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LinkSOFT Database Upgrade

LinkSOFT Database Upgrade will upgrade a database to the new version.

Notes prior to Upgrade:

  1. Collation of the database being upgraded must be the same as the server collation.
    1. To know the collation of the database right click on the database and go to "Properties - General - Maintenance - Collation".
    2. To know the collation of the server right click on the server and go to "Properties - General - Server Collation".
  2. All payroll processing must be completed and the pay must be CLOSED prior to upgrade.

Upgrade Steps :   

  1. Open the "Link Database Tools" application and s elect the following:
    1. Choose "Upgrade an existing Database" option. Refer to Figure 1.
  2. Under "Enter the SQL Server Connection Details" :
    1. Select the server from the list or type in the server name.
    2. Enter the server credentials. System administrative access is required to upgrade the database.
  3. Select the database to upgrade.
  4. Click "Run"  to start.  This will open the "Database Update" screen. Refer to Figure 2.
    1. The screen will show the "Server", "Database " and "Version" details.
    2. System will automatically check the scripts that need to be executed for the upgrade.
    3. Click on "Start Upgrade" to start the upgrade process.
    4. Review the "Display" on the right panel to view the upgrade process.
      1. Scripts will be highlighted in red if any error occurs during the upgrade. Please contact  Link Support for assistance.
    5. "File List Position" and "Script Position" will highlight the progress of the upgrade.
    6. "Close" the screen once the upgrade has been completed.

Figure 1 : Database Upgrade Tools 

Figure 2: Database Upgrade Progress.