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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Point of Sale >
The form "Invoice" provides a list of transactions in processed LINKSOFT. The page provides following information:
  1. Invoices with the transaction date, type and status.
  2. Items in the transactions, the quantity sold, sell price and tax details.
  3. Payment received on a transaction.
  4. Ability to "Submit and Print" a transaction
  5. Ability to Create  a Fleet Invoice

1. Creating a "Fleet Invoice"

  1. Click the button "Fleet Invoice"
  2. Scan the Customer Fleet Card. The Fleet Card is configured in LinkPOS
  3. Select the Product to sell. List of products to sell is configured in menu "Company Administration -> Configuration"  Flag: POS.FleetManagement.FuelProductCategory
  4. Select the Quantity and enter the Mileage
  5. Save. The system will validate the Fleet Card, Mileage requirements and Credit Limits.

Figure 1: Invoice View