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Accounts Receivable Adjustment

The "Accounts Receivable Adjustment" rule is used to create entries in menu " AR Adjustment View ".

These entries originate from the following areas:

  1. Inventory and Point of Sale
    1. Integration Queue  (Payment Refund, Payment Void, Payment Credit Notes)

Steps to configure Accounts Receivable Adjustment:

  1. Enable the "Accounts Receivable Adjustment" rule in menu "Integration -> Integration Setup -> [Select the appropriate integration code] -> Integration Settings
  2. Configure the "Start Date" under the Integration Rule -> Configuration
  3. Configure any additional settings required by the integration code.

If the integration API is configured to create journals for AR Adjustment, the following journal entries will be created:

  1. Journals for Credit Note. Refer to Figure 1 below:
    Figure 1: Credit Note AR Adjustment Entry

     Line  Account No  Description  Debit  Credit
     1  4000-01  Revenue GL Account  100.00  
     2  3000-01  Tax GL Account  0.00  
     3  2000-01  Debtor Control GL Account    100.00

  2. Journals for Debit Note. Refer to Figure 2 below:
    Figure 2: Debit Note AR Adjustment Entry

     Line  Account No  Description  Debit  Credit
     1  4000-01  Revenue GL Account   100.00 
     2  3000-01  Tax GL Account   0.00 
     3  2000-01  Debtor Control GL Account 100.00