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Tax Monitoring System (TMS) integration

Tax Monitoring System (TMS) integration uses the following modules:

  1. Accounts Receivable Master
  2. Accounts Receivable Transaction
  3. Tax Master

When integration (FRCSSDC) is enabled , all invoices, quotes, credit notes, returns will require TMS integration.
As transactions flow into the Accounts Receivable table, they will require TMS integration if the transaction is not already signed.

How it works :

  1. Transactions is imported into the Accounts Receivable Transactions table from  the external ERP system.
  2. If TMS integration is enabled, the invoice is signed and email is sent to the customers email address.
  3. In the event of failure, the following there are two scenarios:
    1. Scenario 1 : This is where the issue can be resolved and the transaction resubmitted from LinkSOFT using the "Submit" button in the "Integration -> AR Master View - Detail form"
      1. SDC issue, example card not inserted, SDC network failure, etc.
      2. User Tax File Number was not entered
    2. Scenario 2 : This is where the issue requires deleting the entry from LinkSOFT and re-entering the transaction in the external ERP system.
      1. Tax Code is incorrectly setup

The failure messages of TMS are stored in:

  1. "Notes and Attachments -> Notes" tab against the transaction
  2. "Global Administration -> Event Log"

Process for Quotation

  1. A quote is created and processed in the Financial System
  2. The transaction is imported into the "AR Master View -> Transactions"
  3. The system will automatically sign the quotation with TMS
  4. Email the signed quote to the customer's email address.

Process for an Invoice

  1. An invoice is created and processed in the Financial System
  2. The transaction is imported into the "AR Master View -> Transactions"
  3. The system will automatically sign the invoice with TMS
  4. Email the signed invoice to the customer's email address.

Process for Credit Notes

  1. A Credit Note is created and processed in the Financial System
  2. The transaction is imported into the "AR Master View -> Transactions"
  3. If the link between the "Credit Note" and "Invoice" is available, the transaction will be signed. Otherwise it will wait for the link to be established. The link is made available by allocating the "Credit Note" to the "Invoice" in the Financial System.
  4. Email the signed invoice to the customer's email address.