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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
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Installing Link Technologies Software (LinkSOFT) requires administrative permissions.


Link Software (LinkSOFT) applications consist of two parts:

  1. Desktop Applications for Point of Sale.
  2. Web Applications for Payroll, Helpdesk, Asset Management, Inventory Management and Human Resource Management Functions.

Note: The server components require Microsoft SQL server. There is no need to install LinkSOFT on the database server for the application to work.  The application component of LinkSOFT is installed on the workstations.


Application Installation

The desktop application consists of a Client/Server architecture.  Below is a summary of the installation steps:

  1. Download the latest version of the software from our website.
  2. Run the file "LinkSOFT_Installer.exe" to install the software on the client, Database Server, or the Web Server. This install file contains both the Client and Server items.
    1. This will install the "Database Utilities" that will allow you to create your database
    2. This will install the WEB Server Site files and configure IIS to host the Web Site
    3. If you need to install just the CLIENT files, go to the next step.
  3. Run the file "LinkSOFT_Installer_Client.exe" on all other client machines that require "Point of Sales".
  4. Using the "Link Database Utilities" (Installed as part of 2. above), create a "Demo" or a "Blank (New)" database. This needs to be done only once. All other clients will be able to connect to the nominated server once the database is created.
  5. Setup and Configure application from LinkWeb.
  6. The application is ready to use.

Application Upgrades

LinkSOFT upgrades require updating the client workstations with a new software version, as well as applying a script on the database server.

*** Important Note ***:

  1. Before performing an upgrade, ensure you have done a "Trial Upgrade" and that the customer has signed off on the "Trial Upgrade"
  2. Clear Cache after upgrade as you browser (Google, Microsoft) may store static data that may change across versions.


Below is a summary of installation steps:

  1. Take a backup of the current installation directory in case you have custom reports, or a custom configuration.
  2. Take a backup of the database.
  3. Download the latest version of the software from our website. 
  4. Uninstall the old version from the workstation.
  5. Install the new version.
  6. Run the Link Database Utility and choose to "Upgrade".
  7. Apply the Upgrade Scripts. This needs to be done only ONCE.
  8. Apply steps 4 and 5 on all other workstations.
  9. The application is now ready to use.

Alternatively, use the utility named "Check for Updates - LinkSOFT"


Use the links below for a more detailed explanation on how to install LinkSOFT.