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Help > Installation > Post Installation Configuration and Setup >
Configure "New User" Settings
This page contains settings that must be done before creating a "New User Account" in LinkSOFT. The settings include
  1. Setup the default Company.
  2. Configure the default "All User" role.
  3. Configure the role and username format for users created from "Employee Maintenance".
  4. Update the contents of the User Registration Template

Default Company

Once a user has "Sign Up" they can login and use the system. The administrations need to set the default company to which the user will have access when the login.

Steps to Setup Company

  1. Create the Company in LinkWEB.
    1. When a new database is created the default company code is 1001.
    2. Clients who use POS /Inventory modules must use the company code "1001".
    3. Other modules support multi company setups.
  2. Configure the company  code in the LinkWEB "web.config" file. Refer to Figure 1.

Default Role assigned to all NEW USERS is: "All User"