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Accounts Receivable Sales Order
Overview The "Accounts Receivable Sales Order" rule is used to create entries in menu " AR Sales Order View". These entries originate from the following areas:
  1. Inventory and Point of Sale
    1. Integration Queue (Cash Sale, Credit Sale, Returns and Layby)
  2. Time Management
    1. Time Approvals (Billable Time Entry)
Steps to configure Accounts Receivable Sales Order:
  1. Enable the "Accounts Receivable Sales Order" rule in menu "Integration -> Integration Setup -> [Select the appropriate integration code] -> Integration Settings
  2. Configure the "Start Date" under the Integration Rule -> Configuration
  3. Configure any additional settings required by the integration code.
    1. FMIS SQL specific configurations
      1. Warehouse - Warehouse Name. This warehouse is used when inventory is managed in LinkSOFT.
        When Inventory is maintained outside LinkSOFT (integration "InventoryMaster" is enabled), the following rules are applied:
        1. POS Configuration settings "Can Change the Header location" and "Show Location in POS Grid" must be disabled
        2. When creating the sales order, use the Warehouse details from the "POS Order Lines" .
      2. POS Transaction Group - Group transactions for POSCASH by ShiftID and Date (YYYYMM)
      3. POS Part Number Substitution - Substitute LINKSOFT part no with location posting account

If the integration API is configured to create journals for AR Sales Order, the following journal entries will be created:

  1. Journals for Sale. Refer to Figure 1 below:
    Figure 1 : AR Sales Order - Invoice Entry 

    Invoice Journal Entry
     Line  Account No  Description  Debit  Credit
     1  4000-01  Revenue GL Account   90.91 
     2  3000-01  Tax GL Account 9.09 
     3  2000-01 Debtor Control GL Account100.00  

    Stock Movement Journal Entry
     Line  Account No  Description  Debit  Credit
     1  5000-01  Stock GL Account   10.00
     2  5500-01  Cost of Goods Sold GL Account 10.00  

    Payment Journal Entry
     Line  Account No  Description  Debit  Credit
     1  6000-01  Bank Account 100.00 
     2  2000-01  Debtor Control GL Account 100.00 

  2. Journals for Returns. Refer to Figure 2 below:
    Figure 2: AR Sales Order - Returns Entry

    Return Journal Entry
     Line  Account No  Description  Debit  Credit
     1  4000-01  Revenue GL Account 90.91   
     2  3000-01  Tax GL Account 9.09
     3  2000-01 Debtor Control GL Account 100.00 

    Stock Movement Journal Entry - Credit to Stock is ticked
     Line  Account No  Description  Debit  Credit
     1  5000-01  Stock GL Account 10.00 
     2  5500-01  Cost of Goods Sold GL Account 10.00 

    Payment Journal Entry
     Line  Account No  Description  Debit  Credit
     1  6000-01  Bank Account   100.00
     2  2000-01  Debtor Control GL Account 100.00