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Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Company Administration > Processes >
Helpdesk System (HEL)

List of processes and its functionalities:

Process Code Description Default Frequency


Helpdesk Call Actioned Today Alert. This alert sends an email to the user showing all the calls (in table form) that was updated by the user today. The email is also copied to the addresses defined in this process.

End of Day


Helpdesk Call Analysis Alert. This alert sends an email with a list of summarised case details to the "Assigned To" user showing all open calls. The email is also copied to the addresses defined in this process.

Start of Day


Helpdesk Call Log/Edit Notification Alert. This alert sends a detail log of a single call that has been created/modified. The alert is sent to all users relevant to this case. The email is also copied to the addresses defined in this process.

Process Rules
 Rule Code Description Value Caption Default Value
 HEL003.FrequencyMinutes Time in [N] minutes after which the alert will be sent. A frequency of type="Minutes" and interval="[N]" minutes must be setup in menu "Company Administration ~> Frequency" [N] Minutes  30

Every 10 Minutes


Helpdesk Open Call Listing Alert. This alert sends an email with a list of open calls to the "Assigned To" users. The email is also copied to the addresses defined in this process.

Start of Day


Helpdesk Scheduled Tasks (maintained in menu: "Helpdesk Maintenance ~> Scheduled Tasks") are created using this process.

Every 10 Minutes


Helpdesk Project Threshold Alert. This alert sends an email to the "Project Manager". The content of the email body is defined in the document template "Helpdesk Project Threshold Alert". The email is also copied to addresses defined in the document template and in this process.

Process Rules

Rule Code


Value Caption

Default Value






Threshold Type (Hours/Value)


Every Hour


Helpdesk Classification Assignment Process (maintained in menu: "Helpdesk Maintenance ~> Assignment Rules")

Every 10 Minutes


Helpdesk Escalation Process (maintained in menu: "Helpdesk Maintenance ~> Escalation Rules")

Every 10 Minutes