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Online Help and Support

The Online Helpdesk System enables users to log issues, enhancement requests, and general queries relating to our applications. Calls logged are monitored on a regular basis to provide users with a timely response. The Helpdesk system can be accessed at this link .

It is encouraged to log calls when issues arise because not only does it provide us with feedback to help improve the system, but it also allows any of your issues to be solved promptly and efficiently. When a call is logged, a case number is assigned, as well as an e-mail being sent to both parties to keep them updated on the progress of the case. The e-mail alerts can be configured to suit your preference.

Once a case is created, our support staff will contact you to resolve the issue. We use online conferencing tool (such as Microsoft Teams) as remote access mechanisms. If the issue cannot be resolved remotely, our support staff will organize a time to come on site to address the issue. Customers get access to our helpdesk system to upate cases. Cases can be updated directly from emails received as well.

NOTE: All issues must be logged in our helpdesk system before support can assist.

Provide as much information as possible about the issue, as this will allow our support staff to understand the problem and provide a quick response. If sufficient information is not provided, our support staff will need to contact you to acquire more information on the problem. This may cause delays in solving the issue.

Prepare the items listed below before contacting support:

  1. Provide a detailed description of the issue and include any relevant attachments/screen shots.
  2. Include the software version. This can be found in the HELP => About menu option.
  3. Include your operating system version.
  4. Provide screen shots of any error messages, or pictures of the screen that is causing the problem.
  5. Does the problem happen with all users?
  6. Has this problem happened before?
  7. Provide your contact information.
  8. For urgent issues, contact our support team. Our contact details can be found at this link .

Email: Customer Support Email
Web page: Customer Helpdesk Link