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Audit Setup

Audit Setup is used to setup "Change Tracking" on a database table. The administrators can set an audit for a menu to be aware of the actions of the users.

  1. Contact Link Technologies support to identify the tables that needs to be audited.
  2. To view the audited data navigate to the " Audit data " page. 

Steps to Setup Audit

  1. Edit the record and enter below details: Refer to Figure 1. 
    1. Table Name - Enter the table name in the database.
    2. Description - Enter the a brief description.
    3. Menu Code - Enter the menu code of menu to audit. The menu code is maintained under "Global Administration - Menu Maintenance"
    4. View Name - Enter the " View " name to audit selective columns in a table. Contact your Database Administrator or Link Support  to create a view. 
    5. Is Custom - "Is Custom" is used to allow for customisation in setting up audit. Contact Link Support  to setup custom scripts.
    6. Insert - Enable the "Insert" checkbox to track all records added to the database.
    7. Update - Enable the "Update" checkbox to track all records modified in the database.
    8. Delete - Enable the "Delete" checkbox to track all records deleted from the database.
    9. Days to Keep - Number of days the audit data will be kept.

Steps to remove Audit from a Table

  1. Edit the record.
  2. Untick "Insert", "Update" and "Delete" OR
  3. Click on the "Delete Icon".


  1. There is limitation of 60 columns in a table that can be audited at a time.

Figure 1: Audit Setup