - Enter the length of the product.
      9. Lot Bin - Tick the "Check Box"  if the product is a serialized item.
      10. Bulk Item - Tick the "Check Box"  to mark the item as "Bulk".
        1. Bulk Items are located separated and dispatched at sale.
        2. A bulk slip is generated at sale which is used to release goods from the bulk or warehouse.
      11. Custom Kit - Tick the "Check Box"  if the product is a it where users have the ability to select each item.
        1. For example, regular coffee. The customers can choose if they want milk or black coffee.
      12. Product Matrix - Select the matrix from the list. Supplier is maintained under "Linkweb - Inventory - Product Matrix".
        1. Product Row Matrix - Select the matrix for row.
        2. Product Column Matrix - Select the matrix for column.
      13. Allow Fraction - Tick the box to use fractions.
        1. For example an item sold as kilogram or litres will have this flag turned on. Items such as a can of coke will have this flag turned off.
        2. Rules for allow fraction is validated when a transaction is performed.
    3. Go to the "Notes Tab"
    4. Save.Click on the "Floppy Icon".

Figure 1: Product Master