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PDF Report Email Log

Report Email Log menu stores the log of reports emailed from Link-Web applications. The "Report Schedule " allows emailing of reports in a timely manner. Reports can also be emailed from the Reports menu using the "Email Report"  option.

Report Email Log allows the following : -

  1. List all reports that have been queued for emails.
  2. Highlights the status of the email as "Queued", "Sending" and "Sent".
  3. Users can view the "Recipients" and  "Content"  of the email sent.
  4. If the report has attachment details, the file is attached in the "Report Email Log" attachments section. These are for system reports that have configured to have attachments, for example Payslips.
    1. Click on the "Grey Arrow" to expand into the details.
    2. Navigate to "Notes and Attachments" tab to view and download attachments.
  5. Users can resend emails.
    1. Click on the "Grey Arrow" to expand into the details.
    2. Select the email address to which the email must be sent.
    3. Click on the "Send" button.


  1. Before restarting IIS servers or before changing the web.config ensure that all emails with status "Sending" has completed.
  2. For reports that take a very long time to run, it is important not to queue again as this may result in a duplicate email.
  3. Emails that are tagged as "Sending" will be queued again if the sending process lasts more than 10 minutes.
  4. Reports that do not contain data will not be emailed. The status of the email will be updated to "No Data". This is dependent on process SYS009.

Figure 1: Report Email Log